• last year
Pro-Palestinian protests spread in U.S. campuses
00:00 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is desperately clinging to his premiership post to evade accountability for the October 7 security lapse
00:08 and his attempts to disempower judicial check and balance, has somehow managed to maintain U.S. support for his continuing brutal war against a hapless Palestinian community in Gaza.
00:19 But the continued assault on the helpless Palestinians in Gaza and the slaughter of innocent children, women and civilians has fueled a growing global pushback in U.S. school campuses against the IDF and Netanyahu's government.
00:33 It all began last week in the campus of Columbia University in New York, where hundreds of students and their supporters gathered and set up camp inside school grounds,
00:43 throwing class schedules out of whack and bringing a state of impasse between school authorities and law enforcement on one side and militant students dug in on the other.
00:52 And the wave of campus protests has radiated to other Ivy schools like Harvard, Brown, Yale to include NYU, and then to the Midwest in the Universities of Michigan, Minnesota,
01:03 all the way to the Southwest in Texas and to the Pacific at the California Universities of Berkeley, Stanford and SC.
01:11 It was particularly peaceful in the Trojan country in campus of the University of Southern California, where the LAPD arrested scores of student protesters, all of whom did not resist arrests.
