• last year
A grateful A.J. Brown is blessed
00:00Um, it's been a huge blessing, you know, um, I've just been saying that over and over.
00:09I'm just so grateful.
00:10I really don't have the words for it, honestly, um, you know, uh, just God just been having
00:18his favor with my life, you know, since I was little and, you know, uh, it's tough to
00:24understand at times, you know, and I asked myself, why me, you know, from my, my state,
00:30you know, from my home, you know, um, my family, you know, like, like why God picked me, you
00:38And, uh, sometimes I don't understand it sometimes, and this is another one, you know, this is
00:44something that just kind of stumbled upon, you know, but, you know, uh, God gives us
00:50free will.
00:51And, you know, of course, I've been doing what I'm supposed to be doing, you know, uh,
00:57working hard, but, you know, I'm human too, you know, I mess up and, uh, but, uh, some,
01:03I don't understand it, but I'm here now, you know, and I'm blessed and I'm gonna continue
01:08to try to walk in, walk in my purpose.
