The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 291-300

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:00 (dramatic music)
00:00:01 After leaving the hospital,
00:00:03 Kevin received a call from Jared.
00:00:05 On the phone, Jared told Kevin
00:00:08 that he had bought all the required herbs
00:00:10 to refine the ice lotus.
00:00:12 Now, he needed to get Kevin to come over
00:00:15 and start the process.
00:00:16 After asking for his location,
00:00:19 Kevin rushed right over.
00:00:20 As soon as Kevin left,
00:00:23 a longer Rolls Royce appeared in front of the hospital.
00:00:27 The vehicle's body and glass were both obviously made
00:00:31 of bulletproof material,
00:00:32 and the license plate hanging in front of the car
00:00:35 showed that the passengers were distinguished and important.
00:00:38 It was obvious that the person seated inside
00:00:42 was an influential individual from San Francisco.
00:00:46 They were either rich or noble.
00:00:48 The entrance of the hospital was chaotic,
00:00:52 as quite a few people took out their cell phones
00:00:55 to take pictures.
00:00:57 A few bodyguards in black suits and headphones
00:01:00 appeared beside the car to disperse the crowd.
00:01:04 With a menacing glare from the bodyguards,
00:01:06 the bystanders got the message and left the area.
00:01:10 Once the coast was clear,
00:01:11 the door to the car slowly opened.
00:01:14 A lady wearing luxurious clothing got out of the backseat.
00:01:18 She had a delicate complexion,
00:01:20 and her skin was extremely well-maintained,
00:01:23 without a single trace of a wrinkle or blemish.
00:01:27 - Madam, we're here.
00:01:29 - A husky voice sounded from behind her,
00:01:32 and a stooped figure appeared from the vehicle.
00:01:35 The figure was like the shadow of a noblewoman,
00:01:38 always close behind and hiding in the shadows.
00:01:41 "Yes," the lady nodded,
00:01:45 after which a bright smile appeared on her face.
00:01:47 "Granny, let's go in and take a look."
00:01:52 At this moment, in Claire's room,
00:01:55 Eileen was blabbering on and on.
00:01:58 - Claire, what did that trash say to you?
00:02:03 Tell me the truth.
00:02:04 - Mom, Kevin didn't say anything.
00:02:08 - Claire was a bit helpless as she tried to stall Eileen.
00:02:10 Just as she was about to find an excuse
00:02:14 to keep from telling her the story,
00:02:16 a black shadow appeared behind Eileen.
00:02:19 Claire's pupils contracted.
00:02:22 Just as she was about to shout out a warning to Eileen,
00:02:25 the black shadow stretched out a hand
00:02:27 and grabbed the back of Eileen's neck.
00:02:29 Eileen's eyes rolled back in her head,
00:02:32 and she fainted immediately.
00:02:34 - What did you do to my mom?
00:02:37 - Claire was shocked and angry at the same time.
00:02:39 - Don't worry, your mom is fine.
00:02:44 Grandma just made her faint temporarily.
00:02:48 - An indifferent voice sounded from behind the black shadow.
00:02:52 Then the black figure laughed,
00:02:54 revealing the figure of the noblewoman.
00:02:56 - Hello, Claire.
00:02:58 - The noblewoman's lips curled up into a smile.
00:03:02 - Who are you?
00:03:04 - Claire's eyelids jumped.
00:03:07 Although this luxurious lady in front of her
00:03:09 did not reveal herself, she had a natural noble aura.
00:03:14 Just her presence alone
00:03:15 made Claire feel ashamed and inferior.
00:03:19 - You can call me Princess Ivy or Mom.
00:03:24 - The noblewoman smiled meaningfully.
00:03:27 - Mom?
00:03:29 Could she really be Princess Ivy?
00:03:31 - Claire's pupils contracted once again.
00:03:35 If this woman was really Princess Ivy,
00:03:38 then she was Kevin's stepmother,
00:03:39 the little princess of the Winkler family
00:03:42 that Harvey married all those years ago.
00:03:45 What was she doing here?
00:03:47 Seeing the look of shock on Claire's face,
00:03:50 the corners of Princess Ivy's mouth rose.
00:03:52 - It seems Kevin mentioned me to you.
00:03:56 - Claire did not answer, but asked and said,
00:04:00 - What are you doing here?
00:04:02 Looking for my husband?
00:04:03 - No, I'm not looking for him.
00:04:08 - Princess Ivy shook her head.
00:04:10 - I'm looking for you.
00:04:11 - Looking for me?
00:04:14 - Claire frowned.
00:04:15 - Yes, I'm looking for you.
00:04:19 - Princess Ivy took a step forward.
00:04:21 - Why are you looking for me?
00:04:24 - Claire glanced at Princess Ivy warily.
00:04:26 The relationship between Kevin and Princess Ivy
00:04:30 was not a negative one.
00:04:32 Even when the Bennett family was suppressing Kevin
00:04:35 and his mother, Princess Ivy had stood up for them.
00:04:38 However, Claire did not trust Princess Ivy.
00:04:43 The reason was simple.
00:04:45 Princess Ivy was a woman, a woman who loved Harvey a lot.
00:04:50 The truth would determine her relationship with Sue.
00:04:53 Not to mention it would also help Sue.
00:04:57 Claire felt that as long as Princess Ivy
00:04:59 didn't do anything to directly harm Sue,
00:05:01 then that would be good enough.
00:05:03 - Claire, you don't seem to trust me.
00:05:08 - The corners of Princess Ivy's mouth
00:05:10 curled into a playful smile.
00:05:13 Claire cast a cold glance at Princess Ivy.
00:05:15 She did not seem to care for her at all.
00:05:17 Princess Ivy wasn't angry.
00:05:21 Instead, she smiled and said,
00:05:23 "Claire, I won't hide the truth from you.
00:05:27 I've only come to find you for one reason.
00:05:30 Speak.
00:05:32 I want you to divorce Kevin."
00:05:35 "Impossible."
00:05:37 Claire rejected him without a second thought.
00:05:40 "Impossible?" Princess Ivy smirked.
00:05:43 "Claire, can you tell me the reason?
00:05:47 Why is it impossible?"
00:05:49 "There is no why.
00:05:52 Impossible is impossible."
00:05:54 She didn't know what Princess Ivy's goal was,
00:05:57 but she had never even thought
00:05:59 about getting a divorce from Kevin.
00:06:01 She and Kevin had gone through three years of tribulations
00:06:06 and finally made it to this point.
00:06:09 If they had to leave just because of Princess Ivy's words,
00:06:13 then what would the past three years have been for?
00:06:15 Princess Ivy sighed.
00:06:18 "Why do you have to be so harsh with your words?
00:06:21 What if I tell you that if you don't divorce Kevin,
00:06:26 Kevin will die?
00:06:28 What will you do then?"
00:06:30 "What do you mean?"
00:06:32 Claire's tone suddenly turned sharp.
00:06:35 "Nothing."
00:06:36 Princess Ivy shook her head and smiled.
00:06:39 "Kevin probably didn't tell you that he crippled Deborah."
00:06:43 "What?
00:06:46 Kevin crippled Deborah?"
00:06:47 Claire could not help but show her shock and dismay.
00:06:52 She had fainted during the battle once Kevin arrived,
00:06:56 so she did not know what happened afterwards.
00:06:59 When she asked Kevin about what happened,
00:07:01 he only said that Deborah quickly left
00:07:03 to return to San Francisco.
00:07:05 But from the looks of it,
00:07:07 Kevin had probably hidden the truth from her
00:07:09 to keep her from worrying.
00:07:10 "Hmm, your man wanted to protect you from the truth.
00:07:17 Not only did he destroy Deborah's face,
00:07:19 he even wounded both of her arms and her life force.
00:07:24 Deborah now is a complete cripple."
00:07:27 Princess Ivy had a smile on her face
00:07:30 as if she was talking about something completely unrelated.
00:07:35 When Claire heard all of this,
00:07:36 she couldn't help but be moved,
00:07:39 but she also felt very worried.
00:07:41 Deborah, Bruce's daughter
00:07:44 and the darling of the Bennett family.
00:07:46 Now that she had been crippled,
00:07:48 it was easy to imagine just how angry they would be.
00:07:51 "Claire, actually, I'm rather envious of you."
00:07:56 Princess Ivy's tone changed.
00:07:59 "Envy, what?"
00:08:01 Claire asked subconsciously.
00:08:03 "I envy you for having such a good husband like Kevin."
00:08:08 Princess Ivy said lightly.
00:08:09 After she finished her sentence, she sighed again.
00:08:13 "Not like me, who got involved with a man like Bruno."
00:08:17 Bruno, he...
00:08:21 Claire was a little hesitant.
00:08:23 She wanted to ask about how Bruno treated Princess Ivy,
00:08:27 but when the time came, she didn't have the courage to ask.
00:08:32 "You want to ask if he treats me well?"
00:08:34 However, Princess Ivy seemed to read Claire's thoughts
00:08:38 and asked for her.
00:08:40 "Yes," Claire nodded lightly.
00:08:42 Princess Ivy smiled.
00:08:47 "To tell you the truth, Bruno treats me very well."
00:08:51 "It's pretty good?"
00:08:54 Claire couldn't help but be astonished.
00:08:56 "Hmm, it's pretty good."
00:09:00 "He was kind to me, gentle, almost a perfect husband.
00:09:04 The only problem is he doesn't love me."
00:09:10 Princess Ivy changed the topic of conversation abruptly
00:09:13 with a self-deprecating smile on her face.
00:09:17 Claire pursed her lips, but didn't say anything.
00:09:20 At that moment, she suddenly felt some sympathy
00:09:23 for Princess Ivy.
00:09:24 Despite her flawless appearance
00:09:27 and the fact that she was indeed a princess
00:09:30 loved and adored by thousands,
00:09:32 she did not ask for a situation like this.
00:09:36 But in the end, she married Bruno,
00:09:38 whose heart belonged to Sue.
00:09:40 She had built a home with Bruno for five or six years,
00:09:44 giving him the best years of her life.
00:09:47 But in the end, she couldn't penetrate Bruno's heart.
00:09:51 "Don't pity me.
00:09:54 I don't need any sympathy from anyone."
00:09:58 Princess Ivy glanced at Claire and smiled faintly.
00:10:02 "I don't pity you," Claire said stubbornly.
00:10:05 "Is that so?" Princess Ivy questioned.
00:10:09 However, she did not intend to pursue this topic any further.
00:10:14 So she changed the subject back to Kevin.
00:10:17 "Do you know how the Bennett family reacted
00:10:21 when Deborah returned?"
00:10:23 "What was their reaction?"
00:10:27 "What a mess," Princess Ivy spoke concisely.
00:10:30 "Deborah's brother, Dash, brought the Asia Dragon Guards
00:10:35 and rushed back from the Northern Borders Military District.
00:10:39 Deborah's sister, Daisy,
00:10:41 has gathered almost all the warriors from the Redleaf Club.
00:10:46 If it weren't for Bruce stopping them,
00:10:49 they would have killed their way into Sacramento two nights ago.
00:10:53 Bruce, why would he stop them?
00:10:57 Bruce was the second room master of the Bennett family
00:11:00 and one of the few people with power
00:11:02 at the same strength level as Harvey."
00:11:04 "How would I know?" Princess Ivy curled her lips.
00:11:09 "I am not sure what was on that old fox's mind.
00:11:14 However, he will not let this matter go easily.
00:11:17 Sooner or later, he will come looking for Kevin."
00:11:22 Worry surfaced on Claire's face.
00:11:25 Without a doubt, the Bennett family possessed
00:11:28 monstrous power, which was not something
00:11:31 Kevin could defend himself against.
00:11:33 "Claire, do you know why I asked you to divorce Kevin?"
00:11:38 Princess Ivy asked with a smile.
00:11:40 "Why?" Claire's tone was cold and detached.
00:11:45 No matter what Princess Ivy's goal was,
00:11:48 she couldn't afford to be distracted at a time like this.
00:11:52 "Because you are Kevin's weakness."
00:11:56 Princess Ivy looked deeply at Claire.
00:11:59 "The reason Bruce didn't do anything to Kevin
00:12:04 is partly that he fears Harvey, but partly because of you."
00:12:09 "Because of me?" Claire frowned, confused.
00:12:13 "Yes, because of you.
00:12:15 Bruce is very clear about the relationship
00:12:19 between you and Kevin. As long as you are in Sacramento,
00:12:24 he can seek Kevin out at any time for revenge."
00:12:29 Princess Ivy had a meaningful look on her face.
00:12:32 Claire's pretty face slightly changed.
00:12:35 What Princess Ivy said did make sense.
00:12:38 She was Kevin's reverse scale, Kevin's toughest armor.
00:12:43 But at the same time, she was also Kevin's weakness.
00:12:48 As long as Bruce could subdue her,
00:12:50 he would have a thousand ways to deal with Kevin.
00:12:53 "But what does this have to do with my divorce from Kevin?
00:12:58 If I get divorced,
00:13:00 won't Bruce act against Kevin through me?" Claire asked.
00:13:04 A simple facade would never fool people like Bruce.
00:13:07 Even if she divorced Kevin,
00:13:10 Bruce would continue to look for opportunities.
00:13:12 If it were just you and Kevin's divorce,
00:13:16 he would act against Kevin through you.
00:13:19 However, after you and Kevin got divorced,
00:13:23 you became my responsibility.
00:13:25 So he will not think about making a move
00:13:28 on Kevin through you, Princess Ivy said indifferently.
00:13:32 "Become your responsibility?
00:13:35 Yes, if you become my responsibility,
00:13:39 I will hand over all my businesses in Rosemont to you,"
00:13:43 Princess Ivy said.
00:13:45 "Why are you doing this?"
00:13:47 Claire asked calmly after taking a deep breath.
00:13:50 Princess Ivy's intention was obvious.
00:13:54 She wanted to stand by Kevin's side
00:13:57 and help him fight against Bruce.
00:14:00 However, Claire couldn't understand
00:14:02 why Princess Ivy would do such a thing.
00:14:05 Kevin was the son of her rival in love.
00:14:08 "You will know the reason for my actions in the future,"
00:14:13 Princess Ivy smiled.
00:14:15 "Now you only need to tell me your choice."
00:14:19 "My choice?"
00:14:21 Claire was a little hesitant.
00:14:22 If possible, she didn't want to divorce Kevin,
00:14:27 but the reality was right in front of her.
00:14:30 Kevin was already struggling to move forward
00:14:32 in front of Bruce, his arch enemy.
00:14:35 "Is there only one way to get divorced?"
00:14:39 Claire couldn't help but ask.
00:14:41 "This is the only one."
00:14:43 Princess Ivy was a bit cold.
00:14:45 "The Elders Guild of the Bennett family
00:14:49 will not allow me to interfere in the matter
00:14:51 between Kevin and Bruce openly.
00:14:54 Only when you divorce Kevin and you become a free woman
00:14:58 can I secretly interfere in the struggle between them.
00:15:02 At that time, even if I were to help you,
00:15:07 the Bennett family elders would not say anything."
00:15:11 Claire nodded her head lightly.
00:15:13 Princess Ivy's meaning was obvious.
00:15:16 Her divorce from Kevin gave Bruce and Princess Ivy
00:15:20 a way out, explaining to the Bennett family elders guild.
00:15:23 It wasn't that Bruce wouldn't know
00:15:26 that the person orchestrating everything was Princess Ivy,
00:15:30 but even if he did,
00:15:32 he wouldn't be able to do anything to her
00:15:34 because her actions didn't violate the rules
00:15:37 of the Bennett family.
00:15:40 "All right, I'll do it."
00:15:43 After taking a deep breath, Claire calmly said.
00:15:45 As things stood, this was the only way out she could see.
00:15:51 Although Princess Ivy might have the same ill intentions
00:15:55 toward Kevin, at least for now,
00:15:57 she was still on Kevin's side.
00:15:59 Princess Ivy nodded her head,
00:16:02 seemingly not expecting Claire to make such a decision at all.
00:16:06 "Go to Rosemount in three days.
00:16:10 Rosemount is my territory,
00:16:12 and once you're in my territory, no one can hurt you."
00:16:16 Princess Ivy's words contained an oppressive aura
00:16:20 that was difficult to put into words.
00:16:22 With that, Princess Ivy brought the older woman
00:16:26 out of the hospital.
00:16:27 Only Claire was left behind,
00:16:30 sitting on her hospital bed in a daze.
00:16:33 Just then, Kevin was arriving at the Golden Sesame Hall.
00:16:38 Jared and the four Bennett siblings
00:16:40 were there waiting for him.
00:16:41 Seeing Kevin walk over,
00:16:43 Jared started taking out all kinds of expensive medicine
00:16:47 he had prepared earlier, while Dax took out two ice lotus.
00:16:51 "How is Bron doing?" Kevin asked.
00:16:56 If Bron's fire poison is resolved,
00:16:59 he plans to let Dax bring the ice lotus over first.
00:17:03 If not, he would take it over to him personally.
00:17:06 (dramatic music)
00:17:09 "Sir, the Master's current condition is not very optimistic."
00:17:15 After coming down from Beverly Hills,
00:17:19 he changed his way of addressing Kevin,
00:17:21 no longer hiding anything.
00:17:23 "Let's wait for Kevin to finish, and we will go together.
00:17:28 Master had said that he wanted to meet Kevin personally."
00:17:32 Dax paused.
00:17:34 "Sure," Gavin and Atticus nodded.
00:17:37 At most, he could finish what he was doing in a day or two.
00:17:41 Bron could still hold on for a day or two.
00:17:44 The concocting equipment of the Golden Sesame Hall
00:17:48 was very advanced,
00:17:50 and the process of refining the ice lotus
00:17:52 was also very simple.
00:17:54 Therefore, in less than an hour,
00:17:56 Kevin had refined two ice lotus into elixirs.
00:18:00 One black and one white, both emitted a faint fragrance.
00:18:04 The black pellets were used
00:18:07 to attack the fire poison in Bron's body,
00:18:09 while the white pellets were used to help Claire
00:18:12 refine her body and improve her muscles,
00:18:15 making her a warrior within a month.
00:18:17 After packing up the pills,
00:18:21 Kevin left the hall and drove straight to the hospital.
00:18:24 On the way, he received a call from Martin.
00:18:29 "Kevin, the first phase of the vacation area
00:18:33 is about to be completed.
00:18:35 I plan to hold the completion ceremony there
00:18:37 on the 15th of this month.
00:18:40 This time, I have invited many famous people
00:18:43 from Sacramento, government officials,
00:18:45 and powerful business leaders," Martin said.
00:18:48 The first phase of the project is about to be completed?
00:18:53 Kevin was a little surprised.
00:18:55 He never thought that time would pass so quickly.
00:19:00 Ever since he invested more than $30 million
00:19:03 into Beverly Hills, he had become a shopkeeper,
00:19:06 practically never asking about the matters
00:19:09 of the Beverly Hills Resort.
00:19:11 Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye,
00:19:13 the first phase of the Beverly Hills Resort
00:19:16 would be completed?
00:19:17 Once the project was finished,
00:19:19 the resort could be officially open to the public
00:19:22 and enter into a profitable phase.
00:19:25 In terms of profitability,
00:19:28 the completion ceremony was naturally the most important.
00:19:32 Once done, it would attract a lot of attention
00:19:36 from the outside world.
00:19:37 It was equivalent to giving free advertisement
00:19:41 for the Beverly Hills Resort.
00:19:43 It was no wonder Martin would ask for his opinion
00:19:46 on such an important matter.
00:19:47 Martin, I will be there for the ceremony,
00:19:52 but I'll leave the ribbon cutting to you.
00:19:55 You are the biggest part of the project
00:19:57 at the Beverly Hills Resort.
00:19:58 Indeed, from the beginning to the end,
00:20:02 Martin was in charge of the resort construction.
00:20:05 Other than investing the money,
00:20:07 Kevin hadn't done anything else.
00:20:09 Kevin, you can't be serious.
00:20:13 You're the most important part of the project here.
00:20:17 I'm just representing you as best I can.
00:20:19 Martin flattered him in a tone
00:20:22 that was neither light nor heavy.
00:20:25 I still plan to invite some A-list celebrities
00:20:28 to sing for this ceremony.
00:20:30 Do you have any suggestions, Kevin?
00:20:33 Martin asked again.
00:20:34 Since the completion ceremony was such a big deal,
00:20:38 he couldn't invite just anybody.
00:20:41 The caliber of the guests was very important.
00:20:44 If not, it would not attract the attention
00:20:47 they needed from the public.
00:20:49 Nope, Kevin shook his head.
00:20:51 Martin, you decide on these small matters.
00:20:55 You don't need to ask for my opinion.
00:20:57 All right, Kevin, you go ahead.
00:21:00 After hanging up, Kevin was about to turn the corner
00:21:04 and enter the next driveway.
00:21:06 But the scene in front of him
00:21:08 caused him to slam on the brakes.
00:21:10 The road in front of them was bustling with people.
00:21:14 In the middle of the crowd was a silver Bentley.
00:21:17 Beside the Bentley was a middle-aged woman.
00:21:20 At this moment, the middle-aged woman
00:21:24 was holding her head tightly as she pleaded painfully.
00:21:27 However, the man who kicked her
00:21:30 had a ferocious look on his face
00:21:32 and had no intentions of letting her go.
00:21:35 Very quickly, the middle-aged woman
00:21:38 was kicked black and blue, her body covered in blood.
00:21:43 "Let me go, let me go," the middle-aged woman pleaded.
00:21:48 But her plea only further infuriated the man
00:21:52 by kicking her.
00:21:54 "Let you go?
00:21:57 You destroyed my car
00:21:59 and you still want me to let you go?"
00:22:02 The big, tall man in a black suit
00:22:05 had a savage expression on his face.
00:22:08 He viciously cursed
00:22:10 and then kicked the middle-aged woman in the face,
00:22:13 sending her flying two or three feet away.
00:22:15 Kevin frowned and furrowed his brows in anger.
00:22:21 Although he did not know what the middle-aged woman had done,
00:22:24 this young man's actions were too vicious
00:22:27 and he had nearly beaten her to death.
00:22:29 After kicking away the middle-aged woman,
00:22:33 the tall youth was still angry.
00:22:35 He went up and kicked again.
00:22:37 Kevin stepped forward and was ready to stop him.
00:22:41 But this time, a small figure squeezed through the crowd,
00:22:45 spreading her arms in front of the tall man to block him.
00:22:48 She looked at him with a face full of anger.
00:22:50 "You are not allowed to hit my mother."
00:22:54 This petite figure was a young girl
00:22:57 around 17 or 18 years old.
00:23:00 She had a simple ponytail
00:23:02 and an incomparably pure olive face.
00:23:06 Even without any makeup,
00:23:07 she still looked extremely beautiful.
00:23:09 Even rarer was that she had a sad temperament
00:23:13 that could move any man's heart.
00:23:16 This temperament aroused the desire
00:23:18 to protect from the bottom of their hearts.
00:23:20 At that moment, even the bully attacking the woman
00:23:24 was stopped in his tracks, but soon he recovered.
00:23:28 "This pathetic woman is your mother?"
00:23:32 The man pointed at the middle-aged woman on the ground,
00:23:35 his tone still as vicious as before.
00:23:38 "Don't scold my mother.
00:23:41 My mother is not pathetic."
00:23:43 The young girl gathered her courage and glared at the man.
00:23:47 "Not pathetic?
00:23:49 Your mother ran into my car, but didn't pay for the damage.
00:23:54 If she isn't pathetic, then what is she?"
00:23:58 The tall man's expression turned savage again.
00:24:01 "She hit your car?"
00:24:04 The girl's face slightly changed
00:24:06 and she couldn't help but look at the Bentley.
00:24:09 She noticed a red electric car beside it
00:24:12 that had been broken apart
00:24:14 and there was a scratch on the side of the door
00:24:16 of the Bentley.
00:24:18 It was the electric car that ran into the Bentley.
00:24:20 "Yes, I'm sorry."
00:24:24 The young girl's tone became weaker.
00:24:27 "Sorry?
00:24:28 You think that fixes anything
00:24:31 just because you said you're sorry?"
00:24:33 "I'm willing to pay for the damages."
00:24:38 As the young girl spoke,
00:24:39 she took out some bills from her wallet.
00:24:42 She wanted to arrange them and hand them to the young man.
00:24:46 However, he sent her flying by his slap.
00:24:49 The young man was so angry that he started laughing.
00:24:53 "Ha ha ha ha, you idiot.
00:24:56 Have you lost your mind?
00:24:59 Do you know what kind of car this is?
00:25:02 It's a Bentley, a $300,000 car.
00:25:07 The car's paint is scratched.
00:25:11 So why don't you take out a few thousand dollars instead?"
00:25:15 "$300,000?"
00:25:18 The young girl's beautiful face went pale.
00:25:20 She didn't expect this man's car to be worth so much money
00:25:24 and had no way of paying him for the damages.
00:25:27 The bystanders were also shocked
00:25:34 and couldn't help but feel sympathy
00:25:36 when they looked at the young girl.
00:25:38 "$300,000 for a car,
00:25:41 even in a place like Sacramento,
00:25:43 was an impressive luxury car.
00:25:46 This middle-aged woman had ruined such a luxurious car.
00:25:50 She wouldn't be able to get out of this
00:25:52 without paying at least $50,000."
00:25:55 "Yes, sorry.
00:25:58 I really don't have that much money."
00:26:01 The pretty girl's eyes turned red
00:26:05 as tears welled up in her eyes.
00:26:07 Her mother was just a normal textile factory worker
00:26:10 with a low monthly salary.
00:26:13 All their money went towards rent for their house,
00:26:16 groceries, and clothing.
00:26:19 They had no savings at all
00:26:20 and lived paycheck to paycheck.
00:26:23 "No money?
00:26:25 Can't you sell it without money?"
00:26:27 At this moment, a sharp voice came from the car.
00:26:33 The owner of the voice seemed to be somewhat impatient.
00:26:36 She pushed open the car door
00:26:38 and got off while stepping on her high heels.
00:26:43 "Bart, what are you doing?
00:26:45 For such a small matter, why hasn't it been settled yet?
00:26:49 It's already been 10 minutes."
00:26:51 The woman got out of the car
00:26:53 and pointed at the tall young man's nose, cursing at him.
00:26:57 She seemed to be very annoyed with the whole situation.
00:27:00 Kevin frowned.
00:27:03 He noticed that the woman who got out of the car
00:27:05 with blonde wavy hair,
00:27:08 who was around 50 years old, was very beautiful.
00:27:12 She was dressed in gold and silver.
00:27:14 "Madam, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
00:27:18 Bart hurriedly bowed an apology,
00:27:20 sweat trickling down his forehead.
00:27:22 "I don't want to hear your apology.
00:27:27 I'll give you five more minutes.
00:27:29 Finish this matter.
00:27:30 If you can't, then get out of here."
00:27:34 The woman folded her arms across her chest,
00:27:36 annoyance written all over her face.
00:27:39 "Yes, yes, yes, madam.
00:27:43 I will deal with it.
00:27:45 I will deal with it."
00:27:47 Bart hurriedly nodded his head
00:27:49 and his forehead was covered in sweat.
00:27:51 After saying that,
00:27:54 he angrily walked in front of the young girl,
00:27:57 raised his hand and was about to slap her.
00:28:00 The young girl's delicate figure trembled
00:28:03 and she subconsciously closed her eyes.
00:28:06 However, even after waiting for a long time,
00:28:09 nothing happened.
00:28:11 The young girl slowly opened her eyes
00:28:14 only to discover that Bart's face was currently flushed red.
00:28:18 The hand he waved down was also tightly gripped in midair
00:28:23 by another hand, unable to move in the slightest.
00:28:26 The owner of the other hand was naturally Kevin.
00:28:31 "It's not a good habit to hit women,"
00:28:35 Kevin glanced at Bart.
00:28:36 He had a general understanding of what had happened.
00:28:40 The reason why the Bentley was damaged
00:28:42 was because when Bart turned,
00:28:44 he bumped into a middle-aged woman's electric car.
00:28:48 In theory, both sides were at fault.
00:28:52 However, after Bart got out of the car,
00:28:55 he indiscriminately blamed all of this on the woman.
00:28:58 "Let me go."
00:29:02 Bart gritted his teeth
00:29:03 and used almost all of his strength
00:29:05 to try and break free from Kevin's hand.
00:29:08 However, Kevin's hand held onto him tightly,
00:29:11 preventing him from moving at all.
00:29:13 Kevin didn't let go.
00:29:16 He looked at the woman on the ground and asked,
00:29:19 "How much do you want her to pay?"
00:29:21 "What?
00:29:23 You want to pay what that stupid woman owes me?"
00:29:27 The corner of Bart's mouth rose into a sneer.
00:29:30 "$50,000."
00:29:33 "Give me $50,000 and I'll let her go."
00:29:36 "$50,000?"
00:29:38 Kevin's expression turned cold.
00:29:40 This middle-aged woman's electric car
00:29:43 had just scratched a small piece of the paint off the car,
00:29:47 but it hadn't damaged anything else.
00:29:50 However, with the amount that Bart asked for,
00:29:53 it was clear that he didn't want to deal
00:29:55 with this matter properly.
00:29:56 "Too much or you can't afford it."
00:30:01 Seeing that Kevin didn't say anything,
00:30:03 Bart couldn't help but sneer.
00:30:06 His tone started to become sarcastic.
00:30:09 He had seen a lot of idiots like Kevin
00:30:11 who liked to be the hero that saved the beauty,
00:30:14 but they never ended on a good note.
00:30:16 "I'll give you one last chance.
00:30:20 Make a reasonable request," Kevin said expressionlessly.
00:30:23 "$75,000."
00:30:26 Bart's expression was proud as he looked at Kevin
00:30:29 with a face full of provocation.
00:30:31 "I suddenly changed my mind.
00:30:35 $50,000 isn't enough.
00:30:36 I want $75,000.
00:30:39 If you can't handle that amount,
00:30:42 I'll sell this poor woman and her daughter too."
00:30:45 Bart's voice suddenly stopped halfway through his words.
00:30:49 His face was filled with terror.
00:30:51 Then his feet left the ground
00:30:52 as he uncontrollably rose into the air.
00:30:55 The surrounding bystanders couldn't help
00:30:59 but suck in a breath of cold air.
00:31:00 No one would have thought that the skinny Kevin
00:31:04 would have such explosive power in his body.
00:31:07 With just one hand, he grabbed Bart's neck
00:31:10 and lifted Bart into the air like a chicken.
00:31:12 "Hey, hey, release.
00:31:18 Let me go."
00:31:20 Bart's face turned red, his feet kicked in the air,
00:31:24 and sounds of "Heh heh" continuously came out of his throat.
00:31:28 At that moment, he was both shocked and angry.
00:31:32 He would never have thought
00:31:33 that Kevin would attack so suddenly.
00:31:36 And before he could even react, he was already in the air.
00:31:39 "Let go of Bart."
00:31:43 At this time, the woman with blonde wavy hair
00:31:46 also became anxious as she glared at Kevin.
00:31:49 "Let go?
00:31:51 All right, fine."
00:31:52 Kevin sneered.
00:31:54 He exerted a bit of force with his hand
00:31:56 and Bart was thrown down,
00:31:58 smashing right into the hood of Barbara's car.
00:32:02 Bang.
00:32:03 Bart weighed more than 200 pounds
00:32:06 and coupled with his inertia,
00:32:08 the force he hit the car with
00:32:10 completely smashed the hood of the Bentley
00:32:12 into a deformed shape.
00:32:13 Even the windshield was shattered from the impact.
00:32:18 "What are you doing?
00:32:20 Do you wanna die?"
00:32:22 Seeing that her beloved car had been smashed like this,
00:32:25 the woman's eyes immediately turned red.
00:32:28 She angrily walked in front of Kevin.
00:32:30 Kevin looked at the woman coldly.
00:32:34 "Do you know what your driver did?
00:32:36 Just by scratching some paint,
00:32:39 he tried to make these women pay $50,000.
00:32:42 Is this any different from taking the lives
00:32:45 of the mother and daughter?"
00:32:46 "What do their lives have to do with me?
00:32:50 Shouldn't you be paying me money if you hit my car?"
00:32:53 The woman's tone was extremely sharp.
00:32:55 "Compensation?" Kevin sneered.
00:32:59 "Your driver hit this lady,
00:33:01 so why didn't you compensate her?"
00:33:04 "How do you know that I wouldn't compensate her?"
00:33:07 The woman asked harshly.
00:33:09 As she said this,
00:33:11 she took out her purse and got out $300 bills.
00:33:15 She threw them at the middle-aged woman
00:33:17 who was covered in blood on the ground.
00:33:19 "Did you see her injuries?
00:33:22 Do you really think that $300
00:33:25 is going to cover her treatment?
00:33:27 Can you be any more shameless?"
00:33:30 Kevin's face immediately turned gloomy.
00:33:33 If they went to the hospital,
00:33:35 the bill for her treatment
00:33:36 would easily be four or five times that amount.
00:33:39 "She's not dead yet.
00:33:42 Why is $300 not enough?
00:33:45 It's all her fault anyway."
00:33:46 The woman shouted arrogantly.
00:33:49 At this time,
00:33:51 even the bystanders could not stand watching this anymore.
00:33:55 Someone started to curse loudly.
00:33:56 "Do you even care about your reputation anymore?
00:34:02 How could $300 be enough to cover such serious injuries,
00:34:07 you rich, heartless beast?"
00:34:09 The reproachful voices of the bystanders
00:34:16 could not be ignored.
00:34:18 The woman from the car
00:34:19 became more and more flustered and exasperated.
00:34:23 Finally, she pointed at their faces and cursed arrogantly.
00:34:27 "You lousy fools!
00:34:28 Who gave you the guts to scold me?
00:34:31 Do you know who I am?
00:34:33 Do you know that I could lock all of you up
00:34:36 with a single phone call?"
00:34:38 The crowd instantly went silent.
00:34:40 Many in the group were angry,
00:34:43 but did not dare to speak.
00:34:45 Anyone with a discerning eye
00:34:47 could tell that this woman had powerful connections.
00:34:50 Her words of locking everyone up
00:34:52 did not sound like an empty threat.
00:34:54 Seeing the shock on everyone's faces,
00:34:57 the woman became proud again.
00:34:58 Then she shifted her gaze to Kevin.
00:35:02 "I still have things to do today,
00:35:06 so I don't have time to waste here with you.
00:35:09 I've already paid for this useless woman's medical expenses.
00:35:13 Now, it's time for you to cover what she owes
00:35:16 for destroying my car.
00:35:18 I demand $80,000 for the damage you caused to my Bentley.
00:35:23 I won't accept a single cent less.
00:35:26 Now, pay up!"
00:35:27 The woman raised her chin
00:35:30 with a proud expression on her face.
00:35:32 "Get lost."
00:35:35 Kevin glanced at the woman coldly.
00:35:37 It was not like he had never seen anyone act cocky before,
00:35:41 but it was the first time he saw someone
00:35:43 quite as arrogant as this woman.
00:35:45 "Get lost?
00:35:47 How dare you talk to me that way?"
00:35:50 The woman's voice became shrill again.
00:35:52 "You fool.
00:35:53 Do you think I can't do anything to you?"
00:35:56 "Mom, President Matthew called again to hurry us up."
00:36:02 The woman wanted to say something,
00:36:03 but at this time, a tall figure came out of the car.
00:36:07 There was a sense of pride between her brows
00:36:10 that was difficult to conceal.
00:36:11 Even when Bart was smashed into the car's hood,
00:36:15 this young woman had never stepped out of the vehicle,
00:36:18 which showed just how calm she was.
00:36:20 But now, President Matthew's call
00:36:23 made her unable to remain calm.
00:36:26 "President Matthew?"
00:36:27 The woman was also surprised.
00:36:30 She quickly ran to the young woman and took the phone.
00:36:33 Then, she smiled apologetically
00:36:37 at the person on the other end of the line
00:36:39 and said a few words to her.
00:36:40 "President Matthew said
00:36:43 he still has a meeting this afternoon,
00:36:45 so he told me to come over in 10 minutes,"
00:36:49 the woman said with an ugly expression.
00:36:51 "Then hurry up and let's go.
00:36:55 What are you waiting for?"
00:36:57 The young woman said impatiently.
00:36:58 "What?"
00:37:01 The woman couldn't help but glance at Kevin.
00:37:04 She wanted to say that Kevin hadn't paid any money yet.
00:37:07 Still, she was mercilessly interrupted by the young woman.
00:37:12 "Is $80,000 more important than cooperating with the resort?"
00:37:16 The woman froze.
00:37:18 "Of course, the cooperation with the resort
00:37:21 is more important."
00:37:23 "Then come on," the young woman rolled her eyes.
00:37:27 "All right, all right, all right, we'll leave now."
00:37:33 The woman nodded hurriedly and kicked Bart,
00:37:36 who was still moaning on the ground.
00:37:39 Then she scolded him.
00:37:41 "Bart, don't pretend to be dead.
00:37:43 Quickly, get up and drive the car for me."
00:37:45 After cursing at Bart again,
00:37:49 the woman took out her phone,
00:37:50 aimed it at Kevin and Kevin's car license plate,
00:37:53 and took a picture.
00:37:54 Then she threatened him viciously.
00:37:57 "Fool, I've already memorized you
00:38:01 and your car license plate.
00:38:03 If you know what's good for you,
00:38:05 you'll get the money you owe me.
00:38:07 If not, you can plan to spend the rest of your life
00:38:10 in prison."
00:38:11 "Sure, okay, get lost."
00:38:15 Kevin's response was as straightforward as usual.
00:38:19 The woman's expression froze,
00:38:22 but this time she didn't say anything
00:38:25 and just went straight into the car
00:38:27 and they left in the Bentley.
00:38:28 The girl with the ponytail ran over to the middle-aged woman
00:38:32 who was covered in blood.
00:38:34 "Mom, how are you doing?
00:38:37 Does it hurt?"
00:38:40 "Mom's okay, it doesn't hurt."
00:38:43 The middle-aged woman smiled weakly.
00:38:44 "Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."
00:38:48 Kevin sighed.
00:38:49 From the looks of it,
00:38:52 this middle-aged woman's family situation was not good.
00:38:55 If he had been kind to her once,
00:38:57 she would probably not go to the hospital
00:38:59 but suffer at home.
00:39:01 "No need, kind sir.
00:39:04 I've already caused you enough trouble today."
00:39:07 The middle-aged woman hurriedly shook her head.
00:39:10 Kevin was the only one who stood up for her
00:39:13 among all the people earlier.
00:39:15 He had already offended the rich woman
00:39:17 for the sake of the mother and daughter.
00:39:19 She would feel terrible if she had to trouble Kevin anymore.
00:39:22 "There's no trouble.
00:39:25 I was just about to go to the hospital."
00:39:28 Kevin helped the middle-aged woman up
00:39:29 without saying anything further.
00:39:31 "Thank you."
00:39:34 The ponytail girl glanced at Kevin timidly.
00:39:37 Kevin smiled and didn't say anything.
00:39:40 Kevin walked to the front of the car and opened the door.
00:39:44 A hint of hesitation surfaced on the woman's face.
00:39:48 Kevin's car was so clean, yet she was bleeding so much.
00:39:52 "Ma'am, it's okay.
00:39:55 Take a seat."
00:39:56 Kevin smiled.
00:39:57 Compared to a human's life, a car was nothing.
00:40:01 The woman looked at Kevin with a complicated expression
00:40:05 before she got into the car.
00:40:06 On the way to the hospital,
00:40:09 Kevin learned the names of both the woman and the cute girl.
00:40:13 The middle-aged woman was called Kari
00:40:16 and the young girl was called Naomi.
00:40:17 Since she had been born, Naomi had never seen her father.
00:40:24 However, the two of them had lived together for 18 years.
00:40:28 The situation at home was naturally not optimistic,
00:40:32 but Naomi was still very successful.
00:40:35 For the past three years, she had been first in her grade.
00:40:38 And for this year's college entrance exam,
00:40:41 Naomi had gotten first place out of the entire city
00:40:44 for Rosemont University.
00:40:46 The mother and daughter were taken to the hospital
00:40:49 where a doctor examined them.
00:40:51 The result was a discoloration in the sternum
00:40:55 and they needed to be hospitalized.
00:40:57 Upon hearing about being hospitalized,
00:41:00 Kari immediately shook her head.
00:41:03 She only had $2,000 in her bank account.
00:41:06 And if she had spent that at the hospital,
00:41:08 she and Naomi would probably starve.
00:41:10 "Ma'am, you don't have to worry about the hospital expenses.
00:41:16 I've already made arrangements to pay for all your fees."
00:41:19 Kevin smiled.
00:41:20 To him, a few thousand dollars wasn't a big deal.
00:41:24 "Sir, how can this work?
00:41:29 Naomi and I already owe you a lot."
00:41:32 Kari was at a loss as to what to do.
00:41:34 Kevin just smiled.
00:41:36 "Since you already owe me so much,
00:41:39 then I don't care about the medical fees anymore."
00:41:42 "Sir, thank you.
00:41:45 Thank you so very much."
00:41:47 Kari was deeply moved.
00:41:49 She didn't know what to say.
00:41:51 "Ma'am, there's no need for thanks.
00:41:55 Please rest now.
00:41:57 This is my number.
00:41:59 If you need anything over the next few days, call me."
00:42:04 Kevin wrote down his cell phone number
00:42:05 and handed it to Naomi.
00:42:07 "All right, now that you're all settled, I'll be leaving."
00:42:11 "Sir, take care."
00:42:14 When Kevin walked out of the hospital,
00:42:17 Naomi chased after him while gasping for breath.
00:42:21 "Wait, sir, thank you."
00:42:24 She shook hands with Kevin with a flushed face.
00:42:27 "No need to thank me.
00:42:29 Go back and take care of your mother."
00:42:31 Kevin rubbed the girl's hair and said with a smile.
00:42:34 "Sir, what's your name?"
00:42:40 Naomi gathered up her courage and asked.
00:42:43 "Kevin Bennett," Kevin replied
00:42:46 without turning his head back.
00:42:48 "Kevin Bennett."
00:42:51 Naomi recited those two words once more
00:42:54 as if she was trying to carve them into her heart.
00:42:57 Not long after Kevin had taken Kari
00:43:00 and her daughter to the hospital,
00:43:02 Bart drove the two women in the Bentley
00:43:04 to the Westin Hotel.
00:43:06 However, just a few minutes after they arrived,
00:43:10 the three of them walked back out of the hotel lobby
00:43:12 with dark expressions.
00:43:14 It seemed that their meeting had not gone well.
00:43:18 As soon as they left the hotel,
00:43:21 the young woman stomped her feet in anger and said,
00:43:25 "Mom, this Matthew Bennett is too disrespectful to us.
00:43:30 Our company is one of the top 500 in the world,
00:43:33 yet he did not even give us the chance to cooperate
00:43:36 and told us to leave.
00:43:38 Why is he doing this?
00:43:40 How would I know?"
00:43:42 This time, she brought her daughter here confidently
00:43:47 and even placed a military order in front of the chairman,
00:43:50 saying that he would cooperate with Lux Travel Corporation.
00:43:54 But now, even before seeing the boss
00:43:57 of Lux Travel Corporation,
00:43:59 she was sent off by someone else in charge.
00:44:02 "Mom, what should we do now?"
00:44:05 "If we can't negotiate,
00:44:08 I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your position
00:44:11 as the vice manager."
00:44:12 The young woman glanced at her worriedly.
00:44:16 As one of the top 500 companies in the world,
00:44:20 the competition within London Enterprises
00:44:22 was extremely intense.
00:44:25 The position of vice manager had been watched by many.
00:44:28 If they could not cooperate with Lux Travel Corporation
00:44:32 and could not move London Enterprises
00:44:35 to the Beverly Hills Resort,
00:44:37 she would probably be fired as soon as they returned.
00:44:40 Even she, the general manager's secretary,
00:44:44 would quickly lose her favor.
00:44:46 She did not know what to do,
00:44:49 as she had no connections in Sacramento in the first place.
00:44:53 Even if she wanted to sneak out the back door,
00:44:56 she would not be able to find her way around.
00:44:59 "Mom, don't you have family here in Sacramento?
00:45:04 Doesn't Eileen live here with her family?
00:45:06 Maybe they have some connections and could help us."
00:45:10 As if she had just thought of something,
00:45:14 the eyes of the young woman suddenly lit up.
00:45:16 "They?"
00:45:18 The woman coughed in anxiety and said,
00:45:22 "We don't need their help,
00:45:24 since they didn't offer on their own."
00:45:27 "Why can't they help?
00:45:29 Mom, didn't you say that Eileen had posted something
00:45:32 on Facebook a little while ago about her daughter
00:45:36 becoming the lead person in charge
00:45:38 of the Beverly Hills Project?
00:45:39 The Beverly Hills Project is one of the businesses
00:45:43 in Lux Travel Corporation.
00:45:46 If Eileen's daughter has become the person in charge,
00:45:49 then maybe she will know Matthew personally,"
00:45:54 the young woman said.
00:45:55 "Roxy, do you believe everything Eileen says?"
00:46:01 The woman glanced at the young woman.
00:46:03 "I grew up with her.
00:46:05 I know who she is.
00:46:08 Always looking for a way to take advantage of someone.
00:46:12 And she made her daughter
00:46:14 the manager of the Beverly Hills Project?
00:46:17 How laughable."
00:46:20 "The person in charge of the Beverly Hills Project
00:46:22 is her daughter?"
00:46:24 The woman curled her lips and made a snobbish face.
00:46:28 She and Eileen were half sisters,
00:46:32 and they fought each other since they were young.
00:46:34 They had always competed in terms of food and clothes.
00:46:38 Since they were young girls,
00:46:39 there was almost nothing that they wouldn't fight about.
00:46:43 However, in the end,
00:46:45 it ended with Eileen's complete defeat.
00:46:48 She had married into a wealthy family in Rosemont.
00:46:51 In contrast, Eileen had married
00:46:53 into a worn-out family in Sacramento,
00:46:56 and her husband was even a third-rate family member
00:47:00 who was on the verge of being disowned.
00:47:02 The difference was like heaven and earth.
00:47:06 Roxy's long, shapely eyebrows creased.
00:47:09 "Mom, do you mean that Eileen is exaggerating?"
00:47:14 "Nonsense," Amy rolled her eyes.
00:47:17 "She had a bad time after marriage.
00:47:20 What else can she do if not exaggerate?"
00:47:22 "It's fine if you're bragging about your daughter
00:47:26 becoming the person in charge of the Beverly Hills Project,
00:47:30 but a few days ago,
00:47:32 she posted a set of photos on Facebook
00:47:34 saying that the richest man in Sacramento
00:47:37 gave her a house worth over $4 million."
00:47:39 "You think that's funny?"
00:47:43 "It's quite ridiculous," Roxy sighed.
00:47:47 Her impression of Eileen,
00:47:49 whom she had never met before, was suddenly worse.
00:47:52 "Mom, since Eileen is unable to help us,
00:47:57 let's return to Rosemont first," Roxy said again.
00:48:00 "Go back?
00:48:03 Why do we have to go back?" Amy suddenly sneered.
00:48:06 "Not going back?
00:48:10 Mom, you mean..."
00:48:12 "Let's go to Eileen's house and get her daughter's help.
00:48:16 Also, let's look at her $4 million house."
00:48:20 A playful smile appeared on the corners of Amy's mouth.
00:48:23 Roxy instantly understood what Amy meant.
00:48:28 Amy was planning to humiliate Eileen
00:48:30 and get back at her childhood friend.
00:48:33 Just then, Eileen had just woken up
00:48:36 and discovered that she was lying on the bed.
00:48:39 Claire had already turned over and fallen asleep.
00:48:44 "Why did I suddenly fall asleep?"
00:48:46 Eileen touched the back of her head doubtfully.
00:48:49 At that moment, her cell phone rang
00:48:52 and a Facebook voice call came in.
00:48:54 Eileen was taken aback when she saw the name Amy.
00:48:59 After a moment's hesitation, she pressed the answer button.
00:49:03 "Eileen, where are you now?"
00:49:07 A high-pitched voice came from the other end of the phone.
00:49:10 "I'm at the hospital."
00:49:13 In front of Amy, Eileen's aura naturally weakened a bit.
00:49:18 "What are you doing in the hospital?"
00:49:20 "Claire, she..."
00:49:23 Eileen was about to say that Claire was sick,
00:49:26 but Amy interrupted her rudely.
00:49:28 "Forget it.
00:49:30 I don't want to know what you're doing in the hospital.
00:49:33 I'm at the Westin Hotel and my car is broken."
00:49:37 "You came to Sacramento?"
00:49:41 Eileen's eyes widened in surprise.
00:49:44 "What?
00:49:44 You don't welcome my visit?"
00:49:46 "Welcome, welcome.
00:49:49 Of course, I'm welcoming.
00:49:52 Sis, I'm very happy that you were able to come to Sacramento."
00:49:57 Eileen hurriedly changed her tone.
00:49:59 This time was different from the past.
00:50:02 When she was young,
00:50:03 she could compete with Amy over everything,
00:50:07 but now she doesn't have the right to argue with Amy.
00:50:11 On the contrary, she was trying to earn favor with Amy.
00:50:15 Amy was the general manager
00:50:17 of one of the top 500 companies in the world,
00:50:20 and her husband was also a billionaire with a massive wealth.
00:50:24 No matter what, she could not compare to Amy.
00:50:27 "If you're happy I'm here,
00:50:31 then hurry up and get your driver to come pick me up.
00:50:34 Remember, the car you're using to pick me up
00:50:37 has to be a luxury car.
00:50:40 I can't get used to cheap cars."
00:50:43 Amy's tone was arrogant,
00:50:45 as if she was trying to order Eileen around.
00:50:48 After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.
00:50:51 Eileen was at a loss as to where she could find
00:50:55 a luxury car on such short notice.
00:50:58 Just as she was thinking this, Kevin entered the room.
00:51:02 Seeing Kevin, Eileen's eyes immediately lit up.
00:51:05 She walked over to him and asked,
00:51:07 "Kevin, where did you rent that luxurious car last time?
00:51:13 Is it still possible to rent it now?"
00:51:15 "What's the point of renting a luxury car?"
00:51:19 Kevin glanced at Eileen suspiciously.
00:51:22 "What was Eileen up to this time?"
00:51:24 "My big sister just came over from Rosemont
00:51:28 and is currently at the Westin Hotel.
00:51:31 She wants to come over to our house.
00:51:33 Go and meet her," Eileen said.
00:51:36 "Your older sister, Kevin Frown?
00:51:47 Where did Eileen's older sister come from
00:51:49 and why hadn't he ever seen her before?"
00:51:52 "Don't worry about who it is for now.
00:51:56 Hurry up and rent a high-end luxury car.
00:52:00 Then pick her up at the Westin Hotel," Eileen said impatiently.
00:52:04 "What is her background?
00:52:08 Can't you take the bus and pick her up?"
00:52:10 Kevin was a bit perplexed.
00:52:13 With Eileen's current situation,
00:52:15 he didn't understand the urgency of meeting with her sister.
00:52:18 She suppressed the anger in her chest
00:52:21 and patiently explained,
00:52:22 "My big sister is the general manager of London Enterprises
00:52:28 and her husband is also a big boss with a huge fortune.
00:52:33 Usually, when they are traveling,
00:52:36 they have a car service arranged
00:52:38 when they want to come and see me.
00:52:40 But since they just arrived in Sacramento,
00:52:43 they don't have one set up."
00:52:44 "All right, I'll go get them," Kevin sighed.
00:52:48 Although he didn't feel like going,
00:52:51 he agreed since Eileen had explained
00:52:54 the whole situation to him.
00:52:56 "Remember to rent a luxury car.
00:52:58 Don't embarrass me," Eileen warned.
00:53:01 Kevin sighed a few simple words
00:53:05 before leaving the hospital and getting into his Audi.
00:53:08 As for renting a luxury car,
00:53:11 Kevin didn't think too much about it.
00:53:14 On the way, Eileen sent over Amy's contact information.
00:53:18 When he arrived at the entrance of the Westin Hotel,
00:53:22 Kevin took out his cell phone
00:53:23 and dialed the contact number Eileen gave him.
00:53:27 The moment the call connected,
00:53:29 Amy's carefree voice came over.
00:53:31 "Is it Eileen's driver?"
00:53:33 "Yes."
00:53:36 Kevin frowned.
00:53:37 "Why did this voice sound so familiar?"
00:53:41 "Come and pick us up at the South Gate," Amy ordered.
00:53:45 "All right."
00:53:45 Although he was puzzled,
00:53:48 Kevin didn't think too much about it.
00:53:51 Instead, he drove the car directly to the South Gate.
00:53:55 From afar, Kevin saw two familiar figures.
00:53:58 It was none other than the two women
00:54:01 he had fought with a little over an hour ago.
00:54:04 Seeing the two of them, Kevin's expression changed.
00:54:08 No wonder when he first met the woman,
00:54:10 he felt that she looked somewhat similar to Eileen.
00:54:14 She was Eileen's older sister.
00:54:16 "What's Eileen doing?
00:54:19 She sent an Audi to pick us up?"
00:54:22 Amy cursed in dissatisfaction.
00:54:25 On the phone, she repeatedly told Eileen
00:54:28 to find a luxury car and bring it here.
00:54:31 But Eileen brought an Audi instead.
00:54:34 Because a certain distance separated them,
00:54:38 she could not see clearly that this Audi
00:54:40 was the same one she had seen earlier.
00:54:42 Roxy reacted first.
00:54:46 "Mom, this Audi license plate looks the same
00:54:49 as the one that destroyed our Bentley."
00:54:52 "What?"
00:54:53 Amy was shocked.
00:54:54 Just as she was about to take out her phone and take a look,
00:54:59 Kevin arrived in front of her.
00:55:00 The window opened to reveal Kevin's expressionless face.
00:55:05 "You're Eileen's driver?"
00:55:08 The anger in her chest uncontrollably gushed out.
00:55:13 This was the same man
00:55:15 who had destroyed her very expensive Bentley.
00:55:18 What started as a simple scratch in the paint
00:55:21 ended up being a demolished hood
00:55:23 after he threw bark onto the car.
00:55:26 "Get in," Kevin said indifferently,
00:55:29 as if he couldn't be bothered to pay attention to Amy.
00:55:32 "Get into that car.
00:55:35 "Get down here."
00:55:36 "Pay me the money that you owe me first."
00:55:40 Amy glared at him angrily as she walked to Kevin's car
00:55:43 and knocked on the window.
00:55:44 "I'm not paying you anything."
00:55:48 Kevin was very straightforward.
00:55:51 From Amy's previous actions,
00:55:53 he wasn't going to pay her a dime.
00:55:55 "No money?"
00:55:57 Amy's eyes widened.
00:55:59 "Do you know who I am?
00:56:02 "Don't you know that I can have you fired?"
00:56:06 Kevin smiled noncommittally.
00:56:09 Amy believed that he was Eileen's driver.
00:56:12 Otherwise, she wouldn't say such stupid things.
00:56:15 Kevin's bold look made Amy extremely angry.
00:56:20 She immediately took out her cell phone
00:56:22 and dialed Eileen's number.
00:56:24 "Eileen, do you know what your driver did?"
00:56:28 Amy questioned angrily as soon as the call connected.
00:56:33 "My driver?"
00:56:36 Eileen's head was initially foggy,
00:56:38 but she immediately realized who the driver was.
00:56:42 "Amy, the person who came to pick you up isn't my driver.
00:56:46 "He's my good-for-nothing son-in-law, Kevin."
00:56:50 At the same time, she cursed Kevin in her heart.
00:56:53 She repeatedly reminded Kevin to be polite to Amy,
00:56:58 but Kevin provoked Amy the moment he left.
00:57:01 "Your son-in-law?"
00:57:02 Amy was so angry that she almost laughed.
00:57:06 After all this time, the bastard in front of her
00:57:10 turned out to be from the right family,
00:57:13 that good-for-nothing live-in son-in-law.
00:57:16 Amy was very familiar with Kevin.
00:57:20 In these three years,
00:57:22 the person Eileen complained about the most
00:57:24 in her circle of friends was her own Kevin.
00:57:27 He was cowardly, weak, and accomplished nothing.
00:57:33 He was simply trash.
00:57:34 Amy had always been curious about Kevin.
00:57:38 However, she never expected that she would see him today.
00:57:43 Indeed, he was what she expected.
00:57:45 "Since this is your son-in-law,
00:57:48 this matter can be settled easily.
00:57:51 Eileen, get him to give me $75,000 now."
00:57:56 After discovering Kevin's identity,
00:57:59 Amy immediately became confident.
00:58:02 Kevin might not be afraid of her,
00:58:04 but how could he not be afraid of his mother-in-law?
00:58:08 "Huh?"
00:58:09 Eileen was shocked.
00:58:10 "Big sister, how did that nuthead offend you?"
00:58:15 "Remember my Bentley?"
00:58:18 Amy sneered.
00:58:20 "I remember."
00:58:21 Eileen nodded as a bad feeling rose in her heart.
00:58:24 "Your trashy son-in-law destroyed the hood
00:58:28 of my Bentley earlier today.
00:58:31 Don't you think I should ask him to pay for the damages?"
00:58:34 "What?
00:58:36 Sister, you said that trash smashed your Bentley?"
00:58:40 Eileen's eyes almost popped out of her head.
00:58:45 She knew about Amy's Bentley
00:58:46 because she frequently posted pictures of it on Facebook.
00:58:50 She was secretly envious of Amy for a while,
00:58:53 wondering when she could pick one up.
00:58:55 Now, Amy said that her Bentley had been destroyed by Kevin,
00:59:01 which frightened Eileen quite a bit.
00:59:03 "Sister, is there some misunderstanding?
00:59:08 This idiot has been in the hospital all day."
00:59:12 Eileen still couldn't believe that Kevin did such a thing.
00:59:15 "Misunderstanding?
00:59:17 Eileen, what's the meaning of this?"
00:59:21 Amy flew into a rage.
00:59:23 "Do you think I'm lying?"
00:59:25 "No, I didn't mean that."
00:59:29 Eileen hurriedly shook her head.
00:59:31 "It's just that..."
00:59:33 "But what?"
00:59:35 More than an hour ago,
00:59:36 this slimy pickle smashed my Bentley
00:59:39 to save two women he didn't even know.
00:59:42 The cameras captured it, and I even took a photo.
00:59:45 "So, Eileen, if you dare to go back on your word,
00:59:50 don't blame me for being impolite."
00:59:52 "Amy, I have no intention of reneging on the debt,"
01:00:03 Eileen hurriedly said.
01:00:05 "Don't worry.
01:00:06 If that fool damaged your Bentley,
01:00:09 I would get him to pay for the repairs."
01:00:11 "What if he doesn't have the money?"
01:00:15 She was very clear about Kevin's position in the right den.
01:00:19 He was even less than a dog,
01:00:21 so he couldn't have enough money to cover the damages.
01:00:25 "Amy, don't worry.
01:00:27 No matter what,
01:00:29 I'll get him to gather the total amount for you."
01:00:32 Eileen patted her chest and guaranteed that she didn't know
01:00:36 if Kevin had a small fortune or not.
01:00:39 However, she estimated that Kevin would not have much of a problem
01:00:43 taking out what was required.
01:00:45 "All right.
01:00:47 I'm going to hold you to that, then.
01:00:49 If he can't cover the expenses, I'll ask you for it."
01:00:53 Only after hearing Eileen's promise did Amy finally relax.
01:00:58 "No problem."
01:01:00 "Amy, come back in that trash's car first.
01:01:04 It's quite cold today," Eileen said.
01:01:07 "All right.
01:01:09 I'll agree to see you today."
01:01:11 Only then did Amy hang up the phone.
01:01:14 However, she still didn't acknowledge Kevin.
01:01:18 They opened the back door and got in the car.
01:01:21 "Driver, what are you waiting for?"
01:01:25 Seeing that Kevin hadn't started to move yet,
01:01:28 Amy yelled again.
01:01:30 Kevin frowned in annoyance, but he didn't argue with her.
01:01:34 He stepped on the accelerator instead.
01:01:37 The road was crowded because of rush hour.
01:01:41 After having to stop a few times due to the traffic,
01:01:44 Amy's anger started burning again.
01:01:47 She shouted at Kevin.
01:01:49 "Do you know how to drive?
01:01:51 Can't you go any faster?
01:01:53 Are you going to compensate me for all the time I've lost in this car?"
01:01:58 Kevin lost his temper.
01:02:00 After he stopped the car, he looked at Amy coldly.
01:02:04 "Do you want to drive?"
01:02:07 Amy was instantly displeased.
01:02:11 "I knew you were worthless with no manners all along.
01:02:15 How dare you speak to me that way?
01:02:18 Don't you know that I can get you kicked out of the Wright family with a single word?
01:02:23 Idiot."
01:02:25 Kevin was bursting with cursing words, but tried to control her temper.
01:02:31 Amy might have been used to acting arrogantly in the past
01:02:35 and felt that everyone was her servant.
01:02:37 However, that wasn't going to work with him.
01:02:41 Amy almost exploded with anger when she heard what Kevin said.
01:02:46 Seeing that she was about to flare up, Roxy couldn't help but frown.
01:02:50 "Mom, don't ask so much.
01:02:53 What can you do about him anyway?"
01:02:57 Roxy's tone was filled with a brat attitude towards Kevin.
01:03:01 In her opinion, any man with a bit of backbone wouldn't be a live-in son-in-law anyways.
01:03:08 "All right, I won't bother this garbage bag anymore.
01:03:12 It won't do any good anyway.
01:03:14 I don't want to sink to his level."
01:03:17 Amy comforted herself.
01:03:20 Kevin's eyes were popping out with anger,
01:03:24 but he knew she was a waste of time, and he shook his hand.
01:03:28 He was too lazy to bother Amy and stepped on the accelerator,
01:03:32 arriving at the hospital quickly.
01:03:35 Seeing Kevin park his car at the hospital, Amy got annoyed again.
01:03:40 "Didn't I say to go home?
01:03:42 What are you doing at the hospital?"
01:03:45 "Eileen is at the hospital."
01:03:47 Kevin glanced coldly at Amy.
01:03:50 Then, after he finished speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.
01:03:57 "Why hasn't Eileen educated this uncivilized man?
01:04:02 How dare he call her by her first name?"
01:04:05 Amy followed behind, cursing loudly.
01:04:09 Kevin entered the first room.
01:04:12 The moment she saw Kevin, Eileen immediately questioned him.
01:04:16 "Kevin, how did this happen?
01:04:18 How dare you damage your aunt's car?"
01:04:22 "Aren't you going to ask me why I smashed her car?" Kevin said coldly.
01:04:27 "No, because it doesn't matter why.
01:04:31 You can't just smash someone's car.
01:04:34 Your aunt's Bentley is more than $300,000.
01:04:38 Can you afford to pay for it?"
01:04:41 Although Eileen knew that there was another story behind this,
01:04:45 she did not have the intention to ask about it.
01:04:48 Instead, she just refused to let go of the money issue.
01:04:52 At this moment, Amy and Roxy also entered the room.
01:04:57 "Eileen, you raised a good living son-in-law."
01:05:02 The moment they entered, Amy began to mock them both.
01:05:06 Eileen walked up to her with a forced smile.
01:05:09 "Amy, you're here."
01:05:13 Amy snorted coldly, too lazy to respond to Eileen.
01:05:17 Eileen wasn't embarrassed.
01:05:19 She shifted her gaze to Roxy beside her.
01:05:22 "This must be Roxy, right?
01:05:24 I haven't seen you for a few years, but she's grown up,
01:05:28 and she's getting prettier and prettier, just like a superstar."
01:05:33 Eileen flattered enthusiastically.
01:05:36 However, Roxy's reaction was cold and detached.
01:05:41 In her eyes, Eileen was a typical poor relative
01:05:45 who liked to brag and show off.
01:05:48 Otherwise, her family wouldn't have gone missing for years.
01:05:53 "Come, come, Amy, Roxy, come and sit."
01:05:58 Eileen extended her hand to greet them.
01:06:01 However, Amy frowned and said in disgust,
01:06:05 "What are you sitting for?
01:06:07 This place is so dirty, and there are so many germs.
01:06:11 What if our expensive designer clothes are stained?"
01:06:16 Eileen's face stiffened as she said with a coy smile,
01:06:20 "Amy, I'm sorry.
01:06:22 Unfortunately, Claire suffered some injuries a few days ago,
01:06:27 so we have been in the hospital these last few days."
01:06:31 "Claire?"
01:06:33 Amy glanced at Claire, who was sleeping beside her
01:06:36 and could not help but ask,
01:06:39 "Eileen, didn't you say earlier that Claire was the person in charge
01:06:44 of the Beverly Hills project?"
01:06:47 "Of course, it's true."
01:06:49 Eileen was slightly surprised.
01:06:52 She did not understand why Amy would suddenly mention this.
01:06:56 "You're not lying to me, are you?"
01:06:59 Amy looked at Eileen suspiciously.
01:07:02 Her eyes were filled with distrust.
01:07:05 She thought that the Wright family that Eileen's husband,
01:07:08 Alan Wright, was in was just a third-rate family.
01:07:13 How could they cooperate with Luxe Travel Corporation so closely?
01:07:18 "Amy, why would I lie to you?
01:07:21 You can ask anyone you want."
01:07:24 Eileen felt a bit unhappy.
01:07:27 She had originally thought that Amy's sudden visit was due to her conscience.
01:07:31 She wanted to take care of Amy,
01:07:34 but now that she had spoken,
01:07:36 she immediately understood the true reason for her visit.
01:07:40 Amy had not come here to take care of her, but to mock her.
01:07:44 "So, it's like that!"
01:07:46 Amy's expression immediately turned ugly.
01:07:49 Since Eileen had already said so,
01:07:52 this matter was most likely true.
01:07:55 Claire was probably the person in charge of the Beverly Hills project.
01:07:59 Although she did not know how Claire managed to get into that position,
01:08:04 it was a definite slap to the face.
01:08:08 "Since Claire is the person in charge of the Beverly Hills project,
01:08:12 she should know the general manager of Luxe Travel Corporation,
01:08:16 Matthew Bennett, right?"
01:08:19 Amy turned her attention to Claire.
01:08:22 "She does?"
01:08:24 Claire went to find the Beverly Hills project
01:08:27 and talked to Matthew Bennett about it.
01:08:30 Eileen nodded, her back straightened imperceptibly.
01:08:34 Amy had no doubt come for Claire's help.
01:08:38 "Really?"
01:08:39 Amy's face lit up.
01:08:41 "Since Claire knows him,
01:08:43 quickly, get her up and do me a favor."
01:08:46 "What is it?"
01:08:55 Eileen asked subconsciously.
01:08:58 "Don't worry, it's nothing.
01:09:01 Hurry up and wake Claire."
01:09:03 Amy was getting impatient and tired of waiting for Claire to wake up.
01:09:08 "Claire is sleeping, don't disturb her."
01:09:12 At that moment, Kevin spoke faintly.
01:09:15 "Who cares if she's sleeping?
01:09:17 Is it more important for her to sleep or to help me?"
01:09:21 Amy glared at Kevin.
01:09:23 Then, she pushed Eileen away without any reason,
01:09:26 intending to wake Claire up immediately.
01:09:29 However, after she walked a few steps,
01:09:32 Kevin grabbed her arm.
01:09:34 Kevin's face was somewhat cold.
01:09:37 "Do you not understand what I said?
01:09:39 I said that Claire was sleeping.
01:09:43 If you have something to say, wait until she wakes up."
01:09:48 Claire had just finished her treatment
01:09:50 and her body was still extremely weak.
01:09:53 She needed to rest now,
01:09:55 and he wouldn't let anyone,
01:09:57 especially not Amy, disturb her.
01:10:01 "You fool, get out of my way."
01:10:04 Amy glared at him, anger burning in her chest.
01:10:08 "Amy, don't be angry."
01:10:10 Then, seeing that the two were about to argue,
01:10:13 Eileen hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.
01:10:17 Amy pushed Eileen's hand away
01:10:19 and pointed at Eileen's nose, cursing.
01:10:23 "Eileen, why didn't you teach this boy any better?
01:10:27 I'm asking my niece for help.
01:10:30 What does that have to do with him?
01:10:32 What right does he have to interfere with me?"
01:10:36 "Claire is my wife."
01:10:39 Kevin looked at Amy coldly.
01:10:41 "You!"
01:10:43 Amy was so angry that she could have screamed.
01:10:47 "Kevin, don't talk so much."
01:10:50 Eileen glared at Kevin and said,
01:10:52 "Amy, Claire was injured a few days ago
01:10:56 and is currently very weak.
01:10:58 She needs to rest now.
01:11:00 So if there's anything you need,
01:11:02 you can ask her after she wakes up."
01:11:05 "Rest? What are you resting for?
01:11:08 She is injured, not dead.
01:11:11 My problem is more important than her injury.
01:11:14 As long as she's not dead,
01:11:16 she'll get up and take care of my business!"
01:11:19 Amy shouted, showing an unreasonable expression.
01:11:24 Kevin clenched his fists tightly
01:11:26 as anger gushed out of his eyes.
01:11:29 If not for the fact that he was afraid
01:11:31 of attracting too much attention and waking Claire up,
01:11:34 he would have slapped Amy a few times.
01:11:37 Eileen was infuriated as well,
01:11:39 but she controlled herself.
01:11:42 "Amy, Claire is no longer the person
01:11:45 in charge of the Beverly Hills Project.
01:11:48 As for Matthew,
01:11:50 I'm afraid she won't be able to say anything."
01:11:54 "Eileen, what's the meaning of this?"
01:11:57 Before Eileen could even finish her words,
01:11:59 she was interrupted by Amy.
01:12:02 "Didn't you say she was the person
01:12:04 in charge of the Beverly Hills Project before?"
01:12:08 "Amy, Claire was indeed the person in charge
01:12:13 of the Beverly Hills Project before this.
01:12:15 But a few days ago,
01:12:17 our family had some conflicts with the Wright family.
01:12:22 So she was kicked out of her position
01:12:25 as head of the Beverly Hills Project,"
01:12:28 Eileen explained with a wry smile.
01:12:31 She wanted to show off in front of Amy as well,
01:12:34 but reality forbade her.
01:12:36 "What? Kicked off?"
01:12:39 Amy was about to go crazy from anger.
01:12:43 "After all that time,
01:12:45 Claire was not even in charge of the Beverly Hills Project?
01:12:49 Then why did she need Claire's help at all?"
01:12:52 "Amy, don't be so anxious.
01:12:55 Claire can't help you, but he can."
01:12:59 Eileen pointed at Kevin.
01:13:01 "Him?" Amy glanced at Kevin in confusion.
01:13:06 Eileen nodded.
01:13:08 "He is Matthew's university classmate.
01:13:12 Back then, he was the one who talked to Matthew
01:13:15 about Claire and the Beverly Hills Project."
01:13:19 Hearing Eileen's words,
01:13:21 Amy immediately understood everything.
01:13:24 No wonder Claire became the person in charge
01:13:26 of the Beverly Hills Project.
01:13:28 It was because she had a relationship with Kevin.
01:13:32 "Since you and Matthew were classmates in college,
01:13:36 then tomorrow night, ask him to meet with me,"
01:13:39 Amy said in a commanding tone.
01:13:42 "On what basis?"
01:13:44 "Kevin is going mad.
01:13:46 Did this Amy think she was so important
01:13:49 that she could boss him around?"
01:13:51 "On what basis?"
01:13:53 "It would be an honor to ask you to help me.
01:13:56 If anyone else wants to help me,
01:13:58 I don't even give them the time of day."
01:14:01 "Then go find someone else to help you."
01:14:04 Kevin looked coldly at Amy.
01:14:07 If Amy begged him in a calm, polite voice,
01:14:10 perhaps he would be more helpful.
01:14:13 However, he did not care for Amy's attitude.
01:14:18 "How can you say that?
01:14:20 I'm your aunt, and you are my niece and son-in-law.
01:14:24 We are a family.
01:14:27 Can't you see any value in our family bond?"
01:14:30 Amy asked boldly.
01:14:33 Kevin growled.
01:14:35 Amy finally showed him what a snob she could be.
01:14:40 Before, she had called him an outsider,
01:14:43 and now that she needed his help,
01:14:45 she immediately became his family.
01:14:49 "Kevin, help your aunt.
01:14:51 She is the general manager of London Enterprises.
01:14:55 If you can help her, she definitely won't mistreat you,"
01:14:59 Eileen advised.
01:15:01 Although she was unhappy with Amy's domineering attitude,
01:15:04 Amy's position was not set in stone.
01:15:08 If Kevin could please Amy,
01:15:10 the two families would be on better terms.
01:15:14 "Kevin, I heard Eileen say that you're a delivery boy.
01:15:18 How about this?
01:15:20 If you can help my mom get Matthew out for a meeting,
01:15:24 I'll let my mom give you a chance to work at London Enterprises."
01:15:29 Roxy couldn't help but speak up as well,
01:15:31 but her tone carried a hint of charity.
01:15:35 "Did you hear that?
01:15:37 As long as you can help me,
01:15:39 I will let you go to work at London Enterprises.
01:15:43 London Enterprises is one of the top 500 companies in the world.
01:15:48 So, to work there is a great honor."
01:15:52 Amy raised her chin.
01:15:54 In her opinion, as long as Kevin wasn't stupid,
01:15:58 he would know how to choose.
01:16:01 Kevin had a cold face and did not say a word.
01:16:05 Even if the chairman of London Enterprises came over to invite him,
01:16:09 he would not even look at him,
01:16:12 let alone an insignificant person like Amy.
01:16:15 Seeing that Kevin didn't say anything, Roxy became anxious.
01:16:20 "What? You don't believe my mom?
01:16:23 My mom is the general manager of London Enterprises,
01:16:27 so it would be easy for her to arrange for someone to enter."
01:16:32 "Is that so?
01:16:34 Then she can arrange for me to be the chairman of London Enterprises?"
01:16:39 Kevin replied with a sneer.
01:16:42 "Do you want to become the chairman of London Enterprises?
01:16:46 Imagine that!
01:16:47 You're not even fit to be a security guard at our company!"
01:16:51 Amy was so angry that she almost died.
01:16:54 She did not expect Kevin not to know how to appreciate a favor.
01:16:59 "It's simply wishful thinking!"
01:17:02 Roxy was also furious.
01:17:05 "Is that all?
01:17:07 All right then, you can go now."
01:17:10 Kevin looked at the two of them coldly.
01:17:13 If the two of them continued arguing like this,
01:17:16 Claire would wake up very soon.
01:17:19 "Aileen, look at his attitude!"
01:17:23 "Amy, Kevin has such a temper, please forgive him!"
01:17:28 Aileen smiled in embarrassment.
01:17:31 She was helpless.
01:17:33 Before, she had ways to deal with Kevin,
01:17:36 but now he didn't respect her.
01:17:39 "All right, fine.
01:17:40 I don't want to waste my time with you anyway."
01:17:48 "Just tell me,
01:17:50 how much do you want before you are willing to help us make an appointment with Matthew?"
01:17:55 Amy looked coldly at Kevin.
01:17:58 In her opinion, there must be something Kevin needed.
01:18:02 If it wasn't working, then it was money.
01:18:06 Kevin gave a sarcastic smile, but didn't say anything.
01:18:10 "A hundred thousand?
01:18:12 No?
01:18:13 Two hundred thousand?"
01:18:15 Amy frowned.
01:18:17 Kevin was still silent.
01:18:20 Amy lost her patience.
01:18:22 "Don't tell me you want the value of my car that you smashed
01:18:25 so you won't be responsible for the damages."
01:18:29 "Let me tell you, this is impossible.
01:18:32 The money I'll pay you to get Matthew to come out
01:18:35 is different from the money you owe me for the damage to my car.
01:18:39 So, if you can get Matthew out, I'll give you three hundred thousand."
01:18:45 Kevin still didn't say anything.
01:18:48 Amy could no longer hold it in.
01:18:51 "Three hundred thousand is the highest price I can offer.
01:18:54 You'd better not push the price any further.
01:18:58 For you, just making a phone call can earn you three hundred thousand dollars.
01:19:04 You would not get this opportunity again if you lived for ten lifetimes.
01:19:08 I hope you can handle it."
01:19:11 "Are you done?" Kevin raised his eyebrows.
01:19:14 "Then you can get lost."
01:19:17 "What do you mean?" Amy's face instantly turned ashen.
01:19:22 "Nothing."
01:19:24 Kevin shook his head and suddenly sneered.
01:19:27 "To tell you the truth, forget about the three hundred thousand.
01:19:32 Even if it were three million, I still wouldn't help you make an appointment with Matthew.
01:19:37 Because you make me sick."
01:19:40 "Beast, I'll kill you!"
01:19:43 Amy was so mad that she pounced toward Kevin with bared fangs and brandished claws.
01:19:50 Kevin's eyes turned cold.
01:19:52 He was about to make his move, but Eileen and Roxy stopped Amy.
01:19:58 "Kevin, quickly apologize to your aunt!"
01:20:01 Kevin was too much.
01:20:03 He dared to say that she was disgusting in front of Amy.
01:20:07 "Impossible!"
01:20:09 Kevin coldly spat out his response.
01:20:12 Telling him to apologize to someone like Amy was like telling the sun to rise from the west.
01:20:19 Kevin's attitude almost made Eileen spit in anger.
01:20:23 She didn't expect him to be so arrogant.
01:20:26 He didn't treat her like his mother-in-law at all.
01:20:30 Even in front of outsiders, he didn't show her any respect.
01:20:35 "Eileen, you're also a disgrace.
01:20:38 You can't even control your son-in-law.
01:20:41 Why don't you put him in his place for saying such an uncultured thing?"
01:20:46 But unfortunately, Amy had nowhere to vent her anger, so she could only use Eileen as a punching bag.
01:20:54 Eileen smiled.
01:20:56 "Amy, don't be angry.
01:20:58 It's my fault.
01:21:00 It's my fault.
01:21:02 However, don't compete with this piece of trash.
01:21:07 Fighting with him will bring you down to his level."
01:21:11 Roxy also chimed in.
01:21:14 "That's right, Mom.
01:21:16 You're a respected general manager with London Enterprises.
01:21:20 What good is it to argue with a delivery boy?
01:21:23 Even if you aren't able to meet with Matthew, you are still a powerful woman in a position of authority."
01:21:30 Roxy's words instantly eased the anger in Amy's heart.
01:21:35 "Okay, Roxy, you're right.
01:21:38 I won't argue with him anymore."
01:21:41 "Just because he made you angry, it's not worth fighting about."
01:21:45 The corner of Roxy's mouth hooked up into a smile.
01:21:49 After that, she looked coldly at Kevin.
01:21:52 "Kevin, don't think that you're the only one who knows Matthew in Sacramento.
01:21:57 If I wanted to, I could easily find dozens of people who can invite Matthew out."
01:22:05 "Does it have anything to do with me?"
01:22:07 Kevin smiled disdainfully.
01:22:10 "Many people knew Matthew, but Matthew's immediate superior was only him."
01:22:16 "It has nothing to do with you," Roxy sneered.
01:22:19 "But I will let you see, even without you, I can still arrange for Matthew to have Lux Travel Corporation and London Enterprises work together."
01:22:30 "Oh."
01:22:32 He wanted to see how Roxy managed to get the two firms to work together without his consent.
01:22:38 "Daughter, do you have a way to get Matthew out?"
01:22:42 Amy pulled Roxy to the side and asked in a low, doubtful voice.
01:22:47 "If Roxy had a way, why didn't she say so when they were at the Westin Hotel?"
01:22:53 After hesitating for a moment, Roxy nodded her head.
01:22:57 "Mom, I have a classmate.
01:23:00 He works in Lux Travel Corporation right now, and he is a colleague of Matthew."
01:23:06 "Furthermore, his position in the company is not low, so he should be able to speak to him."
01:23:14 "Why didn't you say so earlier?"
01:23:17 Amy glanced at Roxy reproachfully.
01:23:20 "If Roxy had said so earlier, she wouldn't have given Kevin so much time and energy."
01:23:26 "I forgot."
01:23:28 In reality, it wasn't that she had forgotten about it.
01:23:32 She didn't want to interact too much with her classmate.
01:23:35 If possible, she didn't even want to ask him for help.
01:23:39 But now, Kevin's ugly expression completely infuriated her,
01:23:44 and she had no choice but to make this decision.
01:23:48 After receiving Roxy's guarantee, Amy once again becomes arrogant.
01:23:54 She walked up to Eileen and said,
01:23:57 "Eileen, you saw it too.
01:23:59 It's not that I don't want to give your son-in-law a chance,
01:24:03 but I gave him a chance, and he failed."
01:24:07 "In that case, don't blame me for being impolite."
01:24:11 "The $75,000 he owes me must be repaid within three days, not a single bit less."
01:24:18 "If he does not pay, this debt shall be owed by you."
01:24:23 Amy glanced at Eileen coldly.
01:24:25 She knew Eileen very well.
01:24:29 Especially in front of her, Eileen had always tried to impress her.
01:24:34 So she knew that no matter what Eileen had to do,
01:24:37 she would come up with the money, one way or another.
01:24:41 "Don't worry, Amy. I'll get him to pay you back."
01:24:45 Eileen forced a smile as she replied.
01:24:48 But in her heart, she scolded Kevin half to death.
01:24:53 As long as Kevin didn't show the slightest bit of respect, things would never improve.
01:24:59 "That's good," Amy snorted softly.
01:25:03 She originally wanted to leave, but as if she had thought of something,
01:25:08 she shifted her gaze towards Eileen and asked,
01:25:11 "Eileen, didn't you say that the wealthiest man in Sacramento,
01:25:15 Martin Henderson, had given you a big house?
01:25:18 Then where is this house? Do you mind letting me take a look?"
01:25:23 Amy's tone carried a hint of undetectable playfulness.
01:25:28 After settling the matter of cooperation with Lux Travel Corporation,
01:25:32 she remembered that she had business with Eileen this time,
01:25:35 to see what the big house the richest man in Sacramento gave Eileen looked like.
01:25:40 "Amy, the house is in Beverly Hills,
01:25:44 but it's not convenient for me to go there right now.
01:25:47 I still have to take care of Claire."
01:25:50 Eileen didn't think too much about it,
01:25:53 and didn't realize the meaning behind Amy's words.
01:25:56 (music)