• last year
A prankster spent 50 hours covering his mum's kitchen with pictures of Gordon Ramsey.

Maks Majewski, 21, transformed his mum's kitchen using 2,000 pages A4 - which he spent £700 printing out.

He said his mum, Anna Majewski, 47, a nursery worker, was "annoyed" when she saw what he'd done.

Maks, a content creator, from Kingston, south west London, said: "The cutting stage and preparing the size and measuring everything out, that alone took at least a day.

"Everything had to have blu tack on it as well so it would stick to the wall.

"Every piece of paper had four little balls of blu tack - so making the balls for the pictures took two days.

"Sticking them all on a wall took another two days - so it took a long time."

This is not the first time Maks has transformed his mum's kitchen.

In February, he spent five hours and £311 transforming the kitchen into a McDonald's restaurant.


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