Girdap | Vortex | Official Teaser Trailer

  • 6 ay önce
Türkiyede Tüm Ailesini trafik kazasında kaybeden eski bir polis memuru, mesleğinden istifa edip Avusturya ya göç eder ve buradada şasinsızlıklar peşini bırakmaz ailesinin acısı yetmezmiş gibi bu seferde çocuğu kaçırılır ve bundan sonra suçluların peşine düşer. Kendi trajedisinden ilham alarak çocukları kaçırılan tüm aileler için adaleti sağlamaya kararlıdır ve tüm benliğinle suçlulara karşı savaşır

An ex-police officer in Turkey, who lost his entire family in a traffic accident, resigns from his profession and migrates to Australia in an attempt to escape his tragic past. However, misfortunes persist as, in Australia , his child is abducted, compounding his grief. Determined to seek justice, he embarks on a relentless pursuit of the criminals. Inspired by his own tragedy, he is resolute in ensuring justice for all families whose children have been abducted. With a steadfast commitment, he engages in a personal battle against the criminals, driven by a sense of justice and empathy for those who share a similar fate.
