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00:00 Gentlemen, 6x3 minute rounds. Protect yourselves at all times, obey my instructions at all times, fight strong, fight fair, touch gloves. Back to you.
00:13 Leanne Reid, our referee for this co-main event and the fight that plenty have been most excited about on this card here tonight. It is Fawcett and Spall. And gee, they're not going to muck around. They sprint to centre ring and they exchange big punches and they are ready to go here.
00:32 Big shots connect from both fighters in the opening seconds of the opening round here. Spall and Fawcett, they're here to bang. They mean business. Spall's turned to southpaw already, he just got caught with the right hand.
00:45 He took a right hand as soon as he switched to southpaw. Fawcett knows what he's doing with the southpaw obviously and big grabs from Sammy Goodman. And they meet here at centre ring. Spall will switch the entire time from orthodox to southpaw. Fawcett will want to stand there and trade with him at times.
01:05 Left hand got through, nice straight right hand and again it sent Paul into the southpaw stance and he doesn't look as comfortable there with Fawcett throwing right hands. Fawcett's hurt him a couple of times, I think Fawcett's got the power to really do some damage here to Adam Spall.
01:23 Yeah, they were good shots from Fawcett. Spall, he's looking flashy but he's taking some significant shots now from Fawcett. Spall turns one around and comes back with a couple. Over the top, oh that's a huge left hook that misses from Spall. Fawcett comes back with a left hook of his own. There's a right uppercut as well from Fawcett.
01:44 Lovely uppercut, what an opening round. These guys are going at it flat out. Yeah, left hand again from Fawcett, a really strong opening round here. He's in southpaw again, here is Spall. He'll look for the right hands. Well, Jason Fawcett, he's had success with that and he goes with his lead jab there, gets through, turns a hook around as well and a right hand over the top. Jason Fawcett showing some really good variety here as Spall continues to switch back and forth.
02:13 He certainly is and you know the southpaw stance from Spall doesn't bother Fawcett one bit I don't think. No, I think he quite likes it. Yeah, I think he does too.
02:22 Got through there, it was a beauty. Stiff jab, good country. Nice counter shot too from Spall, he's got great reactions as they go to the body, turns one upstairs too to Spall on the inside. Then Fawcett comes back, a left hand, looks for an uppercut, one, two goes Spall. Good shot from Spall again. That's a big right hand there from Fawcett.
02:44 Spall was hurt by that, but he seems okay, he's clear, he's not 100% clear. Big right hand it was from Fawcett, it rocks Spall who's hanging on now for a moment. He stands in southpaw and he stands in close to Jason Fawcett. They try and get free to work but it was a significant shot from Jason Fawcett.
03:03 What an opening round this has been, this has been fought at a hell of a pace. Fawcett setting him up. Jason Fawcett as Spall goes through. There's another shot from Fawcett. Coming up the belt rail, oh good shot from Spall. Really good shot. Right handed finish the combination from Spall was a beauty as well. Wow, what a right hand.
03:24 What a right opening round. Fantastic three minutes to start this one between Jason Fawcett and Adams Spall who came to go to war. Who do you see got that one Benny? I think Fawcett probably gets the round. Yeah I think so. What a round it was, he's their corner.
03:41 I just need our stars to be bang on. Alright we're good feet, has the jab missed tonight? Fucking not really. Don't get carried away. Throwing anything more than that jab. Alright, turn him up the middle.
03:56 Here's the highlights, we could just about show the entire round, plenty of action and we expected a bit of quality here but I don't know if we expected that sort of ferocity Barry White. It was seriously ferocious the first round and you know both boys having good moments. I think Fawcett definitely won the round but Adams Spall certainly landed some good shots as well.
04:20 Round number two, what does it have for us after an outstanding opener. Again they sprint out to meet each other at Centre Ring here in Sydney. Fawcett from the Central Coast and Spall from Victoria. Very entertaining first three minutes. This one scheduled for six but as you heard in the corner from Joel Keegan, Fawcett and the team don't want to take this one to the cards.
04:47 They'd like as stoppage as possible against Spall. Fawcett looking to line him up with that big right hand but Spall countering well. There's a good shot from Spall, he got through and he goes through again. The right hand uppercut from Adam Spall got through twice there onto Fawcett. Certainly did.
05:07 Over the top, Fawcett with a right hand that misses. There's the uppercut just missing from Spall. Right handed uppercut from the orthodox stance has been a good shot from Adam Spall who's been whacked a few times in Southpaw.
05:23 Yeah, he seems to notice Spall's not going to the Southpaw stance as much now because he was getting caught every time he did it. There he goes, two good punches from Spall who tries to finish over the top. Fawcett comes back at him. Now they're infighting. Better round for Spall this round.
05:41 He's decided to stay in close and try and bang it away with Fawcett having some success. There's another uppercut that gets through. Good punching from Adam Spall, really good stuff. Halfway through round two, we've got a war here.
06:00 That one crept a bit low from Fawcett but the idea's right to go to the body of Spall on the inside who now goes back to Southpaw for the first time in a little while and again he's found a bit at sea by Fawcett who just couldn't quite score with the right hand.
06:18 Now Spall turns and tries to go bang and misses and turns one over the top. The right hand uppercut gets through again from Spall. Good right hand from Fawcett too. He leads with a nice up jab there and back comes Fawcett to the body. Better round for Spall. Much stronger round from Adam Spall.
06:34 Nice left hook, good uppercut back, both boys teeing off on each other. There's a good shot from Spall, the right hand got through. That was good work. Just turned and went bang with a straight right handed Spall. Fawcett planted his feet and threw some shots but Spall, oh Fawcett with the right hands.
06:58 Went one two and the right hand was a beauty. Jason Fawcett who tries to go again and does. Coming back with the right hand is Spall. To the body goes Spall again and Fawcett tries to find him.
07:10 Ball turning Southpaw again briefly. I think he should forget it. It doesn't appear to be working for him. Doesn't bother Fawcett one bit.
07:19 Yeah he looks good there going to the body and finishing over the top. The right hand uppercut was the match that mattered throughout that round for Adam Spall. A much stronger round for the Victorian.
07:30 Far better round. Jason Fawcett had great moments as well but he knows he's in a fight. Could be a round of pizza at this stage.
07:39 Every time we're long we're flat we're straight we look good. We've got to be thinking about Dominate when it breaks out the long. We've got to have clean defence when he does coming up.
07:52 This man's up next. What a big night it is for him. Danilo Criati with victory. He goes through to fight Nikita Zou. We've seen what's happened to the last couple of guys who were meant to do that.
08:06 So it is an enormous night for the Italian born Sydney side of Criati who's in our main event against Marcus Hayward next. Right now we head into round number three of what has been a very very entertaining fight so far.
08:24 Jason Fawcett and Adam Spall. Barry I don't know how you feel about this but Adam Spall they tell me last night at 10pm couldn't sleep so went for a 5k run. No that's unbelievable.
08:37 So I'm not sure that's a great idea. Not a good idea you wouldn't think but I tell you what he looks very good tonight. Yeah well after a rough opening round he came on strong.
08:47 Yeah I think he probably pitched the second. Yeah it's probably got an even fight at the moment and they're both going at it and centring here.
08:54 And he's just camped here in that Southpaw stance that. Oh just slipped back into orthodox and caught beautiful left hook. Fawcett was awake to it but it slid up at times from Spall who scores with a little right hand there.
09:09 Having a good round so far. He just tended a little bit here but Spall showing some explosiveness at times against Fawcett. Yeah Fawcett's pace seems to have dropped a little bit to me Ben.
09:27 Adam Spall seems to be still at a bit of a higher pace especially in the second round at the start of this round. Now he's back here at range let's see if this suits Fawcett any better as he leads with that right handed and misses and then misses with a second shot as well and Spall just plays up here for the moment in Southpaw.
09:46 Spall seeing him well at the moment. Here he goes punching long Fawcett. Pace is slow to the minute. Counter shot there beautiful shot from Spall. Upper cut perfectly timed upper cut. That is his shot Adam Spall in this fight the upper cut it was Fawcett who led and scored with a nice shot but Spall came back. Fawcett trying to use his head there like a bulldog.
10:08 Really slick boxer is Spall a nice eye at times to score with that upper cut and time it well. Fawcett can't see it at range and seems to feel more comfortable from here.
10:29 Yeah Fawcett's pace has dropped to me not putting on the pressure as much as he did especially in the first round and he slowed up a bit in the second. He needs to do more I think. Here he goes just trying to get that right hand away. We have got six rounds though.
10:49 He's long and punching one two is Fawcett as he gets underneath that one from Spall. Fawcett misses over the top to the body goes Spall. Fawcett tries to come back. Spall it's Fawcett who just hangs on and works. He goes to the body one two. Double shot there from Spall.
11:09 The upper cut from Spall got through again right hand from Fawcett. He misses over the top with that right hand is Fawcett. Body shot Fawcett. Spall comes back. They trade to the bell. Good finish of the round for Fawcett.
11:29 He battled back hard did Fawcett but Spall has started to find his groove and again he stands up in between rounds. Yeah that's hard to believe you got up in the middle of the night for a time. He doesn't want to sit down in between rounds either. He's just standing there with one leg up on the ropes.
11:51 We have a look at the highlights from another very entertaining round. You had them one a piece heading into round number three Barry Michael. Which way did you go with the third?
12:01 I'll tell you what it was pretty close I think. It would be interesting to see what the judges got. This fight is up for grabs. We're still half way through it. Both boys having their moments. It's still up for grabs in a big way. Adam Spall has been impressive. As has this man as well. Been a very quality fight so far.
12:23 Round four and they're at Century. They don't need to run to each other this time. They meet each other and immediately get to work. Joel Keegan in the corner tells Jason Fawcett he needs to work. Yes I agree. His work rate dropped a little bit in the last couple of rounds. He certainly needs to lift his pace.
12:43 That's a beautiful uppercut again from Spall. What a beautiful time. And another right hand from Spall. Excellent stuff. He times it so well that right hand uppercut from the orthodox stance. Now he's back to Southpaw and jabbing away with his right hands. Working for him now the Southpaw stance. At the start of the fight he was getting caught but now he seems to be seeing him a lot better. And Fawcett is not. His work rate has dropped a lot.
13:10 He got through with a right hand there Fawcett but he's not showing the same urgency or work rate.
13:16 Saw that coming did Fawcett and now he comes back and he finishes off that right hand with a left hook. Fawcett starting to work a bit harder here. He just can't quite find Adam Spall with those shots. There's a good shot and they come back from Spall. And now Spall he digs in as Fawcett comes back. Great exchange here in round number four.
13:40 Both got through onto the chin of their opponent. Both stood up and fired back. Really good stuff. And plenty for both corners to like and to encourage as the uppercut gets through again from Spall. Perfect timing.
13:59 Body shots from Fawcett. Spall turns those around. They want him to work from here. Jason Fawcett his corner. He has to. Yeah his work rate dropped around about round three. He needs to lift it up for round four of six.
14:21 He's got two after this one. One minute remaining of round four. It's up for grabs this one. A very quality fight between two very good boxers indeed.
14:33 Spall just jabbing away. Good work from Spall. Trying to find him as he turns around a hook and Fawcett again leans back in. He looks to the corner of Fawcett as he takes another right hand uppercut. Another gets through. There's a right hand from Fawcett over the top.
14:52 Another working place from Adam Spall at the moment. Under 30 seconds remaining of round four. Potentially a Spall round I reckon. Left hook and a right hand from Fawcett. Spall over the top with the right hand. There's that uppercut again. There's a good shot on the inside from Fawcett.
15:16 It's Fawcett trying to work. The uppercut from Spall gets through again. He turns around another and there's a shot with a left hand as they tackle to finish the round. Really good fight. Quality stuff. Good co-main event we're seeing on Fox Sports. Adam Spall and Jason Fawcett.
15:35 We've got a competing side. Dave is far chipped. Not wild chipped. Another very close round. What did we get in the last 10 seconds? A rope. A rope. What does he do when he gets a rope?
15:47 This has been the key shot for Adam Spall. That right hand uppercut. Timing. But he's got through at times and has clattered into the jaw. I think Spall is probably marginally in front at this stage. How do you see it?
16:04 There's every chance he's come good after the first round which is a good Jason Fawcett round. Adam Spall boxing really nicely and they did say we had to keep an eye on him and he's come to fight and he's up on his toes. Ready to go.
16:21 Here's his opponent Jason Fawcett at centre ring. He switches back. He was standing in Southpaw and as the bell went he went back to Orthodox. Now he jabs away and scores. Does Spall, Fawcett. He jabs nicely. Really strong jab. There's a beautiful jab from Spall.
16:41 Perfect jab and I love the way he stands. His chin down, shoulder there. Lovely left hook from Spall. What a shot it was. Fawcett got through. Spall came straight back. Uppercut again. That's a good shot over the top from Fawcett. Left hand over the top against the Southpaw version.
17:01 Tries a right hand down the middle but Spall saw it well. Fawcett presses forward and tries to throw with his right hand. Now they're on the inside. An uppercut it is from Fawcett. Spall tries to get free but he can't for a moment.
17:24 Down the shot and to the gloves from Spall. Right hand got through. There's a good shot with a right hand from Fawcett. Good right hand. Good body shot from Fawcett. Uppercut as well from Fawcett. Better moments for him in this, the fifth round. Spall is trying to get free and to work from there. It's a warning for Spall.
17:46 The holding it. Jason Fawcett. Spall comes back. Uppercut again with that right hand. There's another shot from Spall. Better work from Spall. Fawcett leaps out. Spall comes back. Just exploded for a moment there to Adam Spall.
18:12 Fawcett having a stronger round here in round number five. Now Spall tries to work. Right hand is good from Fawcett again who closes in strongly against Spall. Wow this is a see-sawing battle now. Uppercut from Spall. Smothering and working though. Jason Fawcett a tough fifth round from him this.
18:31 Spall putting the pressure on in a big way. He needs to. He's pressing forward very strongly and punching hard is Jason Fawcett as Adam Spall finds himself on the right. Uppercut from Spall. Good work from Fawcett here at the end of round five. Under 35 seconds remaining in round five. Fawcett putting the pressure on big time.
18:53 There's a good right hand from Fawcett. Spall comes back. Spall came back well. Spall came back really well there. He punched nicely there to Spall after taking a solid right hand from Jason Fawcett. Uppercuts again. Spall tries to find him.
19:11 Coming up to 10 seconds round five of six. To the body goes Fawcett. Spall tries to find some space and he turns those shots around. A good left hand. Right uppercut to finish. Another very impressive round. Good stuff from Fawcett and Spall continues to stand in between rounds.
19:34 Wow, he's a fit boy. He is. What a pace. It's been a great pace. All action from the opening bell. Take us through these highlights Barry.
19:47 Look, there's Adams Spall in the southpaw stance landing with his shots there. He loves to switch to southpaw and he's very effective at it. The first round or so it didn't work but as we progress it's working. Fawcett's putting the pressure on here. We've got a really quality fight. It'll be interesting to see how the judges are looking at it but I think Adams Spall might be in front of this stage coming up for the sixth and final round.
20:11 This will be next. Our main event, Marcus Haywood. He's a big puncher from New Zealand and he's here to ruin the party for Danilo Criati.
20:23 What a good eye. Sixth and final round. We'll see him next but this one is up for grabs. Jason Fawcett and Adams Spall. They have traded throughout and they'll continue to do so here in round number six of six. An explosive start to this one and it has not slowed down.
20:46 It's been a quality fight from both boys. Good pace, good technique from both lads.
20:54 One, two, three there from Spall as well and the uppercut finishes the combination. Jason Fawcett nods and steps forward at him.
21:04 He's a fit lad, he's Adams Spall, there's no doubt about that. In really good condition, finishing well here in round six.
21:12 Up on his toes is Spall. Impressive move at Fawcett but he takes a big shot. He copped one back, he landed two and copped a big one back.
21:21 Beautiful right hand it was from Spall. Fawcett was doing good work and now it is Spall who fires out. Fawcett tries to find him, body shot from Spall. This is good stuff from the Victorian.
21:35 Adams Spall as Fawcett goes to the body and his corner screams at him. Jason Fawcett, they need more from him because Adams Spall is boxing really nicely and scoring with some big shots as well.
21:50 It's going to be interesting to see how the judges see this but I think Adams Spall is going to get the chocolates here at this stage with half, one minute and thirty seconds remaining of round six, the final round.
22:05 Good uppercut there from Fawcett, nice work in close. One, two and three goes Spall. Spall comes back. Yeah, what a fight. Lovely uppercut.
22:18 Fawcett gets around and throws his shots as Fawcett plants his feet. Gets through with an uppercut as well. Jason Fawcett with a minute left. One minute exactly. Here we go, who's going to have the last minute? Good stuff from Adams Spall.
22:35 Fawcett looking for that opening. It's Fawcett really trying to dig deep and work hard here but Adams Spall has scored with some really good punches throughout the first couple of minutes of this final round.
22:52 The Victorian who is on the big stage here for the first time and has shown plenty of quality against someone that we know in Jason Fawcett who's boxed well at times but he's in there with someone who is extremely energetic and just pouring punches forward. He's been Adams Spall.
23:11 Adams Spall's work rate has been phenomenal. I think he's going to get the biscuits. Coming up to ten seconds for the sixth and final round of this fight. It's nearly over. What a bout we've had. It's been a cracker from both fighters.
23:22 Here's a big shot from Spall. Big right hand got through from Adams Spall and they finished this one on their feet. Adams Spall and Jason Fawcett, they gave a full six round distance. It's been an outstanding fight as well from the opening bell. Adams Spall all action all the time and Jason Fawcett gave plenty back but what a fight we've just seen between Fawcett and Spall.
23:51 Really strong stuff.
23:58 Spall we were told was here to do a job tonight and he has been ultra impressive. No doubt about that.
24:15 And these are the highlights from the last round of action. It was a really good fight. You know high level boxing IQ from both fighters.
24:32 We can tell we're in for something special when they sprinted to meet each other at the start of round one. That was a strong Jason Fawcett round. The opener but after that Spall found his groove.
24:46 And gee he was ultra impressive at times. Fawcett digging deep and working hard but we're about to see an upset victory for Spall who has lived up to all the raps and the rumors here in Sydney tonight.
25:14 We're about to find out what the judges have made of a very entertaining contest between Jason Fawcett and Adams Spall. Here is Steven Payos.
25:22 Ladies and gentlemen after six fantastic rounds of professional boxing we go to the judges scorecards for the decision.
25:30 Judge Tom Lambert has scored the contest 58-56 Fawcett.
25:39 Judge Will Sulos has scored the contest 58-56 Spall.
25:45 Judge George Pellis has scored the contest 58-56.
25:50 In favour of your winner it is a split decision points victory to the man from Red Corner.
26:01 Adam to Quig Spall.
26:10 Well they predicted their man would get the upset tonight the Spall camp and they were right very much.
