Commodity of the Day (22/05/2024)

  • 4 months ago
Harga emas dunia turun, setelah mencapai rekor tertinggi di sepanjang masa. Harga minyak mentak anjlok di atas 1%, di tengah kekhawatiran kebijakan suku bunga tinggi The Fed. Kondisi berbeda terjadi pada harga batu bara, yang berbalik menguat di tengah masih kuatnya konsumsi di wilayah Eropa.


00:00 We move on to the information of the commodity market. The world's gold price has fallen after reaching the highest record in the long run. The price of raw oil is up above 1% in the midst of concerns of the high-definition policy. Different conditions occur in the price of coal, which is back to strong in the midst of still strong consumption in the European region.
00:23 The world's gold price has fallen after reaching the highest record in the long run because investor White NC is waiting for the news of the Central Bank meeting last week. According to the world's gold price refinitive data, the trade after the drop of 0.14% was recorded at US$2,421.64 per try-on.
00:45 Meanwhile, the price of oil in the morning market is still corrected at 0.2% at US$2,421.91 per try-on. Although it fell, in the last week the price of oil still recorded an increase of 2.8% point to point. And in the last month the price of oil rose 3.77%.
01:10 Meanwhile, the price of oil fell for the third consecutive session in the morning market in the midst of the expectation of the Fed to maintain a higher flow rate, which affects the use of coal in the United States.
01:22 According to the world's oil price refinitive data, the price of brand-owned oil in the United States was closed at 1% and WTI fell 0.68%. Meanwhile, in the morning trade, the oil of the brand is still monitored to be weak at 0.63% at US$82.36 per barrel and WTI is still pressed at 1.14% at US$78.12 per barrel.
01:50 Coal prices are back to their strong point after a correction in the early-week trading, in the trading of the same time. The price of coal in the Aish Dukes Stock contract of May 2024 was closed at US$142.8 per ton, up 0.42%.
02:07 The expectation of increasing demand is still able to support the price of coal, even in Europe. According to a report from the Amber Research Institute, in January to April, Turkey became the country with the largest coal power plant in Europe, producing 36 TWh, shifting Germany to 34.6 TWh.
02:26 Various sources, Aidek Channel
02:30 The price of commodities
02:32 And next we will update how the price of commodities accumulated by our production team reached this afternoon at noon Indonesia time.
02:41 Where WTI oil fell 0.10% at US$77.83 per barrel. Nickel weakened after increasing the significance of the extractor at 0.30%, but still moving at the top level, at US$21,258.50 per ton.
02:58 Gold also weakened at 0.26%, at the level of US$2419.60 per troy ounce, after breaking the highest record in the past day.
03:09 Then CPO also weakened at 1.48%, at Rp3,917 per ton.
03:16 Thank you for watching!