Power Trippin' in the USA!

  • 4 months ago
Why do police always feel the need to instruct us what to do?
Don't walk in the street! Yea no shit

After the Parkland High School shooting in South Florida, the cop that ran away who was "working" for the Broward County Sheriff office at the time "The Broward Cowards" later sued to get his job back.
The courts agreed with him and basically said law enforcement is the job or the police officer, not to protect the public.
After that, departments nationwide started removing the long used slogan "To Protect and Serve" off of (OUR) cruisers.

Fact check: Officer fired for failing to act during Parkland school shooting got his job back - TRUE

LAW ENFORCEMENT is their job, not to fish for a crime, bother, harass or threaten us. Every single cop violates his/her oath to the US Constitution each and every day. When you put someone in a cage for
