Commodity of the Day (29/04/2024)

  • 5 months ago
Harga komoditas lebih cenderung melemah, di tengah penantian kebijakan suku bunga The Fed di pekan ini, dan meredanya konflik Timur Tengah. Harga batu bara ambruk 5,11% dalam sepekan, harga emas dan harga minyak mentah kompak melemah di awal pekan.


00:00 We move on to the next information, the commodity price is more likely to weaken
00:04 in the middle of the wait for the Bunga Tufek tribe policy in this week
00:07 and reduce the Middle East conflict.
00:09 The price of coal in Ambruk is 5.11% in a week,
00:13 the price of coal and crude oil is compactly weakened in the early week.
00:17 The price of coal is back to Ambruk after quite optimistic market players
00:25 have won the geopolitical conflict in the Middle East that can support the price of coal as an oil substitute.
00:30 In addition to the weakness, there is a drop in demand for thermal coal from South China Sea trade
00:35 because the price is in a low level.
00:37 Reported from Infinitiv, the price of coal-contracted coal in May Achuan S Newcastle
00:40 in the last Friday trade was corrected 0.92%
00:44 at level 134.5 USD per ton.
00:47 In a week, the price of coal has fallen 5.11%.
00:51 [music]
00:56 The price of coal in the world has fallen 0.11% to 2335 USD per ton
01:01 in the early Monday trade in the week.
01:04 The correction occurred in the middle of the profit-taking action of investors
01:07 after a sharp decline a few times ago.
01:09 The price of coal is expected to fluctuate this week
01:12 because the market is waiting for the decision of the Fed.
01:14 Before that, the Infinitiv data was released in the last Friday trade.
01:18 The price of coal is expected to close at 0.25% at level 2337.71 USD per ton.
01:24 This closing position is the highest since April 19, 2024.
01:28 [music]
01:34 The price of crude oil in the world has weakened compared to the early Monday trade.
01:37 The Infinitiv data released fell 0.96% to level 88.64 USD per barrel.
01:44 WTO weakened 0.96% to level 83.09 USD per barrel.
01:48 Previously, in the Friday trade, the price of coal rose to 89.5 USD per barrel.
01:53 While WTO fell to 83.85 USD per barrel.
01:56 The price of crude oil fluctuates in the middle of the Middle East conflict.
02:01 On the other hand, the data of the US-based PCI-NT inflation is getting stronger.
02:04 It is getting closer to the prospect of reducing the flow of flowers.
02:07 [music]
02:19 And we will immediately update how the price movement of a number of commodities
02:23 that were collected by our team reduction
02:25 arrived this afternoon in West Indonesia.
02:28 We have seen the graphics on the screen of your television.
02:30 WTO oil price decreased 0.98% to 83.05 USD per barrel.
02:37 Nickel increased 0.24% to 19,302 USD per ton.
02:42 Gold decreased 0.24% to 2,341 USD per ounce.
02:48 While WTO weakened 0.07% to 3,917 USD per ton.
02:55 [music]