• 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 有评论认为,雪州新古毛补选成绩将是六州补选后朝野阵营的一场小考。新古毛州议席过去三届都是行动党的堡垒区,去年的6州选举,虽然马来选民绝大部分投给国盟,但行动党依然靠着近乎一面倒的非马来票,以4千多张多数票赢下了新古毛这个席位。但在近期袜子风波等一系列族群宗教敏感课题的渲染下,会不会让非马来人,特别是华裔选民感到意兴阑珊,甚至用选票教训团结政府呢?(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the hotline.
00:05 Li Jixiang, a member of the New Gu Mao Party, passed away.
00:08 The first round of election for Xuezhou is coming.
00:11 The election will be held on May 11th.
00:15 The Alliance and the Alliance have announced their candidates.
00:18 Some people think that the election will be a small test for the party.
00:25 New Gu Mao and Zhou Yixi are the fortress of the New Gu Mao Party.
00:29 Although the Malay voters voted for the Alliance,
00:34 the party won the seat with more than 4,000 votes.
00:42 Will the election be a test for the party?
00:57 What is the significance of this election?
01:01 Will this election be the second election for the party?
01:06 In 2019, the first time Xi sent a representative of the Alliance to the party.
01:14 The Chinese community was dissatisfied with Xi.
01:23 The party won the election with more than 15,000 votes.
01:28 Today, the party is facing a crisis.
01:31 The party has been criticized for not coming out in time.
01:36 The party is afraid of the public.
01:40 Will this cause the party to re-run the election?
01:47 Will the Chinese voters be dissatisfied with Xi?
01:57 The Malay voters are 46.36% of the New Gu Mao Party.
02:02 The Chinese voters are 30.65%.
02:04 The Indian voters are 18%.
02:06 This is a typical mixed-voting area.
02:09 It shows the support of the Malay and non-Malay voters.
02:16 The party won 14,000 votes in 2018.
02:20 In the last election, the New Gu Mao Party won 11,000 votes.
02:28 But the party won 14,000 votes.
02:40 If the Malay and non-Malay voters think that the party is not responsible for the election,
02:52 Xi will lose the election.
02:58 Pan Yongqiang doesn't think so.
03:09 In the last election, the Chinese voters still support Xi.
03:18 The Chinese voters are dissatisfied with the religious issues.
03:29 The Chinese voters are not dissatisfied with Xi.
03:34 But the Chinese voters will not support Xi.
03:39 The Malay voters are not dissatisfied with Xi.
03:50 The Malay voters are very active in the past few months.
03:57 They have done a lot of work in China and abroad.
04:01 Has the party helped the Malay voters?
04:07 In recent events, the party has not taken a strong stance.
04:18 Has the party adopted a Buddhist approach?
04:27 The New Gu Mao Party is a Chinese-ethnic community.
04:31 But the party's goal is to promote the party to the federal election.
04:37 The party is a mixed community.
04:40 But the party is represented by the New Party.
04:43 The party is represented by the Republican Party.
04:48 If the party can keep the party,
04:58 the party can maintain the party's status.
05:03 But if the party can't keep the party,
05:07 the party will have to retreat to the Chinese-ethnic community.
05:11 The party will have to retreat to the Chinese-ethnic community.
05:18 The party will have to retreat to the Chinese-ethnic community.
05:24 Pan Yongqiang and Huang Jinfa believe that the New Gu Mao Party is a mixed community.
05:28 The party is a mixed community.
05:34 Will the party vote for the Malay voters?
05:42 The party is a mixed community.
05:49 The party is a mixed community.
05:54 The party is a mixed community.
06:04 The party is a mixed community.
06:14 The party is a mixed community.
06:24 The party is a mixed community.
06:34 The party is a mixed community.
06:44 The party is a mixed community.
06:54 The party is a mixed community.
07:04 The party is a mixed community.
07:14 The party is a mixed community.
07:24 The party is a mixed community.
07:34 The party is a mixed community.
07:44 The party is a mixed community.
07:54 The party is a mixed community.
08:04 The party is a mixed community.
08:14 The party is a mixed community.
08:24 The party is a mixed community.
08:34 The party is a mixed community.
08:44 The party is a mixed community.
08:54 The party is a mixed community.
09:04 The party is a mixed community.
09:14 The party is a mixed community.
09:24 The party is a mixed community.
09:34 The party is a mixed community.
09:44 The party is a mixed community.
09:54 The party is a mixed community.
10:04 The party is a mixed community.
10:14 The party is a mixed community.
10:24 The party is a mixed community.
10:34 The party is a mixed community.
10:44 The party is a mixed community.
10:54 The party is a mixed community.
11:04 The party is a mixed community.
11:14 The party is a mixed community.
11:24 The party is a mixed community.
11:34 The party is a mixed community.
11:44 The party is a mixed community.
