• last year
Texas Rangers outfielder Shin-Soo Choo urges people to wear a mask amid the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses the final year of his contract with the club.
00:00 I think this time, you know, coronavirus makes everybody thinks, you know, wearing a mask, you know, nobody feel comfortable wearing a mask.
00:09 So I think this time to make, you know, wearing a mask for me, not yourself, you know, for other people, you know, you don't want to affect other people.
00:18 That's why we're wearing a mask. So I think this time, I think good time to think about other person first, you know.
00:28 So yeah, that's I want to give the message to my teammates too, like, you know, just for you, you know, you affected, you did a bad decision one time, you affected your family, you affected your teammates.
00:40 And then your teammates going home, we don't know the situation, health situation, so we don't want to give a risk to other teammates and the family.
00:53 So I think this time is a great time to think about other people first.
00:58 Yeah, be honest. You want to be, okay, be honest. Yeah, actually, I was worried about too, you know, this is the last season, you know, who knows, maybe last season for my career, you know, who knows.
01:09 But I'm not thinking about that, that happened. But right now, I think everybody healthy. My teammates healthy, you know, around the whole world, hopefully everybody healthy, you know, back to normal life.
01:22 Actually, I'm not worried about what happened next year. You know, I talked a lot of time you guys, I just think about every year, every season, one season, you know, I always believe in myself, still I can play, you know, a couple more years.
01:48 So I've just prepared every day, even this happened, I try to prepare best I can. I don't think that I can do it like normal. I can't come in five o'clock morning anymore, but yeah, I can do best I can here too.
02:01 So everything I put in the field, best I can, we'll see what happens at the end of the year, you know.
