Pengembangan Energi Baru Terbarukan, Intip Ulasannya

  • 6 months ago
PLN Nusantara Power mampu, mengurangi 17 juta ton emisi karbon dioksida atau CO2. Bahkan 1 juta ton lebih di antaranya, diperdagangkan di Bursa Karbon Indonesia melalui PLTGU Muara Karang Blok 3.


00:00 PLN Nusantara Power is able to reduce 17 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions or CO2
00:06 even 1 million tons more, including trading in the Indonesian carbon exchange through PLTGU Muara Karang Block 3
00:14 The largest subholding company in Southeast Asia, PLN Nusantara Power,
00:21 has reported reducing carbon dioxide emissions or CO2 by 17 million tons
00:27 This step is done due to the commitment of the Indonesian green achievement
00:30 with various innovations such as co-firing
00:33 to the development of renewable energy through the Green Energy Movement
00:36 Director Human Capital Management and Administration of PLN NP, Karyawan Aji,
00:42 mentioned that CO2 emission reduction is also traded in the Indonesian carbon exchange or IDX Carbon
00:47 through PLTGU Muara Karang Block 3 reaching more than 1 million tons of carbon
00:53 Meanwhile, for this year, the company targets 2 million carbon to be traded in IDX Carbon
00:58 In addition to the carbon exchange, Aji also mentioned that there are 11 PLTU
01:04 who have been a part of the carbon trading which obtained a quota of upper limit technical agreement
01:09 The number of business owners who are traded reached 35 million tons
01:13 Because with the carbon trading, the green energy initiative has become more advanced
01:20 which means that companies that produce renewable energy,
01:27 such as power plants, can produce carbon certificates
01:32 and companies that reduce carbon emissions can produce emission reduction certificates
01:36 Because the emission reduction can be sold and bought
01:40 which will encourage other additives
01:44 so that the economy of companies that produce renewable energy will be more competitive
01:51 On the other hand, for coal firing throughout 2023,
01:56 it has been recorded that the use of clean energy has reached 525 GWh
02:00 or equivalent to reducing carbon emissions as big as 533,000 mT
02:04 PLN Nusantara Power also noted that in addition to completing the PLTES in Cirata
02:10 in accelerating energy transition,
02:12 they also provide PLTES in 50 MW ICANN
02:15 as a support for smart city in the capital of the country of Nusantara
02:20 From Jakarta Dever Mansia, IDX Channel
02:23 [Music]
