After a one-night stand with CEO,girl unexpectedly pregnanted and abandoned scumbag to take revenge

  • 4 months ago
After a onenight stand with CEOgirl unexpectedly pregnanted and abandoned scumbag to take revenge
00:24Thanks to the evil witch, this magical poison will bring Olivia and her
00:29Don't fall.
00:31Wait until the rogues come for you, my sweet sister.
00:35We'll see how you try to run then.
00:50What's happening?
00:52I need to get out of here.
01:00Who are you?
01:01Let me go.
01:03Sleep with me and I'll give you a billion dollars.
01:17Who are you?
01:18What have you done?
01:19Good, you're awake.
01:21I don't understand. I'm confused.
01:30No, I don't want your money. I'm not a prostitute.
01:33Do you know who I am?
01:34I don't care who you are.
01:35Maybe you know when you're pretending.
01:37You want more than a billion.
01:39I don't even know what you're talking about.
01:42Look, whatever happened between us must have been a mistake.
01:45Exactly. It was a mistake.
01:47You thought I was going to let you be my Luna?
01:49No. This was a one night stand.
01:51We don't ever need to see each other again.
02:00Where have you been, Olivia?
02:02I haven't seen you since yesterday.
02:04Did you see my texts and calls?
02:09Oh no. What have I done?
02:11How did this happen?
02:12What am I going to tell Ethan?
02:14Olivia, are you there?
02:16What's wrong?
02:17Are you hiding something from me?
02:18It's just that I haven't been feeling well since last night.
02:22I went to bed early.
02:23I must have put my phone on do not disturb.
02:25Where are you? I'll come meet you.
02:27Are you kidding me, Olivia?
02:28I'm not in the U.S.
02:29I left for Mexico this morning.
02:31That's why I wanted you to meet me before my flight.
02:34Are you on drugs or something?
02:36You know what, Olivia?
02:38I can't waste my time with you anymore.
02:40I'm done.
02:41No, Ethan. Calm down.
02:42Let's just talk when you're back in town.
02:44I don't want anything to do with you.
02:46I never want to see you again.
02:48We're done, Olivia.
02:49I wish you and your boyfriend all the best.
02:52Your boyfriend?
02:53What's going on?
02:54How does my boyfriend know about last night?
02:56Ethan, let's just...
02:59Wow, I can't believe you slept with someone that isn't your mate.
03:02Look at all this hickey.
03:06What are you doing? Stop it!
03:08Did she trick me last night?
03:09Why is she taking pictures of me?
03:14Give me your phone!
03:19What did you just do?
03:21Dad, what did she do to my phone?
03:23Kill her.
03:26After what she's done, she deserves to die.
03:28Look at all those hickeys.
03:30By the code of the Werewolf Council,
03:32no one should sleep with anyone other than their mate.
03:35And she slept with a total stranger.
03:37Dad, please, I can explain.
03:39I'm sure that I was drugged and what happened last night was a mistake.
03:42Please, I'm begging you, don't kill me. Please.
03:44You know you have broken the code.
03:46And for this affair, I'm going to kill you.
03:49You know you have broken the code.
03:51And for this offense, there is no other punishment but death.
03:54You must be executed for disrespecting the mate bond.
03:58Please, Dad, I'm begging you. I want to live. Please.
04:03I'm begging you.
04:04I will let you live.
04:06But under one condition.
04:07Find the man who did this to you and marry him.
04:10If after one month you fail to do this,
04:12I will sentence you to death.
04:15Thank you, Dad.
04:16I promise you I'll find a way.
04:21I expect nothing less of you.
04:39New moon pack group.
04:42Familiar territory.
04:43Our pack's alpha, a masked man, founded it.
04:46Perhaps the stranger from last night isn't the owner,
04:49but a high-ranking official capable of writing such a hefty check.
04:52I must track down the stranger.
04:55Can you just listen to me?
04:59Get out of here before I pass the training.
05:01Pestering us with this check for a week, leave now.
05:04But I only want to know the name of who wrote the check.
05:06Can't you understand why it's so crucial for me to find him?
05:09Look, look, here's your company name right here.
05:11So you're saying that you gave yourself to someone who wrote this check to you.
05:14Now your life is in danger.
05:17And you can't accept the consequences.
05:24How dare you slap me?
05:27One month ago, our alpha had a one-night stand with a woman.
05:30Paparazzi found out and publicized the affair.
05:32And now we have tons of women coming here
05:34claiming they have a connection with our alpha, just like you.
05:37Wait, did you just say our alpha?
05:39Do you mean Alpha Mateo?
05:41I can see right through your lies.
05:43And you know why?
05:44Because Alpha Mateo has been hiding his face since he was born.
05:46And you just told me the man you slept with was handsome.
05:49But you don't understand.
05:50I'm not looking for Alpha Mateo.
05:52I'm looking for one of your senior executives.
05:56You've wreaked havoc in this office.
05:57You've slapped me.
05:59Get out before I call security.
06:00You're just someone who broke the code of the Wellwolf Council.
06:03What is going on here?
06:05Mrs. Cathy, she's just somebody who came in here
06:08claiming that somebody from our company
06:10was just somebody who broke the code of the Wellwolf Council.
06:13She tore my check and threw it in my face, ma'am.
06:19You're fired.
06:21How dare you speak about other women like that.
06:23We don't need people like that working here.
06:24Just get out.
06:35What's going on?
06:42Where am I?
06:45How did I get here?
06:50Who are you?
06:51Do I know you?
06:53I see you don't recognize me.
06:55We met briefly before you collapsed.
06:57Let me introduce myself.
06:59My name is Cathy.
07:01I'm Alpha Mateo's mother.
07:03Dear, do you know why you were in a coma?
07:08What happened to my body?
07:10Nothing serious.
07:12You're just pregnant.
07:18I know this is a very challenging time for you,
07:21but I believe I have a solution to your situation.
07:25Mary Alpha Mateo?
07:26How can I?
07:27My child's father is a stranger from the hotel room I met a month ago.
07:31I have to find him.
07:33What should I do?
07:34After a month, Dad will kill me and my child will be in danger.
07:38I agree.
07:47Son, you need to marry the girl of my choice right away.
07:49If you don't, you'll find me dead within days.
07:55You wouldn't believe what my mother wants me to do.
07:57She wants me to marry some girl of her choice and she wants me to do it immediately.
08:01What are you thinking?
08:02I'm thinking I'm not going to let her have her way.
08:04What do you need me to do?
08:07Write me up a prenuptial agreement as soon as possible.
08:09Certainly, Alpha Mateo. I'll take care of the arrangements.
08:14I shouldn't really think I'm going to let her win.
08:17This girl might have fooled my mother, but not me.
08:23Hello, Mr. Olivia. I'm Jack, Alpha Mateo's beta.
08:26Hi, Beta Jack.
08:27Alpha Mateo's seventh at prenuptial agreements.
08:29Please read and sign it.
08:37Get ready. Wedding ceremony's in three days.
08:46Oh my dear sweet Luna, you look stunning.
08:49The Alpha won't be able to take his eyes off of you.
08:52I've never seen anyone look as pretty as you.
08:55Thank you so much. Your work is truly fantastic.
08:59I owe my luck to dating you.
09:03Get out.
09:06I need to talk to my sister.
09:08Do you even know who you slept with that night?
09:11A rogue werewolf.
09:13I sent him to your hotel room that night to ruin your life.
09:16I drugged you too.
09:18Do you still think you deserve Alpha Mateo?
09:23How dare you!
09:25You'll pay for this.
09:27I'm not scared of you.
09:29How could you do this to me? You're my fucking sister!
09:33You should be scared.
09:35Leave now, or I'll expose your secret.
09:38This is because of you.
09:40If you hadn't drugged me, none of this would have happened.
09:42I hate you!
09:45Do you think I care?
09:47Just shut up, or I'll make things worse.
09:52Why are you punishing me, Moon Goddess?
09:56Where do I go with this child?
09:59Why do I lose my life?
10:02I'm sorry.
10:12Olivia, I'm sorry for everything.
10:14I can't lose you.
10:16Please come back to me.
10:19I'm here, just downstairs.
10:21Come meet me in half an hour, and we'll go somewhere far away from here.
10:24Start a new life together.
10:28Hello? Are you there?
10:30Alright, let me just get out of this dress.
10:33It'll sneak out.
10:34Thank you for taking me back.
10:36No, thank you for getting me out of this mess.
10:39Wait for me.
10:41I'll wait for you, my love.
10:48Miss Olivia! What's happened?
10:50Where's your dress?
10:52Where are you going?
10:54I had to go to the bathroom, so I changed.
10:56I didn't want to get it dirty.
10:58I see. Well, hurry and get back into your dress.
11:01Don't miss your ceremony.
11:03Not at all.
11:15Whoa, what the hell?
11:21Seriously? I couldn't find a better place?
11:29How could he? Poor, stupid Olivia.
11:36Oh, my God.
11:38She's so stupid.
11:40She has no idea we planned to sell her off.
11:43Once you give me my million dollars,
11:46I'll get Beta Jones to bless and marry you.
11:49All that money will be yours.
11:52Oh, my God. It feels so good.
11:55I'd do anything for this.
11:58I'm going to climax, honey.
12:03Do you even know how much I just like her?
12:06She's just so meta that everyone likes her.
12:09Did you know her mother left her a fortune when she died?
12:12Seriously? That'll make us rich.
12:15For now, it'll be all mine,
12:18and we'll never have to work another day in our lives.
12:21What is that?
12:25Oh, sweet moon goddess,
12:27if I hadn't hurried down here,
12:29I never would have known I was walking right into a trap.
12:32I can't believe they plan on selling me off.
12:41Ethan, desperate for money,
12:43working with my sister to ruin my life.
12:47Look, what's wrong?
12:49Why did you block me?
12:51Why didn't you come meet me like we had planned?
12:53You're done, Ethan.
12:55I never want to see you again. Just go away.
12:57You can't break up with me like that.
12:59You're just a damn Omega.
13:01What's your deal?
13:03This is between me and my girlfriend, so stay out of it.
13:05Your girlfriend? This is my wife you're disrespecting.
13:08Don't touch what's not yours.
13:12She's not yours.
13:14She was about to elope with me anyways.
13:16You're delusional. I'm marrying Alpha Mateo. Just go away.
13:19You changed your mind? Who are you kidding?
13:22Last chance. Walk away now while you still can.
13:25You're going to regret this.
13:27Both of you.
13:32You better uphold your Luna title.
13:35If you break the rules and dishonor the new moon pack,
13:37I'll be quick to bring consequences.
13:39I can't lie.
13:41I have to tell him about my pregnancy now.
13:43He saved me from Ethan.
13:45I owe him my loyalty.
13:47You have something to say? Why the fidgeting?
13:53I have something I need to tell you.
13:56Spit it out.
13:58I'm pregnant.
14:00It was a mistake. I don't know whose it is.
14:05You don't have to worry about the past.
14:07What's done is done.
14:09So can I keep it?
14:11Does she think I'm evil or something?
14:13Of course.
14:15We don't allow abortions in the pack anyways.
14:17Thank you, Alpha.
14:19I promise to be a good and faithful wife.
14:24Let's go now.
14:26I never would have imagined that I'd marry such a dignified man.
14:30He even accepted someone else's child.
14:33He's so kind-hearted and generous.
14:35He really does deserve to be New Moon's Alpha.
14:38Thank you, Moon Goddess.
14:42I love you.
14:54To you, Alpha Mateo, of a New Moon pack,
14:57accept Lady Olivia as your mate.
15:03To you, Lady Olivia,
15:05accept Alpha Mateo of a New Moon pack as your mate.
15:14Lady Olivia, my name is Alex.
15:17I'm the Alpha of the Cancer Pack.
15:19I will protect and take care of you if you come with me.
15:21Of course I know who Alex is.
15:23Who doesn't?
15:24But why does he want me to go with him?
15:26Alex, do you have a death wish?
15:28Did he invite you here to cause problems?
15:30Plus, you were married five years ago.
15:31You don't get to make the bans just because you're a widower.
15:33Lady Olivia is my second chance mate.
15:36Challenge me again and your entire pack will pay.
15:38Why don't we show the lady some respect and let her choose her Alpha?
15:41Why me?
15:42You resemble my late wife.
15:44The place is next to me, not him.
15:46I'm sorry, Alpha Alex.
15:48But I'm happy to go with Alpha Mateo.
15:50I don't want to be a substitute.
15:52You only want me because I look like her, not for who I am.
15:56Are you sure, Lady Olivia?
16:01I am.
16:03If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
16:07You heard her.
16:11Why can't she just disappear?
16:14How can one Omega have two Alphas after her?
16:17I swear today will be her last.
16:20I'll make sure of it.
16:22Are you prepared?
16:24Will you, Olivia, accept Alpha Mateo of a new moon pack as your mate?
16:42No wonder you ended things with me.
16:44Cheating on me and then rushing off to marry Alpha Mateo.
16:49Who knew you had such a secret life?
16:51You deserve an award, sis.
16:53Hooking up with so many guys in secret and here I thought you were a good girl.
16:58According to the pack's code of conduct, I'd say a death sentence is fitting.
17:02She's right.
17:04Our pack deserves a better moon pack.
17:06I'm not sure if I want to be a substitute.
17:08She's right.
17:09Our pack deserves a better lunar.
17:13Why couldn't it have been you instead of your mother who died?
17:17You have brought dishonor to this house and to yourself.
17:20From this day forward, you are no daughter of mine.
17:24No, dad.
17:25Let me explain. You don't understand.
17:29I didn't do this. Emma's behind it.
17:31I have no ability to defend myself right now.
17:35Maybe he can help me. I know he...
17:38What is wrong with you people?
17:40This is how you treat one of your own?
17:42If you're going to dishonor and reject Olivia,
17:45then I'll take her and make her the lunar of my pack.
17:47After she slept with a rogue,
17:50you still want to make her your lunar and disgrace your pack?
17:53She deserves death, not the title of lunar.
17:58I couldn't care less if you make her the lunar of the Cancer Pack.
18:02The new moon pack and her family rejecting her is what matters most.
18:05Our rejection will leave a lasting scar on her.
18:07How can you show no sympathy for your sister?
18:10You said you'd cackle like a hyena.
18:13Keep talking and I'll break your neck.
18:15Who said we were banning Olivia?
18:18Regardless of what you and Beta John think,
18:20she's still the lunar of the new moon pack.
18:22I've had my fill of this drama.
18:24Who dares to sabotage my son's wedding?
18:27I don't know. She's really angry right now.
18:29She's going to kill us if she finds out we're the ones behind this.
18:32Just stay calm and don't act suspicious, stupid.
18:34I'll make them pay the price for ruining my son's ceremony.
18:38Son, it's time to remove your mask.
18:41Do it for the sake of your mate, for her honor and yours.
18:45You're right, Mom. It's about time they know the truth.
18:48I can't wait to see their reactions.
18:50He's going to remove his mask?
18:51Seriously? He's worn it since childhood.
18:54Why would he reveal his face now
18:56and expose all of his supposed ugliness to everyone?
19:00The audacity of my pack.
19:02First they badmouthed my lunar, now me.
19:04I can't wait for them to see who I am.
19:06Fucking idiots.
19:12He looks exactly like the man in the picture.
19:14He's the man that Olivia was with that night.
19:17Oh, sweet moon goddess, he's the man from that night?
19:21I can't believe what I'm seeing.
19:23He's the father of my child?
19:25I declare Olivia as my mate.
19:27And as you can see, I'm the one in the pictures on your phones.
19:30Is it true?
19:31This isn't real.
19:33How is that Alfa Mateo?
19:35What is happening?
19:37Alfa Mateo?
19:38Stupid girl!
19:40How many times am I going to get slapped today?
19:42We will pay for this.
19:46What a day.
19:49I'm so sorry for my insults.
19:52I was blinded by Emma's influence.
19:54Please, I'm asking for your forgiveness, my precious daughter.
19:58How quickly you've changed.
20:00A moment ago you doubted me and condemned me to death.
20:02Don't say that. I'm asking you for forgiveness.
20:05You disowned me.
20:06Your words can't just undo that.
20:09Please, I am begging you.
20:10Raider John, Maluna's made her decision.
20:13She's no longer your daughter.
20:18Leave now with Emma and Ethan before things get worse.
20:29Did I not make it clear?
20:30Anyone behind this chaos faces severe consequences.
20:33Reveal yourselves now.
20:35The ones responsible for tarnishing my son and his mate.
