特朗普骂美国校园示威者是疯子 拜登只能沉默回避?

  • 4 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌这几天美国各大院校超过1000名学生,因为声援巴勒斯坦示威而遭警方逮捕,前美国总统特朗普在这件课题的回应,让拜登开起来弱弱的?

主持 | @Angelaangxinyi

#特朗普 #拜登 #美国校园 #巴勒斯坦 #哥伦比亚大学
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00U.S. colleges and universities support the anti-war protests in Palestine.
00:04On Tuesday night, New York police entered a student-occupied building and arrested 300 people.
00:09More than 1,000 people have been arrested in 25 universities in the U.S.
00:12The protest wave has not only escalated to violence, but has also become a political battlefield.
00:16How do the two hot U.S. presidential candidates, Biden and Trump, view this hot topic?
00:21Political maniac Trump first said,
00:23These schools are full of lunatics.
00:26He even described the scene of the police driving away students as beautiful.
00:30They did an incredible job.
00:32They went into one of the big buildings, a beautiful landmark building.
00:36Boy, they got the hell beat out of it last night.
00:39The police came in and in exactly two hours, everything was over.
00:43It was a beautiful thing to watch.
00:45Trump, who is about to represent the Republican Party in the U.S. presidential election this November,
00:49Yesterday, he took the opportunity to describe the protesters in the school as angry lunatics.
00:55He is a sympathizer of Hamas.
00:57He also praised the police for arresting students.
00:59At the same time, he also yelled at the president of a university in the U.S.
01:02Immediately dismantle the camp of the protesters in the school to eliminate those radicals.
01:07Trump stands firm against Israel.
01:08He is not worried that such a speech will affect the support rate of the presidential election.
01:12However, U.S. President Biden remains silent on this matter.
01:15In addition, he also let Republicans say that he is running away from the problem.
01:18A little Gaza that spread hatred in the U.S. campus.
01:21When will the president himself, not his mouthpieces, condemn these hate-filled little Gazas?
01:28President Biden needs to denounce Hamas' campus sympathizers without equivocating about Israelis fighting a righteous war of survival.
01:37Now, whether to publicly condemn these school protesters has put Biden, who is seeking to be re-elected, in a dilemma.
01:42Because whether Israel stops in Gaza or not, Biden's government has a certain right to decide.
01:46But on the one hand are young votes, on the other hand are the allies of Israel.
01:49Probably Biden has not yet thought about how to take action.
01:52Therefore, when the White House spokesman was questioned by reporters yesterday, he could only give a pale and powerless response.
02:12The president is being kept regularly updated on what's happening.
02:16As you just stated, across the country, he is monitoring the situation closely.
02:20Opponent Trump has now made it clear that publicly condemning these school protesters is an angry lunatic.
02:25Even if Biden can avoid the first day, he can't avoid the 15th.
02:28How long can he keep his mouth shut?
02:31What do you think of the U.S. school protest wave?
02:34Do you agree with the police's approach to arresting students?
02:36Don't forget to like and share this video.
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