Peter McCullough recommended Big Pharma’s Famotidine. Conflict of interest?

  • le mois dernier

• AstraZeneca PAID for this study about a Big Pharmaceutical company's product called "Famotidine" at:

• According to this other video, AstraZeneca, a big pharmaceutical company and a Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer, PAID USD 1.5 MILLIONS DOLLAR to Peter McCullough at

• What is a financial "Conflict of Interest"?
___• For those not familiar with a conflict of interest (COI). A COI is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another. Typically, this relates to situations in which the personal interest of an individual or organization might adversely affect a duty owed to make decisions for the benefit of a third party. Source

• What is the difference between an ALLOPATHIC Doctor and a NATUROPATHIC Doctor? This video is related to Allopathic medicine at

• Is McCullough's blanket recommendation about Famotidine dangerous? I mean, according to Big Pharma themselves, their product Famotidine heavily reduce the acidity and PH of your digestive system. Some people need MORE acidity in their digestive system. Other needs LESS. In other words, if you need MORE acidity in your digestive system, and you take Famotidine, does this risk to result in numerous health challenges? Such as, but not limited to: Food not being digested in your small intestine? Then, inflammation (leaky gut)? Then blood poisoning? Then, potentially death?

• Was McCullough fooled by an artificial intelligence (AI) to make his recommendation? In other words, did McCullough regurgitate an AI's recommendation? If yes, who directly or indirectly controls that AI? Domestic or foreign? With Good or Evil intentions?

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