• il y a 8 mois


00:00C'est l'heure de faire des tamales chaudes aujourd'hui !
00:05Ok, 5 ! C'est parti !
00:11J'ai réussi !
00:11Bien joué, One !
00:13C'était un double, c'est sûr !
00:15Je ne sais pas ce qu'on ferait sans toi et Shortstock, One !
00:18Je n'aime pas jouer au baseball, Six !
00:22Je vais te laisser tirer sur celui-là.
00:25Mais tu ne l'obtiendras pas !
00:31Aïe !
00:35Tu vas bien, Wood ?
00:36Cette balle a pris un mauvais coup !
00:38Je ne suis pas sûre !
00:39Allez, One, on a seulement 2 outs, et on a besoin de 3 outs et de l'inning !
00:43C'est la plus basse, Four. Si l'une est vraiment blessée, elle ne devrait pas jouer.
00:46Non, je vais bien, et je ne veux pas laisser tomber l'équipe.
00:49C'est ça, l'esprit !
00:50Maintenant, faisons cette dernière out, et tu peux t'assurer de rester à l'arrière pendant que nous jouons au bat !
00:54Je suppose.
01:01Je suis désolée, je n'arrivais plus à jouer.
01:03Ma flèche m'a fait trop mal.
01:04Ce n'était pas de ta faute.
01:06La balle a pris un mauvais coup, ça peut arriver à tout le monde.
01:09Mais nous avons perdu le jeu.
01:11Oui, j'ai vraiment voulu battre les Wigglers de l'île de l'Est.
01:14Nous avons fait de notre mieux.
01:155 n'ont même pas mangé le plat.
01:17J'aimerais savoir comment arrêter la blessure.
01:19Yee-haw !
01:20Salut, partenaires.
01:22Je sais comment tirer cette flèche de Yonder.
01:27Hi-ho, Milky !
01:31Qui êtes-vous aujourd'hui, 3 ?
01:33Je suis Trottelong 3, et c'est mon chien confiant, Milky.
01:39Maintenant, ça t'a fait mal.
01:40J'avais un ami qui était un clown de rodeo,
01:42et quand il avait un boubou,
01:44il s'étouffait pendant une heure et s'étouffait.
01:47Oui, je vais le garder en tête.
01:49Mais d'abord, je vais demander à maman ce qu'elle doit faire.
01:55En mettant de l'acide sur la flèche de l'île de l'Est,
01:57nous allons faire tomber la blessure.
01:59Ça va faire mal ?
02:00C'est une blessure froide,
02:01mais ça ne va pas faire mal après un moment.
02:04Vas-y, maman, je peux le prendre.
02:06C'est un monstre fort que j'ai comme fille.
02:11C'est mieux ?
02:12C'est froid.
02:13Mais ça ne fait pas mal, je suppose.
02:15Combien de temps jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit mieux ?
02:16Un jour ou deux, et elle sera bien.
02:19C'est gentil de t'inquiéter de 1-4.
02:21Bien sûr, mais je suis plus inquiet
02:23de notre match contre les King Prongs de Crosstown le dimanche.
02:254 !
02:26Quoi ? C'est notre meilleur joueur !
02:29Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose de mal, mon chéri ?
02:32Pas du tout.
02:41Un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut,
02:45un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut.
02:53Délivrée spéciale pour Shortstop 1.
02:55C'est moi.
02:59Regarde !
03:00Tu parles ?
03:01Bien sûr que je parle. Regarde !
03:03Pourquoi est-ce que je fais un kangaroo qui parle ?
03:05Parce que c'est un rêve, ma fille. Regarde !
03:07Regarde pour quoi ?
03:08Un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut,
03:14un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut,
03:17un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut, un mauvais saut.
03:19Dévienne, devienne.
03:20D'accord, arrêtez de courir.
03:24Je suis désolé, maman.
03:25Sorry, Mom. Don't tell me to wakey run.
03:28So, it was a dream.
03:30What is this dream being?
03:32Oh, um, it's nothing, Mom.
03:34Are you all right, my Boobalinka?
03:36I'm fine, really.
03:37Come on, Juan. We've got to get to the ballpark.
03:39We play the Crosstown King Prawns in case you've forgotten.
03:42No, I haven't forgotten.
03:45Wow! Lots of bubbles!
03:47Fine! Forget the bubbles and concentrate on my pitches!
03:54It was only a bad hop. Just a bad hop.
03:57I won't make the team lose again.
03:59A one-in-a-million hop!
04:15Yeah! Way to go!
04:17Juan, get the ball! The runner on third is heading for home!
04:22Right on!
04:25What's the matter with you, Juan? You should have had that easy.
04:28I guess my wing is still too sore to play.
04:31I'd better pull myself out of the game.
04:33Pull yourself from the game?
04:35Gosh, we've got to get to the ballpark.
04:37We've got to get to the ballpark.
04:39We've got to get to the ballpark.
04:41We've got to get to the ballpark.
04:43Gosh, we need you, Juan.
04:45You're the best player on the team. Even better than me.
04:48Well, I can't play and that's it.
05:01I wonder what's the matter with Juan.
05:03Her wing is hurting her.
05:05Mom said it should be better by now.
05:08Maybe she's afraid that if she gets hurt again,
05:11she'll make us lose again.
05:14That's terrible.
05:16I reckon we should all get some shut-eye right now
05:19and worry about it in the morning.
05:21Yeah, we're going to need to be on the ball
05:23if we're going to beat those East City Wigglers tomorrow.
05:33Come on, Juan, it's time to go to the baseball diamond.
05:36Yes, we have a big game against the East City Wigglers.
05:39Sorry, guys, my wing is still kind of sore.
05:42Are you sure you're still feeling sore?
05:44Didn't I just say that?
05:46Juan, you've got to play. We need you.
05:50I told you my wing is sore.
05:52Can't you guys understand that?
05:58What's bothering her?
06:00I am thinking that Juan is afraid of doing something
06:03that makes the team with the losing, yes?
06:05But, Mom, it was just a bad hop.
06:07It could happen to anyone.
06:09Here is a bull that's best roped alone, cowboy.
06:13Come on, it's getting late.
06:15We'll just have to do our best without Juan.
06:20Afternoon, ma'am.
06:22Afternoon, Mr. Cowpoke.
06:24Belinda, what a fine horse you are being.
06:29I think I'd better have a little talk with Miss Juan.
06:32Set her straight.
06:34Much obliged, pana.
06:36You're welcome.
06:38Afternoon, ma'am.
06:51Two, you've got to get behind the ball.
06:54I reckon he'd rather it was you playing shortstop.
06:57Maybe trot along three should go trotting along.
07:00Well, you're sure a shooting shouldn't be watching you
07:03on their baseball game. You should be playing.
07:05I've got a hurt wing.
07:07But not hurt enough to keep you from flying.
07:10I think that wing done healed itself long ago.
07:13You do?
07:14Yeah, and I think it ain't the wing that's the problem.
07:17You don't?
07:18Nope, I don't think you're afraid of getting yourself hurt again.
07:21I think you're afraid of failing the team.
07:24How did you know?
07:26I got eyes and I got ears.
07:29I want to play again and trot along three.
07:32How can I be sure I won't fail again?
07:34Oh, gosh, you can't never be sure you won't fail.
07:37But you can't let being afraid rob you of the joy you get
07:41from doing the things you love to do.
07:44We cowboys have a saying.
07:46If you fall off a horse, get right back on it and ride.
07:51I think you may be right.
07:53Thanks, three.
07:55Aw, shucks, Miss One.
07:58Milky, could you help me pull my thumbs out of my belt?
08:02They're stuck pretty tight.
08:22It's down here.
08:28Let the tying run at first and we still need three outs to win.
08:32If only one were here.
08:34Here I am.
08:35I thought your wing was sore.
08:36I think it's better now.
08:38Two, go take second and let seven take left field.
08:47I'll see how you handle my blazing fastball.
08:50Get back on the horse, get back on the horse, get back on the horse.
08:58Jeepers One, that looked like it hurt.
09:01You sure you don't want to take a time-out until you feel better?
09:04No, I'm okay.
09:05Are you sure you're all right, One?
09:07Yeah, I think I am.
09:09But I have to get back up on my horse.
09:11What horse?
09:12The one I got back on.
09:14Play ball!
09:15Glad to have you back.
09:24I guess I'll try my curve.
09:36Triple play!
09:39We win!
09:42Glad to be back, guys.
09:46Milk it!
09:47The way!
