• last year
The Ultimate Laughing Riot is back again with more fun and comedy than ever before with Bulbulay season 2 having new situations, new interactions, new instances, and new consequences.

Written By Saba Hassan
Directed By Rana Rizwan

Ayesha Omar,
Hina Dilpazeer,
Mehmood Aslam,
Ashraf Khan,
Shagufta Ejaz.

#bulbulayseason2 #comedy #ARYDigital
#arydrama #AshrafKhan #NabeelZafar #AyeshaOmar #HinaDilpazeer #arydigital #MahmoodAslam #ShaguftaEjaz #entertainment


00:15Asalam-o-Alaikum, Uncle.
00:18Excuse me, who are you?
00:20My mother used to praise me.
00:22She used to say that I'm a good son.
00:24The whole village used to praise me.
00:26Sir, we are looking for your name.
00:28My name is Mukas.
00:30People call me Vicky with love.
00:31You can also call me that.
00:33This name doesn't suit your face.
00:35Okay, Vicky son.
00:39You were looking good.
00:42Now you are crying.
00:43You look very bad.
00:44Why are you crying?
00:46I have never heard the word son from my father's face.
00:49Today, for the first time, I will hear the word son from someone's face.
00:52Why? Are your parents dumb?
00:54No, sir.
00:55Oh, I understood.
00:57Your father has become God-fearing.
00:59Come, let's pray.
01:00No, sir.
01:01He is fine.
01:03But my mother...
01:05Don't cry.
01:06Tell us.
01:07How can we help you?
01:09All the famous people stay here.
01:11I have come to meet them.
01:13Yes, they stay here.
01:14You should have told us earlier.
01:16That you have come from their village.
01:18We would have introduced you to them.
01:20Come, we will introduce you to them.
01:21Will you also remember?
01:23Come, come.
01:24Come, come.
01:25Hold this.
01:27Come, come.
01:28Come, come.
01:30You do one thing.
01:31You stay here in the lawn.
01:33We will send Mr. Mahmood right away.
01:35In fact, you can sit here and cut the vegetables.
01:38As you wish.
01:51Yes, Churlu.
01:53Have you come to meet me?
01:54Yes, father.
01:56Whose father?
01:58My father.
01:59Who are you?
02:01Where have you come from?
02:03Toba Tek Singh.
02:04What are you saying?
02:06Tell me clearly.
02:07Who are you?
02:08I am your son, Vicky.
02:10Are you out of your mind?
02:12I have only two sons.
02:14One is Sona.
02:15And one is Nabil.
02:17And one is me.
02:18I am the son of yours and Parveen.
02:21Who is Parveen?
02:24The one you used to call Pino Pino.
02:27What nonsense is this?
02:28Come on.
02:29Go away from here.
02:30How can I go away like this?
02:31I have promised my mother.
02:33That I will bring you along.
02:35What are you blabbering?
02:37You are just blabbering.
02:39Come on, get out of here.
02:41No, I don't want to go anywhere.
02:43I will go and tell everyone that you are my father.
02:45I will tell everyone.
02:47Go away.
02:48I am not your father.
02:49Get out of here.
02:49No, I won't go.
02:50Get out.
02:50I won't go.
02:51Not here.
02:53Why are you going inside?
02:55You thief.
02:59Where are you?
03:00Where are all of you?
03:01All of you come.
03:02I want to tell you something.
03:03Where is the house?
03:05Come here quickly.
03:07Come here.
03:08Who lives in this house?
03:09That's it.
03:10We only live here.
03:12Not here.
03:13His son.
03:14His daughter-in-law.
03:15And his wife also lives here.
03:20Nabeel, beautiful uncle.
03:23Come here quickly.
03:26Come here.
03:27Come here.
03:28What happened?
03:29What happened, Jyoji aunty?
03:31Why are you shouting?
03:32I will tell you.
03:33I will tell you.
03:33Who are you?
03:34I am Vicky.
03:36I am Mahmood's son.
03:37Very good.
03:38Congratulations, Jyoji.
03:40Your son has come from London.
03:42Mahmood is not my name.
03:45He is your husband's name.
03:47What are you saying?
03:53No, uncle.
03:54This is a lie.
03:56This is a lie.
03:57How can it be a lie?
03:59I used to run behind the railway station.
04:06To stop you.
04:07Mahmood, was there a witch behind you?
04:10There is a witch behind Jinn.
04:13Not a witch.
04:14It was my mother.
04:15She married her.
04:16She ran away with you in the first year of marriage.
04:19Mahmood, this boy is saying so much and you are not responding.
04:23What will I say?
04:25Look at them.
04:27They look so similar.
04:30Look at their big faces.
04:34According to this, you should be Mahmood's sister.
04:38Because your face is also very...
04:41I am not his father.
04:44And I don't know any of them.
04:46How can you not know?
04:48I have promised my mother that I will take you to her.
04:52I am ruined.
04:55Mahmood has such a big son.
04:58Mahmood, listen to me.
05:02Mahmood, listen to me.
05:04Come with me.
05:06Come with me.
05:09Mustaqeem, look at me properly.
05:13I don't want your son to come in the next episode.
05:16I wish this happens.
05:18How can this happen?
05:22Mom, listen to me.
05:24Tell me the truth, Mahmood.
05:26How many more secret wives do you have?
05:29Tell me the truth.
05:30Otherwise, I will hit you with a bat and break your head.
05:33There is no one, mom.
05:36I have seen her for the first time.
05:38Today, the son has come.
05:40Tomorrow, the mother will come.
05:42It's been a long time since my mother died, mom.
05:46I am talking about her mother, Junaid.
05:50Yes, I am talking about Mahmood's mother, Junaid.
05:55Tell me the truth.
05:57Is she more beautiful than me?
05:59I don't remember anything, mom.
06:01How many more children do you have?
06:04I don't have any children.
06:06I have 32 children.
06:08I will hit you with a bat and break your head.
06:10If this turns out to be true.
06:13Shut up.
06:14He is such a liar.
06:16He refused to tell me everything.
06:18Look, he is a liar.
06:22But you don't have any proof.
06:24You are my elder brother.
06:26Please help me.
06:28I have promised my mother.
06:29I will bring father with me.
06:31I am not your brother.
06:34If you bring Mahmood with you..
06:36..then what will happen to my mother?
06:38I have been yearning for my father's love all my life.
06:41Please help me, brother.
06:43How can I help you?
06:45I can adopt you.
06:45I can take you in my arms.
06:47I can be your father.
06:49Just bring me one hair from father's head.
06:52He has only four hairs left.
06:55If you take one, what will he have left?
06:58I will do one thing.
07:00I will cut my finger and bring it.
07:01Take that.
07:02No, brother.
07:03Just one hair.
07:03Just bring me one hair.
07:05Listen to me.
07:06Will you make Mahmood suffer?
07:09And if something happens to him..
07:11..then what will happen to Bulbul?
07:13Have you gone mad?
07:13He is my stepfather.
07:15No, brother. You don't understand.
07:17I will get a DNA test done.
07:20So that the milk and water become one.
07:22Oh, I see.
07:24But why should I give you hair for free?
07:27Brother, I have been seeing Bulbul since childhood.
07:29I know very well that you are a greedy man.
07:35Oh, I see.
07:36Now that you know..
07:37..then listen.
07:38One hair will cost only Rs. 5000.
07:42I agree.
07:44I have taken it.
07:45Done, done, done.
07:47Mother, are you okay?
07:49What can I do?
07:50I am fine.
07:51I think she has forgotten again.
07:54Mahmood's son has come from the village.
07:57Ishwant had sworn by me..
08:00..that he is not her son.
08:01This means that if the oath is broken..
08:05..then you have fallen in love with Allah.
08:06I don't want to die at such a young age.
08:09Nabeel, what happened? Did the boy leave?
08:11No, dear. He is crying.
08:13He says that he has been yearning for his father's love all his life.
08:16Now I will take my father with me.
08:18I am not his father.
08:20Oh, I see.
08:21So the woman who used to ask in the train..
08:27..that Sherry Babu has come.
08:29Sherry Babu has come. Who was she?
08:31How would I know who she was?
08:33This boy is talking nonsense.
08:35Go and make him run away.
08:39You have rats in your head.
08:41Go and do your work.
08:43Till then I will make your son run away.
08:45I am not his father for no reason.
08:49Nabeel, what have you done?
08:52You have started itching.
08:53Look, there are rats everywhere.
08:55But Amar.
08:57Ladies and gentlemen.
08:59I have seen him from far.
09:01Vicky is not here.
09:03I think he has gone back to the village.
09:06Mr. Mustaqeem, he will not go from here without taking his father.
09:10I told you that I am not his father.
09:13Yes, he is just Kafeel's father.
09:15Not Kafeel, but Nabeel.
09:17Yes, his father too.
09:19Not Kafeel, but Nabeel.
09:20Yes, his father too.
09:27Wait a minute.
09:29Come on, father.
09:30Come on.
09:31Let's go to mother.
09:32I told you that I am not your father.
09:35Now you cannot deny that I am Piyu.
09:38Because now I have proof.
09:41What proof?
09:42Show it to us too.
09:43Why not?
09:44See it with your own eyes.
09:50Oh my God, Mr. Mehmood.
09:51He is really your son.
09:55You are a cheater.
09:56You are a cheater.
09:58And this is my mother's picture.
10:06Oh wow.
10:08By the way, he doesn't look bad.
10:10How is he, Parveen?
10:12You wretched man.
10:13You have finally agreed, haven't you?
10:15You wretched man.
10:16You have finally agreed, haven't you?
10:18My mother used to roam around in every box of the train.
10:22To look for you.
10:24She used to pour oil in the red tank and spend her entire life in it.
10:28You should have given her a torch.
10:30The red tank makes you feel better.
10:33My mother used to run behind the train in the middle of the night.
10:40Just waiting for this man.
10:42Please forgive me, son.
10:43So many years have passed.
10:46And then I came to the city and got married to momo.
10:49I was so busy with Bulbul that I couldn't come back.
10:55How is your mother?
10:57Shut up.
11:13You should forgive me now.
11:15In fact, tell your mother to forgive me.
11:18She can never forgive you.
11:21If you go, then ask her for forgiveness.
11:24No, no, no.
11:25I can't go now.
11:27I do some important work.
11:29Do this go now you go.
11:29I'll come back in a few days.
11:33No daddy, I'll take you along.
11:36Don't be so stubborn brother.
11:39Didn't I tell you that I will come to meet your mother?
11:43I have promised my mother that I will bring you with me and you will spend the rest of your life with your mother.
11:51How is this possible?
11:54This is my house. My wife and kids are here.
11:57That is also your house. Your wife and kids are here.
11:59I have been looking for my father since my childhood.
12:03For the first 5 years, I thought my milkman was my father.
12:06Then one day my mother saw a bubble and told me that your father is a big mouth.
12:12Look son, I am very sorry for what happened to you.
12:18But what could I have done?
12:20I came to the city and started a new life.
12:23Then I got a bubble, Jhanjalpura and many other jobs.
12:28I didn't get a chance to look back.
12:31My mother, my mother, she has a lot of scars on her feet.
12:38She didn't put as much oil in my head as she did in that damn red tank.
12:44All her life.
12:45Look, I am aware of your pain.
12:49Then get ready to leave father.
12:52I am giving you an hour to think.
12:55Go inside and tell everyone that you will spend the rest of your life with us.
13:00In Chakabati Toba Tek Singh.
13:03How will I spend the rest of my life in Toba Tek Singh?
13:17If this happens, it will be great.
13:20You keep your ideas to yourself.
13:24Mr. Vicky, what happened?
13:27Did you talk to Mr. Mahmood?
13:29Is he ready to go with you or not?
13:31No, he hasn't agreed yet.
13:32But I am trying.
13:33He will agree.
13:34If he doesn't agree, how will I face my mother?
13:38She will suffer so much.
13:39No, son.
13:40Why don't you bring your mother here?
13:43You can stay in the room downstairs.
13:46What do you mean?
13:47I mean, you must have paid 35,000 rupees.
13:50And there is no time to eat and drink.
13:52No, my mother can't come here.
13:54I will take father and he will have to go there.
13:57If he goes to the village, what will happen to his friends?
14:03My mother used to take pictures of father in every lane of the village.
14:09Every night when the train used to come to the station,
14:12she used to run to the train station before the tea vendor.
14:18Mustaqeem, this looks like a painful movie story.
14:23Write it down.
14:25Write it down.
14:26I am telling you.
14:28Don't leave it.
14:29I will write it down.
14:32You continue.
14:34I will write it down.
14:35While staying at the station, I became a porter.
14:38And while picking up people's luggage,
14:40I almost became a cripple.
14:42He is very cruel.
14:43He doesn't have mercy on his own son.
14:45I don't understand what will be the outcome of this story.
14:49I will take revenge for my mother's pain.
14:52My father will have to go with me.
14:54If he doesn't go with me, then...
15:02I will die.
15:05Uncle, please forgive me.
15:08All this didn't happen after you got married.
15:11That's enough.
15:12I don't trust you.
15:13Today, you have a 32 year old son.
15:15Tomorrow, you will have a 42 year old daughter.
15:17My son is right, Jameel.
15:19I don't want to see this man's face.
15:22Should I put a cloth on him?
15:24Put him with his son in his village.
15:28He has a gun in his hand.
15:29I think he is planning to kill himself.
15:31Look, son.
15:32Don't be so sad.
15:34You have met me.
15:36Now you go.
15:37After a few days, I will also come to meet you.
15:40I can't leave this family right now.
15:44I won't kill him.
15:46Not at all.
15:48I will kill you if you don't go.
15:50That's a good idea.
15:53I am not forcing you.
15:55Make your decision.
15:56Should I go?
15:58Or should I stay here?
15:59I think he wants to shoot you.
16:02I think you should leave happily.
16:07Yes, Mr. Mehmood.
16:08There is no harm in coming together.
16:10They are also your family.
16:12What happened, Neeladas?
16:13She has been waiting for you for years.
16:17Mahmood will come.
16:18Mahmood will come.
16:19She is waiting for you.
16:20No, Wajahat.
16:21I won't let you go.
16:23Even if I have to shoot you.
16:26I am going to the lawn for a while.
16:28When I come back, your answer should be yes.
16:31It's time to fulfill the promise I made to my mother.
16:35Mr. Mehmood, please leave.
16:37It will be very difficult for you at this age.
16:41No, I won't go.
16:43I am 100% sure that Jisra's mother is crazy.
16:49And if she loses her mind after seeing me,
16:54I don't know what she will do to me.
16:56Then what will you do?
16:58Call Mr. Bhatt.
17:00He will make him understand.
17:02Maybe he will send him back.
17:05This is a very good idea.
17:07My phone is in the room.
17:09I will call him.
17:10Call him.
17:11Call Mr. Bhatt.
17:12Tell him to come.
17:22Mr. Bhatt.
17:23Yes, Mehmood.
17:24How are you?
17:25My son is after me.
17:28He is always after you.
17:30Mr. Bhatt, you don't understand.
17:32He is asking me to shoot him with a gun.
17:36Look carefully.
17:37Nabeel must have a water gun.
17:39The gun is real, Mr. Bhatt.
17:41And I am not talking about Nabeel.
17:43Then about Sona?
17:45No, not Sona, Mr. Bhatt.
17:47I have another son.
17:49How can you have another son at night?
17:52Okay, wait.
17:53I am coming.
17:55Come soon, Mr. Bhatt.
17:56Come soon.
18:01Who are you?
18:02I am Vicky.
18:04Who is Vicky?
18:05And what are you doing here?
18:06This is my father's house.
18:08Who is your father?
18:09Mr. Mahmood.
18:10The one with a big mouth.
18:11He is my father.
18:12Now everyone knows.
18:13How is that possible, father?
18:15I am sure he is talking about coming to Bulbul.
18:18Years ago, I married my mother secretly.
18:21Then I came to the city to earn money.
18:23Then I got a new car.
18:24And now I am here.
18:25My mother has been waiting all her life.
18:28She has been waiting for her father's train.
18:30At the station.
18:32Such a filmy story.
18:34No, I don't believe this.
18:36You are a liar.
18:37No, sir.
18:38I have proof.
18:39I will show you.
18:40Look at this.
18:41This is a DNA test report.
18:44See for yourself.
18:49This is true.
18:51My father didn't recognize me at first.
18:53Now he is not ready to walk with me.
18:55But I have promised my mother.
18:57That I will bring my father with me.
18:59You reminded me of my own story.
19:02My father also left my mother and got married again.
19:06And my poor mother went through the same pain.
19:09And I yearned for my father's love all my life.
19:12Then tell your father to come with me.
19:14What do you want me to say?
19:15I will push him and send him with you.
19:18He will be fine.
19:19Come with me.
19:22Mr. Mehmood, ask Mr. Bhatt to send that child back to the village.
19:26Please don't send him to jail.
19:28He is already very sad.
19:30Shut up.
19:31Sad girl.
19:32He was going to shoot my husband.
19:34Mother, he was going to shoot him.
19:36He didn't shoot the flying snake.
19:40Mr. Mehmood, I think you should bring him to the village.
19:44He is a native of the village.
19:46The butter of the village.
19:48The vegetable of the village.
19:49The bread of the village.
19:51Shut up.
19:52Why don't you send your husband?
19:54Why don't you send him?
19:55But I don't have a young son.
19:57And I don't have an innocent wife.
19:59Otherwise, I would have left.
20:02Come on, let's go to the room.
20:05Thank God, you came.
20:07This boy has been threatening me since morning.
20:09Let's get him out of here.
20:11How can I get him out?
20:13He is your son.
20:15I have seen the DNA test report.
20:18This is your blood.
20:20Go and meet his mother.
20:22Pack your things.
20:23But Mr. Bhatt.
20:26We will talk about justice.
20:28Thank you, Mr. Bhatt.
20:30Did you call me Mr. Bhatt?
20:31Go and pack your things.
20:32Hurry up.
20:33No, no.
20:34I don't need anything.
20:35I just need a shroud.
20:37I will buy it on the way.
20:42I have to introduce him to his mother.
20:44Why does he need a shroud to meet your mother?
20:48Because she died waiting for him.
20:52I took an oath on that day.
20:54That I will take him to his mother.
20:56And bury him in the grave next to her.
20:58Very good.
21:00I won't go.
21:01I won't go.
21:02I won't go.
21:03If you want, you can go.
21:05Even if you die.
21:13Thank God.
21:14Thank God.
21:15I am safe.
21:16I am safe.
21:17What happened to you?
21:18Mom, I had a very bad dream.
21:21Go away.
21:23Someone has come to meet you.
21:25Someone has come to meet me?
21:28Let me see.
21:29Let me see.
21:37I am Mehmood.
21:38Who are you?