“公司赚几个亿,分给员工何妨?” 安华:私人企业应效仿 员工做得好就调薪

  • 4 months ago
新闻报报看 | 首相安华宣布将为所有公务员调薪涨幅13%,虽然这项新制度只涵盖公务员,但安华也呼吁私人企业,应该要效仿政府的脚步调薪。安华说,如果员工具备良好的生产力与纪律就应该调薪,安华举例说,如果公司赚了几亿的利润,那分给员工几百令吉又有什么问题呢?(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 Some people say that civil servants are iron rice bowls, high salary, good benefits, and many holidays.
00:05 But according to the salary system in 2021, most civil servants' salaries are actually less than 2,500 RMB.
00:13 It was 12 years ago that the last time the salary was increased.
00:17 So the government has been studying how to increase the salary of civil servants.
00:22 Today is Labor Day, Prime Minister Anhuai brought a big gift for all the civil servants.
00:27 He announced at the Labor Day celebration that he would increase the salary of civil servants by 13% at the end of this year.
00:36 The number involved is more than 110 million RMB.
00:38 This is also the highest increase in civil servants' salary history.
00:42 Prime Minister Anhuai said that the lowest salary of civil servants is 1,795 RMB per month.
00:48 Now the salary is increased by 13%.
00:50 After the increase of the salary of civil servants, the total salary of civil servants will be more than 2,000 RMB per month.
00:57 And it covers all levels of civil servants.
01:00 Prime Minister Anhuai also emphasized that this new system will have a huge impact on national finance.
01:04 The government must ensure that the national debt cannot exceed the original level.
01:09 But no matter how difficult it is, Prime Minister Anhuai promises to do it.
01:13 He promised that the salary reform will be implemented at the end of this year.
01:16 He also said that Saba and Sarajevo have agreed to amend the relevant labor law in order to implement it at the same time.
01:22 Although this new system only covers civil servants,
01:25 Anhuai also called on private companies to follow the government's footsteps and pay their employees a reasonable salary.
01:32 Anhuai said that if your employee has good productivity and a good salary,
01:37 he should be paid a raise and a proper treatment.
01:41 Anhuai said that if your company makes hundreds of millions of profits,
01:45 what's the problem with giving more employees hundreds of millions of RMB?
01:48 Anhuai said that although the government is now burdened with financial deficits and debts,
01:52 he still wants to thank the civil servants for their contributions.
01:56 If the employees do well, they should be paid a raise.
02:00 This is also what the government is doing now.
02:02 For the surprise announcement of the Prime Minister at Labor Day,
02:05 Vice Minister Amo Jassi welcomed it.
02:07 Jassi said that in fact, according to the new system of civil servants,
02:10 civil servants should adjust their salary once every ten years.
02:14 But the last adjustment was 12 years ago.
02:17 The civil servants have been waiting for a long time.
02:20 But compared to 13% announced by Anhuai,
02:23 Jassi confirmed that from December 1 this year,
02:26 the salary of civil servants will be up to 15%, which is the highest in history.
02:32 Jassi also said that everyone knows that the economy is not in a good state.
02:36 But the government did not ignore the contribution of civil servants.
02:38 And he also believed that with this adjustment, civil servants would work harder.
02:44 However, the Prime Minister said that the salary would increase by 13%,
02:47 and the Vice Prime Minister said that it would increase by 15%.
02:49 So how much will the salary of civil servants increase in the end?
02:52 How to implement it as a whole?
02:54 The spokesperson of the United Government, Fahmi, said that
02:56 the details of the civil servant adjustment will be announced in the fiscal budget proposal
03:00 proposed in October this year.
03:04 The National Public and Civil Servant Association, which has been urging the government to adjust salaries,
03:10 and those who agree with the civil servants' adjustment,
03:12 said that the previous governments did not do enough to solve this issue.
03:18 So it praised the government for finally hearing the voices of civil servants and made a salary adjustment.
03:23 But as the government announced earlier this year that it would cancel the retirement fund system for civil servants,
03:29 the National Public and Civil Servant Association urged the government to consider increasing the retirement fund for those who meet the qualifications from this year,
03:37 and to raise it to the same level as the civil servants' salary growth.
03:41 Otherwise, civil servants who retire will not be able to cope with the rising living expenses.
03:46 In face of the rising cost of living,
03:49 not only retirees but also tens of millions of workers
03:53 are called upon by 12 NGOs to reform the living wage.
03:57 For example, this morning, the Peace Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur.
04:00 They asked the government to raise the minimum wage to RMB 2,000.
04:04 The organization believes that according to the data,
04:07 the lowest wage in urban workers has already reached RMB 2,568.
04:12 The lowest wage in the suburbs has also reached RMB 1,884.
04:16 At present, the official minimum wage of RMB 1,500 is not enough to cope with living expenses.
04:23 So this morning, about 500 people responded to the event and attended.
04:26 Some people raised the protest posters and black flags,
04:29 shouting "No! No! We must raise the minimum wage!"
04:33 In addition to asking for reform, the organization also raised their six demands,
04:37 asking the government to protect the rights of employees and the people.
04:40 For the government's announcement of the civil servant reform,
04:44 netizens' reactions were all over the place.
04:47 Many netizens mocked and said,
04:48 "Since the government has raised the salary of civil servants,
04:52 it is time to optimize their quality of service."
04:56 Some even said,
04:57 "The tax is paid by the whole people,
05:00 but only the salary of civil servants is increased.
05:03 Therefore, they suggest that the government should adjust the salary according to the performance of the work."
05:07 But some netizens sympathized with civil servants,
05:10 because in the case of tax increase,
05:13 how should civil servants use such a low salary to cope with living expenses?
05:19 [Music]
