• 8 hours ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌美国总统选举进入倒计时,为了争取更多女性选票,共和党总统候选人特朗普昨天在一场只有女性观众的新闻节目上,自称是“体外人工受精之父”,强调女性无需担心生育治疗受限制。

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#特朗普 #美国 #总统选举 #共和党 #体外受精 #试管婴儿
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Welcome to the 100-second A.I. News. I'm Dai Yilin, your A.I. anchor.
00:16First, let's take a look at the first piece of news.
00:18A political figure's safe house has been found with a huge amount of money.
00:21The president of the Anti-Corruption Committee, Ajan Baji, revealed today that the authorities had found another 600,000 ringgit of cash in a house the other day.
00:27It is suspected that it belongs to a political figure.
00:30The committee will apply for a 7-day suspension of the former chief operator of the Xuezhou Dacheng Institution.
00:35At the same time, it will also investigate 20 projects under the institution.
00:38We are going to check about 20 projects.
00:41We have received information that it is related to corruption payment and all that.
00:46But I can't name the projects.
00:49A 85-year-old man in Simeilan, Makou,
00:52collided with a car when he was crossing the road yesterday.
00:56His head was seriously injured.
00:58The Minister of Transport, Lu Zhaofu, reminded the public that
01:00according to the existing traffic regulations,
01:02electric bicycles and electric scooters are not allowed to be used on the road.
01:06They can only be used in the park,
01:07garden residential areas or on the sidewalks set up by the government.
01:11When the U.S. presidential election was on the countdown,
01:13in order to win more female votes,
01:15Republican presidential candidate Trump
01:17claimed to be a father who was shocked by artificial labor outside the body
01:20on a news show with only female viewers yesterday.
01:23Emphasizing that women do not need to worry about fertility treatment being restricted.
01:26I'm the father of IVF.
01:28We're totally in favor of IVF.
01:30I came out with a statement within an hour,
01:33a really powerful statement with some experts,
01:35really powerful.
01:37And we went totally in favor,
01:40the Republican Party, the whole party.
01:42In response to Trump's remarks,
01:44Democratic presidential candidate Harris
01:46felt very strange,
01:47thinking that Trump's mental state was getting more and more unstable,
01:50and was not suitable for the presidency.
01:52Today's show comes to an end.
01:54For more information,
01:55stay tuned for the hottest news at 8 p.m. tonight.
