Ivica Zubac Talks About His Team's Effort

  • 5 months ago
Ivica Zubac Talks About His Team's Effort
00:00That's, yeah, everyone's contributing.
00:04And then they had the most second chance points
00:06in the league coming into tonight.
00:08You guys kept them to half their average.
00:10What do you see from your guys' effort there?
00:13We made a point before the game that, like you said,
00:16they're the best second chance point team in the league,
00:20and then we got to box out.
00:21Everyone got to be ready to get in, box out,
00:27do the dirty work,
00:28and you got to be the team effort.
00:30I feel like we did a good job.
00:33There was some that hurt,
00:37some offensive rebounds we gave up on them.
00:41But, you know, we did a good job.
00:45I feel we could have done it better.
00:52Thanks, Andrew.
00:53Next from Law Murray.
00:54Go ahead, Law.
00:55Hey, Vita.
00:58When you look at where your team is right now
01:01at this point in the season through 18 games,
01:03and if you can recall what the team was like
01:06through about the quarter mark of last regular season,
01:10where would you say the team has progressed and been better,
01:13and what are some areas of improvement
01:16as you go ahead through this first part of the season?
01:20I feel like we got better a little bit of,
01:25you know, everything.
01:26Everything got better.
01:28We're playing more like a team.
01:30We're moving the ball better.
01:32I feel like we're defending better.
01:34We're talking better on defense,
01:37and I feel like we're in a much better spot than last year.
01:42I feel more confident,
01:43and we're getting better from each game.
01:47Unfortunately, we lost tonight.
01:51You know, we're missing some guys,
01:53but overall, I feel like we made a step forward from last year.
02:01Next question from Farbaugh.
02:03Go ahead, Farbaugh.
02:05Hey, Zu.
02:06I don't know if you saw it after the game,
02:08but mid-game, Pat Bev was kind of tweeting about you
02:11and hyping you up when you were dunking the ball.
02:14Can you just talk about kind of the brotherhood
02:16or kind of the relationship you and Pat Bev have with each other?
02:19Because you guys always have some really fun banter.
02:22Yeah, I saw it.
02:24Pat texted me right after the game,
02:27and it's been like that ever since I got to this thing.
02:32Pat's always been talking to me, always hyping me up,
02:35always trying to give me advices,
02:38you know, trying to get me to play more aggressive,
02:41and I can thank him a lot for where I'm at right now
02:47because, you know, with just his leadership
02:51and with him being my ear ever since I got here,
02:57I got that hope to go and be a better player.
03:00And, you know, we're missing,
03:02but he's still with us.
03:06He's texting everyone.
03:07He's talking to us,
03:08and he's a big presence on this thing.
03:14Thank you, Zoo.
03:14Appreciate it.
03:16Thank you.
