The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 181-190

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:00Episode 181.
00:00:03Detectives Jolt
00:00:04No, it has nothing to do with Kevin.
00:00:08Claire shook her head.
00:00:09When did this happen?
00:00:12Eileen questioned.
00:00:13Claire thought that she was ridiculous for thinking of a story like this, but unfortunately,
00:00:19Logan would not get Trevor in trouble, so Claire would have to take the initiative herself
00:00:23to leave the family.
00:00:25Today, she paused for a moment.
00:00:29She hadn't told Logan about the matter because Eileen had delayed her stay, but now that
00:00:33her mother had her money, she was finally ready to talk to him.
00:00:37If it has nothing to do with this trash, who is it related to?
00:00:42She seemed to go all out to get to the bottom of things.
00:00:46Mom, please don't ask.
00:00:48I promise, I made this decision myself.
00:00:51It has nothing to do with anyone.
00:00:54Claire glanced impatiently at her and said, Alright, you can go back now.
00:00:59I'll be heading back to the company now.
00:01:03She originally wanted to ask Claire why she stayed at the villa on the hill last night.
00:01:07The first thing Warren did was call his third brother, Alec, who was a detective.
00:01:12Hey man, will you help me look for someone?
00:01:16The car he's driving is a Bugatti, and the license plate is Sacramento C-00-00.
00:01:22He quickly told him what he saw.
00:01:25Alright, there's only one Bugatti, which is Martin Henderson's car, so there's no need
00:01:30to check it.
00:01:31Alec was stunned.
00:01:32He didn't understand why his brother was getting involved with the most powerful man in the
00:01:39Warren did not know that he was dealing with Mr. Henderson.
00:01:41Usually, he knew all of the big shots of the city, but he had to so he didn't offend them.
00:01:48Martin Henderson?
00:01:49He exclaimed.
00:01:51This man was either acquainted with Mr. Henderson, or he was Mr. Henderson.
00:01:56Brother, you can't...
00:01:59Have you offended him?
00:02:01Alec's heart sank.
00:02:02Why did it sound like he had a grudge against him?
00:02:05If he offended Mr. Henderson, the hope that their family would rise in the social rankings
00:02:10would be nearly impossible.
00:02:13So much so that if Martin had some tricks up his sleeves, his family probably wouldn't
00:02:18even be able to protect his current position.
00:02:21It should be.
00:02:23It's not necessarily considered offensive.
00:02:26He wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead as he said uncertainty.
00:02:30He was glad that he stopped Grace at that time and gave in to Kevin.
00:02:34Otherwise, he would not be able to talk to his brother now.
00:02:38However, he was slightly nervous.
00:02:41Even though he had paid the old lady off, would he still be upset with the two of them?
00:02:47Martin, what's going on?
00:02:49If he offended Martin, then the family must be prepared early.
00:02:54If he can apologize, then apologize.
00:02:57It's like this.
00:02:59Warren did not dare to hide anything from his brother, so he detailed everything that
00:03:04happened after he went to Beverly Hills to look at the house and the conflict between
00:03:08the man and the older woman.
00:03:11After hearing that, Alec frowned.
00:03:14Brother, are you saying that it wasn't Mr. Henderson who was driving the car, but another
00:03:19young man?
00:03:21Wren, do you think it could have been his nephew, Wilson Myers?
00:03:26Warren asked.
00:03:27He knew that Mr. Henderson had some young men in his family, including a nephew.
00:03:34Wilson isn't married yet, and he can barely fight.
00:03:37Alec denied it in a deep voice, then said, but you said that the mother mentioned he
00:03:42was a live-in son-in-law, correct?
00:03:45I remember a person that I heard about not long ago.
00:03:50Kevin Bennett, Claire Wright's husband, or shall I say, Claire's stay-at-home husband,
00:03:57Alec exclaimed.
00:03:58Who are the Wrights?
00:04:00He was a little doubtful, but he really couldn't recall what family he was referring to.
00:04:06However, it wasn't Warren's fault that he couldn't recall that the Wrights had some
00:04:10power in Sacramento.
00:04:12The Wrights were barely on the line of the upper class, and their business was quite
00:04:16small compared to others within the city, and they weren't that well known, so it made
00:04:21sense that he didn't recognize their name.
00:04:24A while ago, he appeared in Wilson's live broadcast.
00:04:28Alec remembered it very well.
00:04:30He watched the live television broadcast that shook the city.
00:04:34When he watched it, he remembered being in awe of the man that had the guts to slap Wilson
00:04:39Myers on TV.
00:04:41Especially because of Kevin's skill, he couldn't forget it.
00:04:46Later on, he even found a library textbook explaining the moves that Kevin had used during
00:04:51that clip.
00:04:52The police station wrote it to teach people self-defense.
00:04:56When River Campino walked onto the set, the live broadcast was cut.
00:05:00Originally, they thought River had killed Kevin and fled the city.
00:05:04However, no one could have expected Kevin to return to the city and be acquaintances
00:05:09with Martin Henderson.
00:05:12Kevin came from a very powerful family.
00:05:15That Bugatti could have been a gift from Mr. Henderson.
00:05:18He was known for being quite generous with his friends.
00:05:21Alec was thinking out loud into the phone.
00:05:23Warren was sweating profusely when he heard this.
00:05:26Who would have thought that a stay-at-home husband, whom his married family called worthlessly,
00:05:31could come from such a powerful family?
00:05:34How could a stay-at-home husband accomplish all of this to manage a relationship with
00:05:38the number one thug of a section of the city and the wealthiest man in Sacramento?
00:05:43Grace, who was at the side, was also scared stiff.
00:05:48After Warren had slapped her, she had already guessed that the man had to come from money.
00:05:53But she could have never expected something to this extent.
00:05:57She knew that Kevin could have killed them on the spot when they treated him so horribly.
00:06:02If he had, her family wouldn't be able to do anything.
00:06:06Even her family was at the level to wipe Kevin's ass.
00:06:10Well, what should we do now?
00:06:14Warren asked as he wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead.
00:06:18If he hadn't stopped Grace when he had, he would have the entire London family on his
00:06:23Fortunately, he's very observant, so the second he sees the Bugatti, he knows he's in the
00:06:30presence of power.
00:06:36EPISODE 182.
00:06:38Brother, you don't have to worry too much about this situation.
00:06:44I think that Kevin is pretty reasonable.
00:06:46He might not look for trouble with our family, and furthermore, he has always been at odds
00:06:51with his mother-in-law.
00:06:53Since Grace only beat up the old lady, it's possible that he didn't mind that she was
00:06:58However, the second brother, you still have to remind Grace to not be so temperamental
00:07:04and impulsive.
00:07:05It's not like she'll always be so lucky.
00:07:08Usually, the people in their families could turn a blind eye to this.
00:07:13Still, if their sister-in-law causes any more trouble, the family is bound to punish her.
00:07:19You can't act like that again, you idiot.
00:07:22Warren could not help but scold her.
00:07:24I promise you, my fighting days are over.
00:07:27She hurriedly nodded and promised.
00:07:30She could have died earlier today, and couldn't risk losing her life again.
00:07:34Her family would murder her as well.
00:07:37In the future?
00:07:38You still fucking want to have a future?
00:07:41From today onwards, you will obediently stay home and not go elsewhere.
00:07:46Warren swore at her.
00:07:47Yes, yes, yes, I won't go anywhere.
00:07:50She hurriedly nodded and agreed, not daring to make one wrong move.
00:07:55Back in the city, Kevin drove Claire to her family company building.
00:07:59At this moment, Trevor and Lorena, who had just finished their work, came out of the
00:08:05On the other hand, Lorena's face was full of bitterness because of her disappointment
00:08:09in Trevor.
00:08:11However, she tried her best to hide it, and when she saw Trevor, she immediately ran up
00:08:16to him and said, Trevor, I'm already yours.
00:08:20You have to love me from now on.
00:08:23As long as you listen to me and do what I say, I won't hurt you in any way you don't
00:08:29He revealed a lustful smile, and deliberately bit the word hurt a little too hard.
00:08:35When they were hooking up earlier, he thought of Scarlet.
00:08:38Although Lorena was not nearly as pretty as Scarlet, she was still more obedient than
00:08:43She would do almost anything for her, and he got to feel like a king.
00:08:48Trevor, I'll listen to you.
00:08:51A hint of indiscernible contempt flashed across her beautiful eyes.
00:08:56If you hadn't given me the vice president position, do you think I would have taken
00:09:00a fancy to shit like you, Lorena thought scornfully.
00:09:05After getting out of the elevator, the two headed straight for the company's parking
00:09:09At that moment, a black Bugatti drove into the building.
00:09:12Lorena, who had sharp eyes, noticed this immediately.
00:09:17She quickly pulled at Trevor's arm, pointed at the car, and asked,
00:09:21Hey, Trev, is that your grandpa's car?
00:09:25Grandpa's car?
00:09:26He was stunned for a moment.
00:09:28He looked in the direction the woman pointed to.
00:09:30When he saw it, his eyes instantly widened as his soul left his body.
00:09:36Why was that car here?
00:09:38Even though it was already late autumn, a layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on
00:09:43Trevor's forehead.
00:09:45This car in front of him was the same one he had almost crashed into when he was at
00:09:49the Westin Hotel.
00:09:51At that time, his car was only centimeters away from hitting it.
00:09:55If it wasn't for Scarlet reminding him to brake, he probably would have crashed into
00:10:00Although he didn't bump into it, he was extremely nervous.
00:10:04Now that the car was here, his first thought was that the owner had seen his reckless driving
00:10:09and came here to teach him a hard lesson.
00:10:12What's wrong?
00:10:14Lorena was a little doubtful.
00:10:16Even if Logan was driving the vehicle, it wasn't that scary.
00:10:20How could he be flustered and scared when it was just a car?
00:10:24Lorena, I can't give you a ride today.
00:10:28Take a taxi back home.
00:10:29He swallowed his saliva, turned around, and ran.
00:10:34Right now, his first thought was to run.
00:10:37Run away first.
00:10:38He could not afford to get in trouble with a person rich enough to buy that car.
00:10:43If someone came to cause trouble for him, Logan wouldn't be able to protect him.
00:10:47Watching Trevor run away, Lorena began to fume with anger.
00:10:52A coward, she thought.
00:10:54Isn't it just his grandfather?
00:10:56Was there a need to be so scared?
00:10:59She crossed her arms over her chest and took a few steps forward.
00:11:03She wanted to see what kind of terrifying person would get out of the car.
00:11:07Then, the car stopped, and the door swung open.
00:11:12A pair of beautiful feet, wearing crystal-high heels, stepped on the ground, and a slim and
00:11:19slender figure appeared.
00:11:21Why is it this slut?
00:11:24Lorena frowned.
00:11:25The one who got off the passenger seat was Claire.
00:11:29Logan must be driving, she thought.
00:11:32Other than Trevor's grandfather, she couldn't think of anyone else.
00:11:35But was Trevor so afraid of him?
00:11:38She wondered.
00:11:39Then, Kevin got out of the car.
00:11:43Not Logan?
00:11:45She was momentarily taken aback.
00:11:48She didn't know this man, so she did not know that the man in front of her was the infamous
00:11:52good-for-nothing son-in-law of the Wrights.
00:11:55However, she didn't know him.
00:11:57But Trevor, who was hiding at the company's entrance, knew him.
00:12:02When he saw Kevin get out of the car, his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.
00:12:08He would never have thought that Kevin could own such a fantastic car.
00:12:13Where did this piece of the trash get such a good car?
00:12:17This was Trevor's first reaction.
00:12:19He was so jealous that he was about to go crazy.
00:12:23This was a Bugatti, after all.
00:12:25There were only six of these rare models in the world.
00:12:28He wouldn't mind getting beat up by someone amazing, but how could he live with himself
00:12:33if Kevin beat him up?
00:12:35How could he have afforded such a nice car?
00:12:38He was so jealous that he was beginning to go crazy.
00:12:42When he thought back to the day at the Westin Hotel, he was starting to grow embarrassed
00:12:46of how scared he was of the owner of this car.
00:12:49He took a big, deep breath and walked up to Kevin.
00:12:53Where did you get the car, kid?
00:12:56Trevor asked angrily.
00:12:57Does it have anything to do with you?
00:13:01Kevin frowned.
00:13:02Why did he feel that he was becoming increasingly like a lunatic, always getting angry?
00:13:08Trevor, who is he?
00:13:11Lorena couldn't help but ask him.
00:13:13He seemed to hate this young man in front of her.
00:13:16However, what puzzled her was that when Kevin saw the car, he looked scared enough to wet
00:13:23However, when he saw the real driver of the car, he grew angry.
00:13:28Lorena couldn't keep up.
00:13:30Don't worry about it.
00:13:32That was because a minute ago, he was scared away by Kevin's car.
00:13:36Of course, he couldn't tell Lorena that the person in front of him was a stay-at-home
00:13:40husband who he had bullied for the past three years.
00:13:44Now tell me where his respect is going.
00:13:52I don't care.
00:13:55Why are you being so rude?
00:13:58Lorena pouted in dissatisfaction, but she was more curious about who the driver was.
00:14:03Without Kevin saying anything, Trevor became increasingly curious about how he purchased
00:14:09this car.
00:14:10He wasn't as dumb as Eileen, however, he knew that this car wasn't rented.
00:14:16It would already be so expensive to rent, so why would he?
00:14:19So he knew that Kevin must have bought the car, but the key point was, where did he get
00:14:25so much money?
00:14:27Claire, is it you?
00:14:30Trevor glared fiercely at her.
00:14:32Is that me?
00:14:34She was confused.
00:14:35Did you give this piece of trash money to buy this car?
00:14:39He asked angrily.
00:14:41She laughed.
00:14:42Trevor, do you think I have that much money to give to Kevin?
00:14:45As in, Kevin Bennett?
00:14:49After hearing this name, Lorena was extremely shocked.
00:14:53She would never have thought that the young man in front of her who drove a luxury car
00:14:57was Kevin, the famous brother-in-law of the Wrights, Kevin Bennett.
00:15:03Since she came to the company, she had to hear his name hundreds of times daily.
00:15:08Trevor hated the man down to his core, while the rest of his family would shit talk him
00:15:13every chance they got.
00:15:15This led Lorena to think that all of their criticisms were true and that this man was
00:15:20a piece of shit.
00:15:21So when he got out of this luxury car, she would have never been able to guess that this
00:15:26was the man she had heard so much about, because she felt that a stay-at-home husband couldn't
00:15:32afford such a flashy car.
00:15:34However, Kevin opened it.
00:15:38It was no wonder that Trevor was so angry.
00:15:40He was mad that he couldn't figure out how he managed to buy the car, but Lorena caught
00:15:45on immediately.
00:15:46Trevor was just jealous.
00:15:48You don't have that much money, but the company does.
00:15:52He glared at the increasing number of people surrounding the company's entrance and said
00:15:56fiercely, Trevor, what do you mean?
00:16:01Claire's pretty face turned cold.
00:16:03What do I mean?
00:16:05Don't you know?
00:16:06He sneered, then pointed at Kevin's nose and said, Claire, don't think that I don't know.
00:16:13You were the one who was embezzling funds to buy your piece-of-shit husband this car.
00:16:19It's disgusting.
00:16:21Trevor, do you still have any brains?
00:16:25She was infuriated.
00:16:27Grandfather's signature is needed for every project in change of the company's budget.
00:16:32Don't use grandpa as an excuse.
00:16:35Before she could finish her sentence, Trevor interrupted her.
00:16:39You were responsible for the Beverly Hills project.
00:16:41You could have gone to the finance department with a forged signature.
00:16:45It's simply too easy.
00:16:47Grandfather is not omnipotent.
00:16:49How could he know everything?
00:16:51He snorted coldly.
00:16:53In fact, he clearly knew in his heart that the probability of Claire using the company's
00:16:58funds to buy her husband a car was very small.
00:17:02However, at this time, he had to blame her for something.
00:17:07There was no way that this man was actually rich.
00:17:11Because if Claire actually was embezzling funds, it would make his accusation worth
00:17:15it because he'd get her in trouble with Logan.
00:17:18When that time came, he and Claire could stand in front of Logan, and he would get her in
00:17:25There's no way that he would go against Trevor's wishes.
00:17:29Lorena was at the side and listening to every word that Trevor said.
00:17:32She wanted to win him over, so she said,
00:17:35Claire, to tell you the truth, the reason that Trevor appointed me as the company's
00:17:39vice president is to investigate the matter of you embezzling the project's funds.
00:17:43If you know what's good for you, then be honest and explain everything clearly.
00:17:49Don't wait for me to find out and explain it to them.
00:17:52That way, everyone will lose a lot of respect for you.
00:17:56He clearly appointed you out of selfishness.
00:18:00She naturally understood that Trevor appointed the woman to push her out of the company,
00:18:05but once she opened her mouth, would they ever actually listen to what she was saying?
00:18:10Nonsense, Lorena snickered.
00:18:13When I take out the evidence, you'll know whether or not I'm talking nonsense.
00:18:18Seeing the woman's confident look, the employees surrounding the door immediately started whispering.
00:18:25President Wright seems to have misappropriated the company's engineering funds to buy a car
00:18:30for her good-for-nothing husband.
00:18:31No, I'm sure.
00:18:33It's not like you don't know that her husband gave it to her as a take-out gift.
00:18:38For a take-out luxury car that wants to buy $20 million?
00:18:42Other than corruption, is there any other way?
00:18:45I didn't expect her to be this person.
00:18:47She looks rather decent every day.
00:18:51It's all just for show.
00:18:53She's too brainless.
00:18:55You should just misappropriate the project fee.
00:18:58Why are you still so high-profile?
00:19:00You actually bought a $20 million car to prove it?
00:19:04With a few words from everyone, this matter had been taken as fact and the rumor began
00:19:09to spread.
00:19:10Kevin's expression was somewhat gloomy.
00:19:13Didn't he know that Kevin wanted to get revenge?
00:19:16He hadn't even settled the score with Trevor for pushing Claire out of the Beverly Hills
00:19:21project, yet Trevor was the one starting shit today.
00:19:25Claire, you'd better explain to me how much money you have taken from the company as soon
00:19:30as possible.
00:19:31It would be too late if you waited for Lorena to find out.
00:19:35Trevor threatened her coldly.
00:19:37He had made up his mind that regardless of whether she used the project funds, he would
00:19:43bribe the finance department to prepare a fake account, trying to show that she had
00:19:47stolen money.
00:19:48Trevor, I'll say this one more time.
00:19:52I have never taken a single penny from this company.
00:19:55If you want to check, just do it.
00:19:58She gnashed her teeth.
00:20:00After speaking, she didn't care if he believed her and prepared to go into the company to
00:20:04retrieve her things.
00:20:06Stop right there, Lorena pulled her back and sneered.
00:20:10You want to leave?
00:20:11Did you ask me for my opinion?
00:20:13Let go.
00:20:15Claire was infuriated.
00:20:16What if I don't?
00:20:18She glanced back at Claire provocatively.
00:20:21She even dropped her fear of hurting the beautiful woman because Trevor was too far away to stop
00:20:27If she refused to accept it, she would hit her until she couldn't take it anymore.
00:20:32As for Kevin, he was useless.
00:20:34What was there to be afraid of?
00:20:37Angry, Claire slapped Lorena across the face.
00:20:41This slap stunned her for a long time.
00:20:43Bitch, you're asking to die.
00:20:47After reacting, Lorena's eyes immediately turned red, pouncing toward her with bared
00:20:52fangs and brandished claws.
00:20:55At this moment, a large hand grabbed her from behind.
00:21:00You want to try touching her again?
00:21:03Kevin's voice was ice cold.
00:21:05She indeed was an idiot.
00:21:07This bitch thought she could beat up his wife in front of him.
00:21:12Bitch, do you want to die?
00:21:15Kevin was a good for nothing man.
00:21:17What right did he have to make a move on her?
00:21:20Let go of her.
00:21:21Trevor also stood up angrily.
00:21:23No matter what Lorena said, he was still considered half a fighter.
00:21:27If he could only look on helplessly as his girlfriend was beaten up, what kind of man
00:21:32was he?
00:21:36EPISODE 184 Slasher's Smile
00:21:40Kevin glanced coldly at Trevor.
00:21:43As Claire's cousin, he could have stopped Lorena from being so rude to her.
00:21:47Now that he was bullying his girlfriend, he stood up more active than anyone else.
00:21:53Trevor was a fool as usual.
00:21:55Facing Kevin's cold eyes, he suddenly felt scared.
00:21:58He had been beaten up by Kevin before, so he knew how amazing of a fighter he was.
00:22:03If he were to fight Kevin today, he was guaranteed to lose.
00:22:08However, he still couldn't back down in front of Lorena.
00:22:12He could only use Claire to threaten her.
00:22:15Kevin, Claire's actions are against the law.
00:22:18It is illegal to embezzle money from a company.
00:22:21If you don't want to see her in jail, release Lorena immediately and apologize to her.
00:22:27He tried to put on a brave front, but he was unable to do so.
00:22:31What if I don't?
00:22:33Kevin suddenly sneered.
00:22:35Then you just wait for her to get her orange jumpsuit on.
00:22:38Her cousin threatened viciously.
00:22:41Kevin chuckled.
00:22:42This idiot.
00:22:44Seeing that he still wasn't backing down, Trevor grew angry.
00:22:48Kevin, you really don't know what's good for you.
00:22:52I've already given you a lot of attention.
00:22:55You've been distracting me from trying to get the evidence against your wife.
00:22:59Then I should thank you, shouldn't I?
00:23:01He mocked.
00:23:02No need to thank me.
00:23:03Trevor missed the sarcasm in his words and continued.
00:23:07As long as you hand this car back to the company, everything that happened between us can be written off.
00:23:13I can also forget about your wife embezzling the funds.
00:23:16Kevin realized that Trevor really was an idiot.
00:23:20Giving this car back to the company would be the same as putting it into his hands, would it not?
00:23:25Trevor was still trying to reason with him, but Lorena couldn't hold it in any longer.
00:23:30Trevor, you have nothing to say to this asshole.
00:23:33Just teach him a lesson.
00:23:36Teach Kevin a lesson?
00:23:38The corner of Trevor's mouth twitched.
00:23:41Go fuck yourself and try to teach one of them a lesson.
00:23:44Lorena suddenly became furious that he was still indifferent about fighting them.
00:23:49She directly scolded him.
00:23:50Trevor, I'm really blind to actually have taken a fancy to a cowardly bastard like you.
00:23:57Claire, listen to me.
00:23:59His face turned red and he wanted to explain, but she cut him off.
00:24:03If you're scared, then you're scared.
00:24:06Don't find an excuse for me.
00:24:08If I dare to beat up a bitch like her, but you don't dare to deal with trash like him,
00:24:13then you're the real piece of trash.
00:24:16Did you hit Claire?
00:24:17Kevin's face turned cold.
00:24:19Previously, in Beverly Hills, he had seen something wrong with his wife's face,
00:24:25but he didn't think too much about it back then.
00:24:27Now, it seemed that this woman in front of him had really beaten her up.
00:24:33I beat up this slut?
00:24:37You still want to take revenge for her?
00:24:40Lorena sneered.
00:24:41She wasn't afraid of what he would do to her.
00:24:44Behind her, she had Trevor to protect her.
00:24:47She thought.
00:24:48Which hand did you use?
00:24:50His tone suddenly became calm.
00:24:52Those familiar with Kevin knew that the calmer he was, the angrier he was deep down.
00:24:59Which hand?
00:25:01Why do you care?
00:25:02She snorted coldly.
00:25:04Kevin smiled.
00:25:06Since you won't say it, then I'll just take it as you hitting me with both of your hands.
00:25:11What are you doing?
00:25:12She looked at him warily.
00:25:14His smile gave her goosebumps.
00:25:17Nothing, he shook his head.
00:25:20He paused for a while, and then said,
00:25:23That's right.
00:25:25I wanted to teach you a lesson.
00:25:29The corners of her mouth curled up because of his vague statement.
00:25:33You're just a piece of trash, yet you want to teach me?
00:25:37A crisp sound of a bone breaking could be heard in the arena.
00:25:41Before Lorena could finish her sentence, she was instantly replaced by miserable howls like a pig being butchered.
00:25:49She was half kneeling on the ground, looking at Lorena rolling around and wailing in pain.
00:25:54Everyone in the field looked at each other, confused.
00:25:59What in the world?
00:26:01What happened?
00:26:03What happened to her, and why was she on the ground?
00:26:06That's not right.
00:26:08Look at her hands.
00:26:09Finally, those with sharp eyes noticed that something was amiss.
00:26:14Everyone's gaze shifted to her hands, their eyes filled with astonishment.
00:26:19Both of them were broken.
00:26:22They were dislocated from her arms.
00:26:24It was as if someone had broken them in a flash, exposing the bone in her wrist.
00:26:30Everyone felt their scalps go numb, without a doubt.
00:26:34This was Kevin's handiwork.
00:26:36But how did he do it?
00:26:38No one in the venue saw him move.
00:26:40All she knew was that as she spoke, Lorena dropped to her knees.
00:26:46Even Ms. Rice herself didn't know how Kevin broke her wrists.
00:26:50She only reacted when a heart-wrenching pain came from her wrist.
00:26:54Kevin was just too fast.
00:26:56Are you satisfied with this lesson?
00:26:59He asked indifferently.
00:27:01He could definitely not be lenient towards someone who dared to touch his weak spot.
00:27:07She was half kneeling on the ground, her entire body trembling.
00:27:11Due to the excruciating pain, her forehead was already covered in sweat.
00:27:16But even so, she still looked at Kevin with extreme hatred and spoke with a hoarse voice.
00:27:23I... I will kill you.
00:27:26All right.
00:27:28I'll be waiting for you to kill me.
00:27:30He smiled faintly.
00:27:32People who wanted to kill him could line up from the south to the north of the city,
00:27:37but he was still alive and well.
00:27:39Kevin, you... you're going too far.
00:27:42Trevor held his breath for a long time before he finally said that sentence.
00:27:47Although he scolded Kevin, his body was frozen in fear.
00:27:51At this time, he was almost ten yards away from Kevin.
00:27:56You want to stand up for her?
00:27:57Kevin glanced at him with a faint smile.
00:28:00Being provoked by Kevin in front of so many people,
00:28:04Trevor definitely wouldn't have been able to endure it.
00:28:07However, he had to endure it.
00:28:10There was some embarrassment and annoyance on his face.
00:28:13Just then, a Range Rover stopped in the middle of the road.
00:28:17The car door opened and Logan, leaning on a walking stick, got off.
00:28:23Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
00:28:25The chairman is here!
00:28:27The moment he appeared, everyone from the company seemed to have found their composure,
00:28:31and their expressions instantly recovered.
00:28:36Trevor's expression was also overjoyed.
00:28:39He walked up to his grandfather, prepared to fabricate the story.
00:28:43Grandpa, Kevin, he...
00:28:45He pretended to be angry as he spoke,
00:28:47but before he could finish the sentence, a stern voice sounded beside his ear.
00:28:55The person who said that was naturally Logan.
00:28:58Although he looked sickly at the moment, he had an unquestionable dignity.
00:29:05He was puzzled.
00:29:06If he had to kneel, it would be in defense of Kevin.
00:29:10But why would Logan do such a thing?
00:29:13I told you to kneel down!
00:29:17Are you deaf?
00:29:18His face was angry as he knocked the ground heavily with the cane in his hand.
00:29:32All right, I'll kneel.
00:29:34Trevor clenched his teeth.
00:29:36Although he was unwilling,
00:29:38he did not dare disobey his grandfather's orders in front of all these people.
00:29:43In the end, he kneeled down in front of him.
00:29:46Do you know why I made you kneel?
00:29:49Logan raised his eyelids and asked coldly.
00:29:52I don't know, he suppressed his anger and said.
00:29:57Hearing that, Logan was enraged.
00:30:00He immediately raised the walking stick in his hand and smashed it on his head, scolding.
00:30:07Don't know?
00:30:08Even now, you still have the guts to say you don't know?
00:30:13I will let you know.
00:30:15He was so angry that his body was trembling.
00:30:18As he spoke, he raised the cane and swung it towards his head.
00:30:23Grandfather, what are you doing?
00:30:26He was the future successor of the company,
00:30:28and he was going to punish him in front of all of these people.
00:30:33What kind of crazy juice did his grandfather drink this morning?
00:30:37You, you evil creature!
00:30:40Are you trying to rebel?
00:30:42Logan was so angry that he puffed his beard and glared.
00:30:47He did not expect Trevor to be so daring now that he was trying to play dumb.
00:30:52Grandfather, I have no objections if you hit me,
00:30:56but you must at least tell me what mistakes I have committed.
00:31:00He braced himself and said.
00:31:02In fact, he already guessed why Logan was so angry.
00:31:06However, he couldn't admit that he had done anything wrong at this moment.
00:31:11Logan took a deep breath.
00:31:13You asshole.
00:31:16Let me ask you.
00:31:18Did you sell the Beverly Hills projects?
00:31:21Yes, I sold them.
00:31:24He admitted it directly.
00:31:26Why the fuck would you sell them?
00:31:30You know these projects are the foundation of the family company now.
00:31:34Back then, to obtain these items from the Lux Travel Company,
00:31:38did you not know how great of a price we had to pay?
00:31:42When the Beverly Hills project first came to Sacramento,
00:31:46the first class families had to fight neck and neck for it.
00:31:49It was an honor that the small right family was able to have it at all.
00:31:54Kevin had helped them and pulled a few strings with his old friend,
00:31:57and Trevor just shit on the opportunity given to them.
00:32:01If they were able to have been successful with this project,
00:32:04it would have sent them into the high upper class.
00:32:07They wouldn't have to worry about money ever again.
00:32:11How stupid could Trevor have been to sell them?
00:32:15He even sold them for a discount.
00:32:17How could Logan not be furious?
00:32:21When Claire heard this, she also almost exploded with anger.
00:32:26She thought that Trevor was just trying to take control of the project by hiring Lorena.
00:32:32But now, she realized that he had gotten rid of the project as a whole.
00:32:38That fucking idiot Trevor.
00:32:41Does he not know that all these projects were supposed to be their big break?
00:32:46Could it be that he didn't know that these projects were supposed to be their new money tree projects?
00:32:51Grandfather, I sold those projects to other families for the very sake of our family.
00:32:57Trevor braced himself to defend himself.
00:33:00Naturally, he would not admit that he sold those projects for selfless desires.
00:33:05For the sake of our family?
00:33:08Logan was so angry that his chest tightened, and then he angrily asked,
00:33:13Tell me, what's so good for our family?
00:33:17Grandfather, don't you understand the principle that possessing a treasure is a crime?
00:33:23Beverly Hills is a highly profitable project.
00:33:27Countless first and second class families were watching it.
00:33:31But in the end, our little company got it.
00:33:34Tell me, how could those other families not get jealous?
00:33:38If I didn't sell some of them, the powerful families would try to take them from us.
00:33:44His argument did make sense.
00:33:46For a hot spot like the Beverly Hills project, everyone wanted to get a share of it.
00:33:51Still, now that they monopolized it, other families were bound to be jealous.
00:33:58Logan could throw up.
00:33:59He was so angry.
00:34:01You vile asshole.
00:34:04You were clearly selling all those projects at a low price to satisfy your own selfish desire.
00:34:11Yet you still have the guts to lie to my face?
00:34:15How could you be so idiotic in handling the company's funds?
00:34:20He had always had high hopes for his grandson,
00:34:23and had always felt that he could lead their family to prosperity in the future.
00:34:28However, he just jumped on the chance to sell their projects because Claire was out of town.
00:34:35He let his hatred for Claire get the best of him and put the company's well-being at stake.
00:34:40He thought Trevor could do better than Claire.
00:34:43But in just a few days, he had squandered all of the projects.
00:34:48He even had the balls to sell the most expensive ones.
00:34:53After he heard the news in the afternoon, he was so angry that he almost fainted on the spot.
00:35:00Grandfather, just relying on yourself is not enough to raise our family to the first class.
00:35:06We still need to obtain the approval of more high-class families in the city.
00:35:11Only if they acknowledge us will our family be able to make some big moves.
00:35:16In this time, we gained some more approval by selling them these projects.
00:35:21I didn't sell them to get rid of them at all.
00:35:24I wanted to sell them as a peace offering to these families so they would remember us in the future.
00:35:30What he said was reasonable, but to put it bluntly,
00:35:34he wanted their family to be the bitch to all these powerful families.
00:35:38If he performed well, they might even make Trevor the head bitch of their company.
00:35:44You... you idiot!
00:35:48Do you really think that those families would accept us as an equal?
00:35:52He didn't know whether he was foolish, but as long as Trevor had a brain,
00:35:57he should be able to understand that all these second-tier families and line families
00:36:03were all the ingrates who couldn't feed their filth.
00:36:07Rather than saying that he was trying to show goodwill to these families,
00:36:11it would be more accurate to say that he was showing these top-tier families
00:36:15that we could easily be fucked over.
00:36:19Why not?
00:36:20Trevor couldn't help but ask, and then said,
00:36:23When I signed the contract with one of the families,
00:36:25the manager told me that if our family has any trouble in the future,
00:36:30we should give him a call, and he would be able to take care of us.
00:36:34In fact, he didn't even say those words.
00:36:37However, Trevor was talking out of his ass just to make himself look better in his grandfather's eyes.
00:36:44In any case, it was impossible for his grandfather to fact-check it.
00:36:50EPISODE 186 Guilty Can Influence
00:36:55However, many of the Wright family employees that were spectating believed this.
00:37:00I feel that President Wright is right.
00:37:03If we do run into trouble in the future, there's no way that their family would protect us.
00:37:07That's right. Those families control their real estate business.
00:37:11None of those families even know who we are.
00:37:14It's so unlikely that they would help us at all.
00:37:17If we had a relationship with any top-tier families, wouldn't it just be because of sympathy?
00:37:23President Logan is right.
00:37:25There's no way they see us as equals.
00:37:27Logan naturally heard everyone's whispers, but his heart was even sadder.
00:37:32He didn't expect their company to have so many short-sighted idiots.
00:37:37First, let's not talk about the authenticity of Trevor's words.
00:37:41Taking a step back, even if what he said was true,
00:37:44this group of people would never consider having a relationship with a top-tier family.
00:37:49What if it was an accomplishment?
00:37:51Nowadays, verbal promises are the most unreliable thing.
00:37:55Only physical benefits were eternal.
00:37:58If they ever needed help, they would need a company from the high class to support them.
00:38:03Although it was wishful thinking, it could still be possible.
00:38:06If they did not give a peace offering to these families,
00:38:09there's no way they would ever offer a helping hand.
00:38:13They might even add insult to injury while they were in crisis.
00:38:16Logan, who had been in the business for decades, understood this more than anyone else.
00:38:21He said coldly, taking a deep breath,
00:38:24Evil creature, I don't care how flowery your words are.
00:38:29I also don't care what empty promises anyone gave you.
00:38:33I'll give you three days.
00:38:35Go and take back all the projects you sold and give every penny back to them.
00:38:40You have to fix what you've done.
00:38:42Grandfather, this is impossible.
00:38:45Before he could finish his sentence, Trevor hurriedly interrupted him and contested him.
00:38:51Wasn't this asking him to kill himself?
00:38:54Those people were all terrifying, and if you offended them, they'd kill you on the spot.
00:38:59In their eyes, Trevor was no better than a mouse they could trap
00:39:03and get rid of without thinking twice.
00:39:07Logan viciously swung his walking stick at his face,
00:39:10instantly leaving a red mark on his cheek.
00:39:13Bastard, I'm not negotiating the terms with you.
00:39:17His face was angry, and he shouted,
00:39:20If you don't want those projects back, then get out of my company.
00:39:24Grandpa, even if you kill me, I won't get those projects back.
00:39:29He would die if he went and asked those people for the projects back.
00:39:33But without the project, although Logan was planning to kick him out of the family,
00:39:37he wouldn't kill him.
00:39:39You evil bastard.
00:39:41Do you think I don't dare to kill you?
00:39:44He was furious.
00:39:46He swung the walking stick in his hand high up and gritted his teeth.
00:39:50It seemed like he was going to throw the bat at any time.
00:39:53Trevor made up his mind and closed his eyes.
00:39:57He was betting that Logan didn't have the guts to hurt him.
00:40:00He was right.
00:40:01After a long while, Logan finally stopped.
00:40:05He heavily knocked the walking stick on the ground and angrily scolded.
00:40:09What a misfortune to our family.
00:40:12My family is unlucky.
00:40:15At this moment, his intestines would turn with regret.
00:40:19Even if he were beaten to death,
00:40:21he would never have imagined that an idiotic person like him would destroy his family.
00:40:26Logan's face was full of worry and anger.
00:40:29He felt like he had aged 10 years.
00:40:32Kevin watched coldly from the side.
00:40:34He had long since predicted that the Wrights would have this problem one day.
00:40:38Logan was too patriarchal and always felt that only Trevor could take over the company.
00:40:43However, Claire was the obvious choice.
00:40:47She was more even-tempered and had amazing character and wit.
00:40:51Logan was so focused on having a man take over the company
00:40:54that he had even tried to suppress Claire within the company.
00:40:57One could imagine how stupid Logan must have been to appoint that idiotic man.
00:41:03Grandfather, don't be too angry.
00:41:06At that moment, Taylor, who had been hiding in the crowd all this time,
00:41:11stood up with a coy smile.
00:41:13Logan leaned on his walking stick with his eyes closed, ignoring her.
00:41:18She wasn't embarrassed.
00:41:19After glancing at Claire, she couldn't help but say,
00:41:22Grandfather, it's not like we won't be able to get those projects back.
00:41:27You have a way?
00:41:29He opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice.
00:41:32She quickly shook her head.
00:41:34I don't have a choice.
00:41:35But she looked at Claire.
00:41:38I think Claire has a way.
00:41:42He shifted his gaze to her,
00:41:44only to see her looking at Taylor with an expressionless face.
00:41:47She coldly said,
00:41:49Why do you think I have a way?
00:41:51Your husband is friends with the head of the project, is he not?
00:41:54That's how we got the project in the first place.
00:41:57So why can't we use him again?
00:41:59She said as a matter of fact.
00:42:01Even though Claire tried to keep this a secret,
00:42:04the entire family still learned about Kevin knowing Matthew Bennett.
00:42:08Almost everyone knew about this.
00:42:10Many people secretly ridiculed Kevin,
00:42:13because if he was classmates with Matthew,
00:42:16how did he become a real estate person in business while Kevin became a delivery boy?
00:42:21He had done it to himself, they would say.
00:42:24This left a lot of people questioning who Kevin was.
00:42:27Why do you think that Matthew would help us again?
00:42:30Why would he, after how stupid it was to get rid of it in the first place?
00:42:34Claire sneered again and again.
00:42:37Taylor finally showed her what it meant to be shameless and invincible.
00:42:41In the past, even though she knew that Kevin and Matthew were classmates,
00:42:45she still tried to get her family to make fun of him.
00:42:48She felt that once they got the project,
00:42:50they would never have to get Kevin's help again.
00:42:53But now, she jumped on the idea of asking him for assistance.
00:42:58They were all willing to tell Kevin to clean up Trevor's mess
00:43:01after bullying him this whole time.
00:43:03Now that they were in trouble,
00:43:05they would have to do some serious sweet-talking.
00:43:09Is there anyone who bullies others like this?
00:43:11Taylor's expression was slightly unnatural,
00:43:14but she said in a righteous tone,
00:43:17Claire, how can you say that?
00:43:19Our family is all one unit.
00:43:22No matter who sold the project, it is everyone's problem now.
00:43:26If we don't work all together,
00:43:27there is no way that we will be able to make it out of this in one piece.
00:43:32Taylor is right, Claire.
00:43:34You can't be so selfish.
00:43:36If our company were to go bankrupt, you wouldn't be much better off.
00:43:40That's right.
00:43:41We need all hands on deck.
00:43:43We need to use every connection, including your husband's.
00:43:46This shit has been using all our resources and money for the past three years.
00:43:51If anyone deserves to help us, it's this piece of shit.
00:43:55The few distant relatives of the Wrights
00:43:57were exclaiming their thoughts from the crowd.
00:44:00They all owned shares within the company,
00:44:02so if they went down, they would also be in debt.
00:44:13You were eating on our dollar for all these years?
00:44:16The faces of the family grew sour.
00:44:18If he had the guts to disrespect members of their family
00:44:22after reaping their company's benefits, he was simply ridiculous.
00:44:26Isn't it?
00:44:28The family started to mock him,
00:44:30seeing that Kevin dared to be disrespectful.
00:44:33If you say so, Kevin smiled faintly.
00:44:36He was too lazy to explain himself to this kind of idiot.
00:44:40Since that's the case, you should contribute to our family as well,
00:44:44someone coldly snorted.
00:44:46Go beg Matthew.
00:44:47If you can fix this problem, we can consider all of this.
00:44:51Maybe you will even be admitted to our family hall of fame,
00:44:55someone from the crowd shouted.
00:44:57Consider it even.
00:44:58Be put in the hall of fame?
00:45:00He shook his head as the sneer on his face intensified.
00:45:05You're still unwilling?
00:45:07The older man, who spoke up earlier,
00:45:09raised his eyebrows and was very unhappy with him.
00:45:12Kevin didn't answer, but walked in front of Logan.
00:45:16Looking straight in his eyes.
00:45:18I can help you get the projects back.
00:45:21But I have a condition.
00:45:22He paused for a moment, then continued.
00:45:26What condition?
00:45:27He was clear that Kevin was not the kind who would speak without thinking.
00:45:32He probably had the confidence to convince the president by saying this.
00:45:37I want something else.
00:45:39I want to establish another part of the company.
00:45:43He said word by word.
00:45:45How dare you?
00:45:47How arrogant!
00:45:48You are only a live-in son-in-law.
00:45:50What qualifications do you have to establish another company?
00:45:54As soon as he said this, and before Logan could reply,
00:45:57the few stubborn elders in the crowd had already become anxious.
00:46:01No one had suggested something so ridiculous before,
00:46:05and they certainly did not want Kevin to be the first.
00:46:08This was asking to start a whole new side of the Wright family.
00:46:12Kevin would be in charge of this company.
00:46:14Not Claire.
00:46:15If Kevin came from a powerful family, then it would be fine.
00:46:19But since he would be in charge of the company,
00:46:22and with his reputation, it was bound to be a failure.
00:46:26On the other hand, Kevin was a stay-at-home husband.
00:46:29A pushover.
00:46:31No one would be able to respect him.
00:46:33Kevin ignored all the rude men from the crowd and continued looking at Logan.
00:46:39In the end, he was still in charge of the company.
00:46:42Why did you establish another side of the company?
00:46:45He asked.
00:46:46He had never expected him to make such a request.
00:46:49Kevin's mouth raised in ridicule, and they asked,
00:46:52If you say no to another side of the company,
00:46:55then I want you to make Claire the successor of the company.
00:46:58Wouldn't that be reasonable?
00:47:00Logan's gaze became serious.
00:47:03He indeed wouldn't hand over the company to Claire,
00:47:06but he didn't want Kevin to start another branch.
00:47:08He felt like Kevin had ulterior motives,
00:47:11You wishy-washy thing!
00:47:13You still dare to scheme and seek to gain control of our family?
00:47:17Logan, don't ever agree with this person!
00:47:20This person has evil intentions.
00:47:23He should be expelled from the family to make an example for others!
00:47:26A few family members were unable to contain their anger.
00:47:30Asking him to give control to Claire was like handing it over to Kevin as well.
00:47:34After all, Claire's children would be part of Kevin's bloodline.
00:47:38He laughed without saying a word.
00:47:40These old things thought that he had set his sights on their company.
00:47:44What short-sighted assholes.
00:47:46Kevin Bennett didn't even respect them at all.
00:47:49They were a tiny company,
00:47:51and he didn't even want it if it was given to him for free.
00:47:54There were many reasons why their company needed to be restarted.
00:47:58Part of it was because there were too many idiots like Trevor and Taylor in their family.
00:48:03They were rotten at their core.
00:48:05Everyone else was.
00:48:07Everyone only cared about their interests.
00:48:10If Claire continued staying in their company, she would be driven crazy.
00:48:15On the other hand, he wanted Claire to gain some power within the company
00:48:18to protect herself from the rest of her family.
00:48:21This was because there would be a fight between Kevin and his own family soon enough.
00:48:26He had no way of predicting the outcome of this battle.
00:48:29If one day in the future, he died or had to flee the city,
00:48:33he wanted Claire to be protected.
00:48:35He would never allow this to happen.
00:48:38He didn't want to only protect Claire for a few years.
00:48:41He tried to protect her for the rest of her life.
00:48:44Logan took a deep breath.
00:48:47I agree to your conditions.
00:48:50The entire audience went silent, followed by an uproar.
00:48:56Logan, why are you so messy?
00:48:59This would ruin the company.
00:49:00Why would you let someone so useless run the company?
00:49:03Me too.
00:49:04We must not let this asshole have any power.
00:49:07Many family members were outraged.
00:49:10Logan sighed.
00:49:11He didn't want to agree, but the current conditions they were in left him no choice.
00:49:17If they did not get those projects back, the company would go bankrupt in a few years.
00:49:22They needed to throw out a lifeline and accept the conditions.
00:49:26At that time, who else was going to help him?
00:49:30Alright, I have made up my mind.
00:49:33If anyone still objects, they must ask Matthew Bennett to help us themselves.
00:49:38Logan snorted.
00:49:40These men were his cousins.
00:49:41They had no idea about the company's difficulties.
00:49:45Normally, they only earned a share of the company's stocks.
00:49:49How could any of them manage to help them with no real power?
00:49:53When he said this, many of the elders immediately became silent.
00:49:57If they could get the rights to the project back,
00:50:00they wouldn't have had to ask Kevin in the first place.
00:50:03They had no way of gaining control over someone as powerful as Matthew Bennett.
00:50:08They did not have any extraordinary power within the city.
00:50:12On the contrary, they were very happy to see Kevin getting sent out,
00:50:16because they assumed he would make a fool of himself.
00:50:20They did not want to take his place.
00:50:22Let's see how this ordeal would go for Claire and Kevin, miserably without their family's help.
00:50:28Of course, they could only think about this in their heads.
00:50:31They didn't have the guts to say it before anyone else.
00:50:34Kevin walked up to Claire and held her hand.
00:50:37Let's go, he slightly smiled.
00:50:40From today onwards, they will have their side of the company,
00:50:44completely separate from the rest of her family.
00:50:47Yes, she nodded slightly.
00:50:50She naturally understood that Kevin had set up another set of the company,
00:50:54not for himself, but to help her avoid the ridicule from her family.
00:50:59It had to be said that Kevin was spending too much on this.
00:51:02The projects that Trevor had sold were worth at least 500 million dollars,
00:51:08and handing them back over to the Wrights was like a waste of money.
00:51:12Could Kevin keep the projects after?
00:51:14Of course he could.
00:51:15As long as he revealed his true identity to the family,
00:51:18they would give him much more than these projects.
00:51:21They would fall on their knees and praise him.
00:51:24However, he didn't.
00:51:26Claire knew very well that he did this to make her feel better.
00:51:30After all, she had lived with her family her whole life.
00:51:34Kevin would spend a billion dollars to make Claire smile.
00:51:45After Claire and Kevin left the building,
00:51:47many of the family members couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves,
00:51:51The president must be getting old.
00:51:53How does he think that Kevin will be able to get the projects back?
00:51:57That's right.
00:51:58And I think that man is so useless.
00:52:01He won't even be able to get into that building to talk to them.
00:52:03That's not even the biggest issue.
00:52:05I can't imagine how angry the family will be after this.
00:52:09Don't you think that they will see this as disrespect?
00:52:12Sending a delivery boy to do business deals?
00:52:15Don't worry.
00:52:17If they get angry with us,
00:52:19we will blame that piece of shit and push all the blame off our family.
00:52:24This piece of trash is going to create another branch anyway.
00:52:28That man will not use our family name for that company.
00:52:31That's right.
00:52:32That asshole is not worthy of our family name.
00:52:35Logan could not help but sigh.
00:52:37He had heard everyone's discussion.
00:52:40These people were already planning how to get the blame off the family.
00:52:44They were expecting Kevin to fail.
00:52:46With how idiotic the family was,
00:52:48Logan didn't blame Kevin for wanting to start a new company branch.
00:52:53Taylor, from today onwards,
00:52:55you will be the one to fill the position of vice president of the company.
00:52:58He looked at her and said,
00:53:00Trevor has proven he is unworthy of the position.
00:53:04Taylor may not be strong enough, but she'll have to go with the flow.
00:53:08Yes, grandfather.
00:53:09Her expression was joyful as she hurriedly nodded in agreement.
00:53:13As for this beast...
00:53:15He glanced at Trevor coldly,
00:53:17then said in a deep voice,
00:53:19From now on,
00:53:21you are not allowed to hold any positions in the company.
00:53:24Not allowed to hold any positions?
00:53:27When everyone heard this, they were shocked.
00:53:30Logan was announcing that he was no longer the successor to the company.
00:53:35He was kicking him out of the family business.
00:53:37He thought that Trevor was the only option to take over the company.
00:53:41He was the only male.
00:53:42But did Logan dare to appoint a woman?
00:53:45But now, things have taken a turn for the better.
00:53:49Once Trevor was kicked out,
00:53:50that means everyone else had a chance.
00:53:53Everyone's gaze instantly turned fervent.
00:53:56Trevor lowered his head,
00:53:57and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer.
00:54:01Bunch of idiots.
00:54:02You want to inherit the company without my approval?
00:54:06Dream on.
00:54:08After Logan left,
00:54:09Trevor stood up and went without even looking at Lorena,
00:54:12who was glaring viciously at him.
00:54:15After returning home,
00:54:16he immediately took out his phone and dialed Mile Robinson's number.
00:54:21Mr. Robinson?
00:54:23Very quickly, he explained the entire situation that occurred.
00:54:27After listening, Miles couldn't help but laugh aloud.
00:54:31This idiot.
00:54:32He thinks my family will bother making a deal with a stay-at-home husband?
00:54:37Oh, he must be dreaming.
00:54:39Mr. Robinson, you should be careful.
00:54:42After all, Matthew has a deep relationship with this asshole.
00:54:45If he stands up for him,
00:54:47I'm afraid that you will be in a lot of trouble.
00:54:50Miles was his only backer at the moment.
00:54:52Even if he died,
00:54:53he did not have any hope of turning the situation around.
00:54:58Miles laughed as the situation sounded like a joke.
00:55:01What trouble can Mr. Bennett bring to me?
00:55:04It would be better if the Bennett family's people
00:55:07personally appeared before me.
00:55:09That's good.
00:55:10That's good.
00:55:11But just in case, Manager Robinson,
00:55:14you'd better bring more people with you in the next few days.
00:55:17This asshole can fight.
00:55:19Trevor didn't want Miles to figure out Kevin's skill independently.
00:55:22Miles listened to him this time
00:55:24and assured him that he wouldn't be alone.
00:55:27It would be hard for him to dodge an arrow on the spot.
00:55:30He was really afraid of what this guy could do to him.
00:55:33Oh, right.
00:55:34Mr. Robinson,
00:55:35I have one more thing to tell you.
00:55:37Seeing that he was about to hang up the phone,
00:55:40Trevor knew he had to speak up.
00:55:42What is it?
00:55:43Miles sounded a little impatient.
00:55:45I have to ask you for a favor,
00:55:47he smiled in embarrassment.
00:55:50What is it?
00:55:51Miles was somewhat unwilling.
00:55:54Miles did not owe him any favors.
00:55:56In his eyes,
00:55:57Trevor was no different from a dog.
00:56:00Mr. Robinson,
00:56:01do you have any drugs that would put someone into a coma?
00:56:05The Robinsons were involved with many major cartel members
00:56:08and were prominent on the black market.
00:56:10So if anyone had drugs like this,
00:56:13it would be them.
00:56:14There were poisons,
00:56:17and any drug you could think of.
00:56:19It was top secret within their company
00:56:21because of how illegal it was.
00:56:24why are you asking about the drugs?
00:56:26Miles was on guard.
00:56:28This kid Trevor
00:56:29was planning to plot against someone.
00:56:33Mr. Robinson,
00:56:34I need to keep this matter top secret.
00:56:37He smiled again in embarrassment.
00:56:40Is it inconvenient to reveal?
00:56:43A playful smile flashed across his lips.
00:56:47He already guessed who he was planning to plot against.
00:56:52you have the medicine you mentioned,
00:56:54but the price...
00:56:55Miles paused and said,
00:56:58It's not cheap.
00:57:00How much is it?
00:57:01Trevor swallowed his saliva and asked.
00:57:03One million dollars,
00:57:05he said lazily.
00:57:07A million?
00:57:08He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.
00:57:11Why is it so expensive?
00:57:13You think it's too expensive?
00:57:15Miles snorted coldly
00:57:17with a slightly affronted tone.
00:57:19Not expensive,
00:57:21not expensive,
00:57:22he hurriedly shook his head.
00:57:23A million was something he could afford.
00:57:26Let me tell you,
00:57:27this drug
00:57:29was imported from Europe.
00:57:31There is no problem with its effects.
00:57:34if you use it,
00:57:35no one else will be able to find any traces of it.
00:57:39Every year,
00:57:40dozens of bottles would be sold in the black market.
00:57:43Most of the buyers were people with great positions within the city.
00:57:46And as for their uses?
00:57:48In any case,
00:57:49it couldn't be used on him.
00:57:51Most of them were similar to Trevor.
00:57:53What these people were most afraid of
00:57:55was being found out by others.
00:57:58I'll take one.
00:57:59After this is over,
00:58:01I need to show you my gratitude.
00:58:03He gritted his teeth.
00:58:04At this point,
00:58:05he had no choice but to try it.
00:58:07All right.
00:58:09I'll be waiting for your...
00:58:12His face was full of smiles.
00:58:14Ever since he got to talk to Trevor,
00:58:16he got a shit ton of money.
00:58:18He realized that Trevor was his bitch.
00:58:21Claire and Kevin entered the top villa area
00:58:23on the other side of town.
00:58:25After entering their house,
00:58:26Kevin called Jared Smith.
00:58:29In my name,
00:58:30notify the Robinson family
00:58:32and some other top families in the city.
00:58:35Tell them to send someone to the South Empire building tomorrow.
00:58:38In addition to the Robinsons,
00:58:40Trevor also sold the projects to a bunch of real estate companies.
00:58:44These companies were a big deal in the city,
00:58:47but only had a few upper middle class families supporting them.
00:58:53Episode 189
00:58:55Infatuation Gone Overboard
00:58:58Mr. Bennett.
00:59:00Use your real name?
00:59:02Jared could not react for a moment.
00:59:04Was Kevin going to expose his real identity?
00:59:08Kevin replied softly.
00:59:10My right family name.
00:59:12All right, Mr. Bennett.
00:59:14I understand.
00:59:16He hurriedly nodded his head.
00:59:17This made it clear that he did not want to reveal his true identity.
00:59:23He nodded and hung up the phone,
00:59:25only to find Claire looking at him with a complicated expression.
00:59:30What's wrong?
00:59:31He said softly.
00:59:34Really let me talk to them as well?
00:59:36I want to try.
00:59:38She whispered.
00:59:39She could already tell that Kevin was trying to make her the face of the company.
00:59:43He wanted her to have the ability to be independent.
00:59:47She had no time to think about the reason behind this.
00:59:50The only thing she has done is stand behind Kevin
00:59:53and wait for him to protect her.
00:59:55This time,
00:59:57she would finally have to stand up for herself
00:59:59and do something independently.
01:00:02All right.
01:00:03You can come and talk to them tomorrow.
01:00:05He smiled.
01:00:07Of course, he would support her unconditionally
01:00:10since this was his original intention.
01:00:12He could more or less guess what she was thinking.
01:00:15Thank you, Kevin.
01:00:17She smiled as if she was relieved of a heavy burden.
01:00:21She was worried that Kevin wouldn't let her participate in the negotiation
01:00:24because he feared she would be hurt.
01:00:27Why are you thanking me?
01:00:28He smiled and said.
01:00:30Claire, in tomorrow's negotiations,
01:00:33I have only one request for you.
01:00:35What request?
01:00:36She couldn't help but ask.
01:00:38Don't let yourself be wronged.
01:00:40He said seriously.
01:00:42Remember, you are my wife.
01:00:45No matter when or where,
01:00:47I will protect you from behind.
01:00:49You won't ever be hurt as long as I am in this world.
01:00:53Yes, I will.
01:00:55She nodded lightly.
01:00:57Before they knew it,
01:00:58tomorrow came.
01:01:00Kevin and Claire had arrived at the South Empire Building
01:01:03very early on.
01:01:04They invited everyone from the Robinson family
01:01:07because Kevin had inquiries of his own as well.
01:01:10Today, it would be fine if they were to hand over the projects.
01:01:14But if they disrespected his wife in any way,
01:01:17it would not be good.
01:01:19Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Wright.
01:01:21He welcomed them,
01:01:22with Aaron and a few other direct descendants behind him.
01:01:25Is everyone here?
01:01:27Kevin asked politely.
01:01:29Jared shook his head and said,
01:01:30Mr. Bennett,
01:01:31a few family members of the Robinsons aren't here,
01:01:34but everyone else has arrived.
01:01:36Yes, he nodded slightly.
01:01:39He had already expected this kind of situation.
01:01:42Those who didn't come
01:01:43thought they were too good for this deal,
01:01:46and the other half was scared of the Wright family,
01:01:48so it made sense why they did not come.
01:01:51As for the people who did come,
01:01:53they were stupid enough not to respect Kevin.
01:01:56They came because they thought this deal was a joke,
01:01:58and they wanted to be entertained.
01:02:01Make a list of those who have yet to arrive.
01:02:03We'll break one leg each later,
01:02:05he instructed lightly.
01:02:07Since these people did not give him the time of day,
01:02:10he did not need to respect them.
01:02:12Yes, Mr. Bennett.
01:02:14Jared felt a chill in his heart,
01:02:15and quickly nodded.
01:02:18you and the others will go in later if Claire needs protection.
01:02:21He shifted his gaze back to Aaron.
01:02:23Although he had promised Claire
01:02:24that she could do this deal on her own,
01:02:26he still wanted to ensure she was safe.
01:02:29Mr. Bennett,
01:02:30what about you?
01:02:32He was stunned.
01:02:33You don't want to accompany your wife?
01:02:35He smiled and said.
01:02:37I'm outside.
01:02:38If anything happens,
01:02:39I will come in immediately.
01:02:41All right.
01:02:43I'll protect her.
01:02:44Aaron nodded.
01:02:46Kevin must have reasons for doing this,
01:02:48so he would not question it.
01:02:50At this moment,
01:02:51Miles and two middle-aged men with large bellies
01:02:54were already drinking wine in the box.
01:02:56Besides the three,
01:02:57a few girls wore revealing clothing,
01:03:00peeled grapes,
01:03:01and poured red wine.
01:03:03They were living like kings.
01:03:05Outside the box,
01:03:06a dozen robust bodyguards in black suits and headphones
01:03:09stood in two rows,
01:03:11looking extremely impressive.
01:03:13Manager Robinson.
01:03:15Why isn't that piece of shit coming in yet?
01:03:18His name
01:03:19was Zack Palmera.
01:03:21He was the manager of Palmera Real Estate.
01:03:23As one of the city's top 10 real estate companies,
01:03:26coupled with the fact that the Palmera family backed him,
01:03:29he was very rich.
01:03:30The size of the company was almost 5 billion.
01:03:35he did not intend to care about Kevin's deal,
01:03:38but after hearing that he had a more beautiful wife
01:03:40than any woman in the city,
01:03:42he changed his mind.
01:03:43He loved to fuck girls from rich families,
01:03:46which was perfect for him.
01:03:48Miles took a sip of the red wine,
01:03:50and slowly said,
01:03:51What's the hurry?
01:03:53What should come will come sooner or later.
01:03:57if this piece of shit doesn't show up,
01:03:59wouldn't that be perfect for you?
01:04:02Manager Robinson.
01:04:03You sure know how to joke around,
01:04:05he chuckled.
01:04:07I don't intend to give that asshole a single project back.
01:04:10I want to see all the hype about his wife.
01:04:12You also have a crush on his wife?
01:04:14Before Miles could say anything,
01:04:16another middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses spoke first.
01:04:21what do you mean?
01:04:23What do you mean by also?
01:04:25Zack's face did not look good.
01:04:27The golden-rimmed glasses man's name
01:04:30was Robert Weir.
01:04:31He was the general manager of Weir Real Estate,
01:04:34a very successful company within the city.
01:04:38Do you have an objection?
01:04:40Different from Robert,
01:04:41he had met Claire before.
01:04:43After that,
01:04:44he became infatuated with her,
01:04:46so he always tried to get close to her,
01:04:48but did not progress until Trevor allowed him to purchase the Beverly Hills project.
01:04:52I don't have any objections.
01:04:54I'm just afraid that the ugly-faced woman in your family
01:04:57might have an objection,
01:04:58he sneered.
01:05:00It was said that the Tigress was related to the Walter family,
01:05:03of the First String families.
01:05:05If he dared to cheat outside,
01:05:07the Tigress would not be courteous to him.
01:05:12Episode 190
01:05:14Bedroom Secret
01:05:16Hearing the three words
01:05:17old woman,
01:05:19Robert's expression changed.
01:05:21He was still very afraid of his family,
01:05:23but in front of Zack,
01:05:25he could not possibly admit his mistake.
01:05:28He said,
01:05:29that old woman,
01:05:31I'm planning on divorcing her.
01:05:34Divorce her?
01:05:35If she doesn't give up,
01:05:37you'll be fine and even give her a break,
01:05:39he laughed loudly in ridicule.
01:05:41Robert was talking out of his ass.
01:05:44Someone in that family?
01:05:45How could he ever sleep without being scared?
01:05:50don't cause trouble,
01:05:52Mr. Weir became angry from the embarrassment.
01:05:55There were so many women in the room,
01:05:57it was indeed too much for him to humiliate him.
01:06:00Looking for trouble?
01:06:02if it wasn't for you causing trouble first,
01:06:05would I have talked back to you?
01:06:07Zack was also furious.
01:06:09He was targeted first,
01:06:10but why was Robert looking for trouble?
01:06:13He wanted to explain a little bit more,
01:06:15but at this moment,
01:06:16Miles frowned and said,
01:06:18they're not here yet.
01:06:20Why are you making such a ruckus?
01:06:22The moment he said this,
01:06:24the two of them stopped talking.
01:06:26They still had to respect him,
01:06:28after all,
01:06:29the success of their companies was in the hands of the Robinson family.
01:06:33That girl from the Wright family,
01:06:35is she really that pretty?
01:06:37He had heard of her name before,
01:06:39the number one woman in the city,
01:06:41but he never had the chance to meet her
01:06:43because he felt that the possibility of this happening,
01:06:46was very high.
01:06:47They were all wondering why she married a delivery boy,
01:06:50when she could have had any rich man she wanted.
01:06:53But today,
01:06:54before she arrived,
01:06:55the two men were already fighting over her.
01:06:58They had seen enough of the world to know,
01:07:00that Miles did not meet with people,
01:07:02he did not want to see.
01:07:04They were always curious about this woman.
01:07:07Manager Robinson,
01:07:10she is indeed beautiful.
01:07:11Her beauty was emitted from the inside out,
01:07:14and she appeared naturally beautiful.
01:07:16Perhaps at first glance,
01:07:17it was not breathtaking,
01:07:19but the more you look at her,
01:07:21the more you fall in love with her.
01:07:23The more you fell for her,
01:07:25the more you were convinced that she was an angel from heaven.
01:07:28Since she is so beautiful,
01:07:30why is she still a chick?
01:07:32After being married for three years,
01:07:34Claire and her husband were still virgins.
01:07:36This matter was no longer a secret in the outside world,
01:07:39and her husband became a huge joke.
01:07:42Many people suspected,
01:07:43that there was something wrong with Kevin.
01:07:45Because her husband is trash!
01:07:47Zack twitched his mouth.
01:07:49Besides pigs like Kevin,
01:07:51he couldn't think of any other reason to explain this.
01:07:56Robert rarely agreed with Zack.
01:07:58He heard from his comment,
01:08:00that Claire reluctantly married Kevin,
01:08:02and didn't like him,
01:08:03or else they would have had sex by now.
01:08:05Miles nodded,
01:08:06and was about to say something,
01:08:08when the door to the room was pushed open.
01:08:10Claire walked in,
01:08:11wearing a black suit,
01:08:13with Erin following closely behind her.
01:08:15The entire room went silent when she entered.
01:08:18It was the first time,
01:08:20they were able to see her in person.
01:08:22They stared at her with laser focus,
01:08:24examining all of her curves.
01:08:26Zack felt the blood rush to his groin.
01:08:29Her slim waist,
01:08:31her long, beautiful legs.
01:08:35He had to see her naked.
01:08:36If he could get his hands on a woman like that,
01:08:39he would be happy for the rest of his life.
01:08:41Miles' mouth went dry as well.
01:08:43At this moment,
01:08:44he could no longer think about Kevin,
01:08:46but could only think about how much he wanted her.
01:08:50He only had one thought in his mind.
01:08:52No matter what,
01:08:53he had to find a way to get his hands on her.
01:08:56To marry such a pig,
01:08:58she was wasting her beauty.
01:09:00She needed to see what it was like,
01:09:02to be with a real man.
01:09:04Hello, Miss Wright.
01:09:05I'm Miles Robinson.
01:09:07He stood up first,
01:09:08and stretched out his hand.
01:09:10Following that,
01:09:11the two men also stood up,
01:09:13and stretched out their hands with a smile.
01:09:15She frowned slightly.
01:09:17She didn't like the lewd looks from the three of them,
01:09:20but she knew
01:09:21that since she had decided to take the situation on her own,
01:09:24she would have to face the problem in the future,
01:09:26sooner or later.
01:09:28She reluctantly extended her hand,
01:09:30and shook hands with the three,
01:09:31before sitting down.
01:09:34I came here this time.
01:09:36She went straight to the point,
01:09:37and wanted to say the reason directly,
01:09:39but Miles interrupted her
01:09:41with a smile before she could finish.
01:09:43Miss Wright.
01:09:45Let's not talk about work for now.
01:09:47Let's drink first.
01:09:48We could talk about work later.
01:09:51With that,
01:09:52he pushed the glass of red wine in front of her.
01:09:55Manager Robinson.
01:09:56I can't drink.
01:09:57She frowned.
01:09:59Can't drink?
01:10:00He laughed and said.
01:10:02Ma'am, are you joking with me?
01:10:04There are still people who can't drink these days?
01:10:07That's right, Miss Wright.
01:10:09How can you not show any sincerity,
01:10:11when you want to talk about a deal with us?
01:10:13Zack said with a smile.
01:10:15The person who informed them to come,
01:10:17was Kevin.
01:10:18But when they arrived at the scene,
01:10:20didn't bother showing up.
01:10:22Instead, he called his wife over.
01:10:25The meaning behind this was very obvious.
01:10:27From his point of view,
01:10:29Kevin was given his wife as an offering,
01:10:31and expected them to have sex with her.
01:10:34her actions were no different from putting on an act.
01:10:37She felt a little awkward.
01:10:39She picked up the red wine on the table,
01:10:41and gulped it down.
01:10:42Although Kevin said he didn't want to make her feel wrong,
01:10:45how could she not think she was wronged,
01:10:47while living in this world?
01:10:49She didn't want to live under her husband's protection.
01:10:52She also wanted to have the ability to defend herself.
01:10:56It was so straightforward.
01:10:58Miles laughed,
01:10:59and poured another glass of red wine,
01:11:02pushing it in front of her.
01:11:03With Aaron watching from the side,
01:11:05he couldn't do something like drugs.
01:11:08it was still possible for him to get drunk on Claire.
01:11:11If he could find a random reason
01:11:13to send the guard away so they could get Claire to drink,
01:11:16then she would be at his mercy.
01:11:18All right.
01:11:20I'll have one glass.
01:11:21She glanced at Miles expressionlessly,
01:11:23and said,
01:11:25but please,
01:11:26give me a clear answer for our business deal.
01:11:28What kind of answer do you want?
01:11:30He smiled faintly.
01:11:32The projects that Trevor sold to you?
01:11:34I want them back.
01:11:36She said calmly.
01:11:37Give them back?
01:11:39You're making things a little difficult for me.
01:11:41I've already paid for those projects in cash.
01:11:44I've already signed all the contracts in black and white.
01:11:47Now that you want them back,
01:11:48I'm afraid it's not that easy.
01:11:50At this point,
01:11:51he paused and didn't continue.
01:11:53But the meaning was obvious.
01:11:56Whatever conditions you have,
01:11:58just say it out.
01:11:59She took a deep breath and said.
01:12:01She naturally understood
01:12:03that he couldn't hand over those projects with just a few words.