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**Help Out Skate to Hell (Special Thanks Credits, Blu-rays, Producer Credits) - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/skate-to-hell-horror-comedy-slasher-film/x/28633770#/

Skate to Hell is Directed by Shawn C Phillips and Stars - Spencer Breslin, Joseph Poliquin, Lorelei Linklater, Eric Roberts, Nicole Butler, Robert Carradine, James Duvall, Todd Bridges, Lisa Wilcox, Robert Lasardo, Jenna Jameson, Oliver Robins, Scott Schwatz, Mason Resse, Eileen Dietz, Riley Wade Chase, Elizabeth Chamberlin, Lee Waddell, Brett Wagner, Douglas Tait, Leah Voysey, John Dugan, Michael B Moynahn, Darren Ewing, Matthew "Unspoken Notion" Clark

Plot - The Devil has created a cursed skateboard for his son which allows him to visit earth. After a group of teens steal the board, the Devil returns to earth to find his missing son and retrieve the board, by any means necessary.


