• l’année dernière
في هاربين تحت حكم مانشوكو الدمية في عام 1944، أخطأت غوان شيويه تلعب دورها يانغ مي)، رئيس قسم الخدمة السرية سونغ تشو وين (الذي لعب دوره تشين هاو)، وهو عضو في الحزب السري متنكر في زي رجل دورية للسكك الحديدية ، لمنقذه - الذي كان في الواقع توأم تشوه وين المفقود منذ فترة طويلة الأخ سونغ تشوه وو الذي يلعبه تشين هاو). من أجل اكتشاف المهمة الرئيسية لرئيس قسم جيش كوانتونغ أسانو دايغو (يلعب دوره يانو كوجي إلى هاربين استخدم تشوه وين غوان شيويه لدخول قسم الخدمة السرية، ومع ذلك، ظهر سونغ تشوه وو فجأة، مما وضع تشوه وين في مأزق غير متوقع غوان شيويه هي شخص ذات دم بارد ومريب وقاس وشرير، بينما تشوه وو متهور وغالبًا ما يخرب تصرفات تشوه وين عن غير قصد. وبموجب ترتيب رؤسائه، يتعاون الأخوان مع بعضهما البعض ويغطيان بعضهما البعض. وبعد عدة محاكمات يتعاونان مع بعضهما البعض. تجنب زملائهم في الخدمة السرية، وبعد القتال علنًا وسرًا، حصل أخيرًا على ثقة غوان شيويه وكبار المسؤولين اليابانيين. في هذه الفترة القصيرة التي مدتها عام واحد مر أعضاء الحزب السري بمصاعب لا توصف لاكتشاف ومنع عمليات التواطؤ السرية بين الجيش الياباني والاتحاد السوفيتي، واكتشفوا جواسيس مانشوكو الدمية المتربصين داخل الحزب، وكان ذلك إيذانًا بالنهاية


00:00 [Générique]
00:29 [Générique]
00:44 [Générique]
01:08 [Générique]
01:37 [Générique]
02:05 [Générique]
02:28 [Générique]
02:55 [Générique]
03:17 - Rowan !
03:18 - Rowan !
03:24 - Rowan !
03:25 - Rowan !
03:26 - Docteur Shi,
03:30 - Doctor Shen Jiu didn't save you this time.
03:33 - I know nothing.
03:35 - He asked me to do it.
03:38 - Fine.
03:42 - You bitch,
03:47 - You're the one who threw the trash first.
03:49 - You bitch !
03:50 - Zhou Wen,
03:56 - I have to thank you.
03:58 - I thought you wouldn't mention it.
04:01 - I mean today.
04:03 - I didn't think much about it today.
04:06 - But I know he's Japanese.
04:08 - If you really kill him,
04:09 - How many Chinese will die?
04:11 - It'll be a big trouble.
04:13 - I looked for you afterwards.
04:19 - But I only heard you died.
04:21 - I forced myself to forget you.
04:25 - It seems God doesn't want it.
04:29 - Have you ever looked for me?
04:35 - You're a cop too.
04:39 - Haven't you heard of me?
04:41 - I'm just a mix of the two.
04:44 - To be honest,
04:45 - I don't even know what our chief is called.
04:47 - I don't know.
04:48 - You said you were going to see your brother.
04:56 - Did you find him?
04:58 - Not yet.
05:00 - Is his name Zhou Wu?
05:04 - How did you know?
05:10 - I'm the chief of the Special Department.
05:14 - Chief?
05:15 - Are you Chinese?
05:22 - If I were your parents,
05:26 - What would you call Zhou Wen?
05:28 - I would.
05:32 - Okay, I won't say it.
05:35 - Maybe I can help you find him.
05:38 - Your brother's name is Song Zhou Wu.
05:43 - I remember.
05:44 - Thank you.
05:46 - Chief.
05:50 - You guys talk. I'm going back to the hospital.
05:56 - Wait for me. I'm almost done.
05:58 - I have to go back too.
06:00 - The station hasn't asked for a leave yet.
06:02 - Okay.
06:03 - I'll see you later.
06:04 - Okay.
06:05 - I'm sorry.
06:07 - I'm sorry.
06:08 - The information isn't on your brother.
06:10 - He's just giving the Japanese a wallet.
06:12 - There's nothing valuable in it.
06:17 - What's that Japanese guy like?
06:20 - He's not much of a guy.
06:22 - He's just arrived in the Northeast.
06:24 - He's in a bad spot in Japan.
06:26 - We apologized to him,
06:27 - And gave him some money.
06:28 - He can't get away.
06:29 - I'm glad there's no trouble.
06:32 - I'm going to the station.
06:36 - I'm glad there's no trouble.
06:38 - Where did the shot from Xiao Wu come from?
06:41 - I don't know yet.
06:43 - Xiao Wu was in a coma after being sent to the hospital.
06:46 - We'll have to wait for him to wake up.
06:48 - Shi's the one who drew our attention to the Japanese.
06:51 - He's trying to protect another person.
06:56 - Maybe it's the guy who shot the Japanese.
07:01 - If we find him,
07:04 - We'll have a new lead.
07:07 - There's another lead.
07:11 - Shi was walking around the street before the war.
07:18 - I don't know why.
07:20 - It's supposed to be his first meeting place.
07:24 - The station is the second.
07:27 - The first meeting place is the second.
07:30 - The second meeting place is the third.
07:32 - The third meeting place is the fourth.
07:34 - The fourth meeting place is the fifth.
07:36 - The fifth meeting place is the sixth.
07:38 - The sixth meeting place is the seventh.
07:40 - The seventh meeting place is the eighth.
07:42 - The eighth meeting place is the ninth.
07:44 - The ninth meeting place is the tenth.
07:46 - The tenth meeting place is the eleventh.
07:48 - The eleventh meeting place is the twelfth.
07:50 - The twelfth meeting place is the thirteenth.
07:52 - The twelfth meeting place is the sixth.
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30:02 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
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30:08 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:10 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:12 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:14 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:16 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:18 - The twelfth meeting place is the eleventh.
30:20 - Xiao Kai,
30:22 I told you I would surprise you today.
30:26 - Brother, where have you been all these years?
30:30 Why didn't you come to see us?
30:32 - Xiao Kai,
30:34 your brother Song is not leaving.
30:36 You two have plenty of time.
30:38 Today, let's have a happy meal.
30:40 Come, let's eat.
30:42 - Xiao Kai, your sister is right.
30:44 This table is full of good food and wine.
30:46 Don't eat with tears in your eyes.
30:48 - Brother,
30:50 you have to drink first.
30:52 - Okay.
30:56 I'll drink to Chief Hu first.
30:58 - Sorry, my hand is injured.
31:00 I can't hold the glass.
31:02 - Chief Hu's hand was injured
31:06 when he was on a mission.
31:08 - I'll drink to that.
31:10 As you wish.
31:12 - Okay.
31:16 - I have a request.
31:18 Everyone in the Special Forces knows
31:20 you are very good.
31:22 Right, Chief Guan?
31:24 - I was young then.
31:27 I didn't know how to weigh.
31:29 - There are many guards in the backyard.
31:32 I'm not afraid to embarrass you.
31:34 I'll be your training partner.
31:36 - Zhou Erwen, let's have a talk.
31:38 - You can't kill me.
31:40 - Hu Bin,
31:44 today is a family dinner.
31:46 Let's drink happily
31:48 and not make a scene.
31:50 - I've never seen
31:54 Chief Hu protect anyone like this.
31:56 - Then you'll see.
31:58 - Okay.
32:02 Everyone, enjoy your drink.
32:04 - Chief Pan,
32:06 I have to drink with Shi.
32:08 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:10 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:12 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:14 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:16 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:18 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:20 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:22 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:24 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:26 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:28 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:30 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:32 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:34 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:36 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:38 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:40 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:42 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:44 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:46 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:48 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:50 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:52 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:54 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:56 - I'm not going to drink with you.
32:58 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:00 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:02 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:04 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:06 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:08 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:10 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:12 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:14 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:16 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:18 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:20 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:22 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:24 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:26 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:28 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:30 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:32 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:34 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:36 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:38 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:40 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:42 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:44 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:46 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:48 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:50 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:52 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:54 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:56 - I'm not going to drink with you.
33:58 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:00 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:02 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:04 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:06 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:08 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:10 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:12 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:14 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:16 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:18 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:20 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:22 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:24 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:26 - I'm not going to drink with you.
34:28 - Did you check here?
34:30 - I checked. I lost a bag of rice.
34:32 - For a bag of rice,
34:34 the killer dared to kill a Japanese.
34:36 - I think the killer didn't kill
34:38 to steal,
34:40 but to save people.
34:42 - Save a woman?
34:44 - Why is there a woman?
34:46 - As far as I know,
34:48 the chief of the police
34:50 has no relationship with all the Chinese
34:52 in this warehouse,
34:54 but he took the initiative
34:56 to take her place.
34:58 Obviously,
35:00 he wants to get her out of here.
35:02 Chief Guan,
35:04 the smell of
35:06 the Xichi brand of
35:08 chrysanthemum paste
35:10 is the cheapest chrysanthemum paste
35:12 on the market in Harbin.
35:14 This Du Bian
35:16 should be waiting for
35:18 this woman who wipes the chrysanthemum paste.
35:24 - Sorry to keep you waiting.
35:26 - You're here.
35:28 Come in.
35:30 I want to give you a list.
35:32 Come in.
35:42 I've prepared a list for you.
35:50 You can start.
35:52 [List of people who have been killed]
35:54 [List of people who have been killed]
35:56 [List of people who have been killed]
35:58 [List of people who have been killed]
36:00 [List of people who have been killed]
36:02 [List of people who have been killed]
36:04 [List of people who have been killed]
36:06 [List of people who have been killed]
36:08 [List of people who have been killed]
36:10 [List of people who have been killed]
36:12 [List of people who have been killed]
36:14 [List of people who have been killed]
36:16 [List of people who have been killed]
36:18 [List of people who have been killed]
36:20 [List of people who have been killed]
36:22 [List of people who have been killed]
36:24 [List of people who have been killed]
36:26 [List of people who have been killed]
36:28 [List of people who have been killed]
36:30 [List of people who have been killed]
36:32 [List of people who have been killed]
36:34 [List of people who have been killed]
36:36 [List of people who have been killed]
36:38 [List of people who have been killed]
36:40 [List of people who have been killed]
36:42 [List of people who have been killed]
36:44 [List of people who have been killed]
36:46 [List of people who have been killed]
36:48 [List of people who have been killed]
36:50 [List of people who have been killed]
36:52 [List of people who have been killed]
36:54 [List of people who have been killed]
36:56 [List of people who have been killed]
36:58 [List of people who have been killed]
37:00 [List of people who have been killed]
37:02 [List of people who have been killed]
37:04 [List of people who have been killed]
37:06 Come, baby
37:08 I see you
37:22 Don't hide
37:24 You can't get out
37:26 He killed the drug dealer
37:41 More than one person was killed
37:43 The drug dealer's wound is deep and has ink
37:46 But the wound is not a one-time infection
37:48 Although the first wound caused some of the organs to be damaged
37:52 But it didn't kill him
37:54 At most, it made it difficult for the drug dealer to breathe
37:56 And he lost his ability to move
37:58 The man locked in this room is not ordinary
38:08 He's not normal
38:11 [The man is being held by the police]
38:14 [The man is being held by the police]
38:17 [The man is being held by the police]
38:20 [The man is being held by the police]
38:22 [The man is being held by the police]
38:24 [The man is being held by the police]
38:26 [The man is being held by the police]
38:28 [The man is being held by the police]
38:30 [The man is being held by the police]
38:32 [The man is being held by the police]
38:34 [The man is being held by the police]
38:36 [The man is being held by the police]
38:38 [The man is being held by the police]
38:40 [The man is being held by the police]
38:42 [The man is being held by the police]
38:44 [The man is being held by the police]
38:46 [The man is being held by the police]
38:48 [The man is being held by the police]
38:50 [The man is being held by the police]
38:52 [The man is being held by the police]
38:54 [The man is being held by the police]
38:56 [The man is being held by the police]
38:58 [The man is being held by the police]
39:00 [The man is being held by the police]
39:02 [The man is being held by the police]
39:04 [The man is being held by the police]
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39:08 [The man is being held by the police]
39:10 [The man is being held by the police]
39:12 [The man is being held by the police]
39:14 [The man is being held by the police]
39:16 [The man is being held by the police]
39:18 [The man is being held by the police]
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39:58 [The man is being held by the police]
40:00 [The man is being held by the police]
40:02 [The man is being held by the police]
40:04 [The man is being held by the police]
40:06 [The man is being held by the police]
40:08 [The man is being held by the police]
40:10 [The man is being held by the police]
40:12 [The man is being held by the police]
40:14 [The man is being held by the police]
40:16 [The man is being held by the police]
40:18 [The man is being held by the police]
40:20 [The man is being held by the police]
40:22 [The man is being held by the police]
40:24 [The man is being held by the police]
40:26 [The man is being held by the police]
40:28 [The man is being held by the police]
40:30 [The man is being held by the police]
40:32 [The man is being held by the police]
40:34 [The man is being held by the police]
40:36 [The man is being held by the police]
40:38 [The man is being held by the police]
40:40 [The man is being held by the police]
40:42 [The man is being held by the police]
40:44 [The man is being held by the police]
40:46 [The man is being held by the police]
40:48 [The man is being held by the police]
40:50 [The man is being held by the police]
40:52 [The man is being held by the police]
40:54 [The man is being held by the police]
40:56 [The man is being held by the police]
40:58 [The man is being held by the police]
41:00 [The man is being held by the police]
41:02 [The man is being held by the police]
41:04 [The man is being held by the police]
41:06 [The man is being held by the police]
41:08 [The man is being held by the police]
41:10 [The man is being held by the police]
41:12 [The man is being held by the police]
41:14 [The man is being held by the police]
41:16 [The man is being held by the police]
41:18 [The man is being held by the police]
41:20 [The man is being held by the police]
41:22 [The man is being held by the police]
41:24 [The man is being held by the police]
41:26 [The man is being held by the police]
41:28 [The man is being held by the police]
41:30 [The man is being held by the police]
41:32 [The man is being held by the police]
41:34 [The man is being held by the police]
41:36 [The man is being held by the police]
41:38 [The man is being held by the police]
41:40 [The man is being held by the police]
41:42 [The man is being held by the police]
41:44 [The man is being held by the police]
41:46 [The man is being held by the police]
41:48 [The man is being held by the police]
41:50 [The man is being held by the police]
41:52 [The man is being held by the police]
41:54 [The man is being held by the police]
41:56 [The man is being held by the police]
41:58 [The man is being held by the police]
42:00 [The man is being held by the police]
42:02 [The man is being held by the police]
42:04 [The man is being held by the police]
42:06 [The man is being held by the police]
42:08 [The man is being held by the police]
42:10 [The man is being held by the police]
42:12 [The man is being held by the police]
42:14 [The man is being held by the police]
42:16 [The man is being held by the police]
42:18 [The man is being held by the police]
42:20 [The man is being held by the police]
42:22 [The man is being held by the police]
42:24 [The man is being held by the police]
42:26 [The man is being held by the police]
42:28 [The man is being held by the police]
42:30 [The man is being held by the police]
42:32 [The man is being held by the police]
42:34 [The man is being held by the police]
42:36 [The man is being held by the police]
42:38 [The man is being held by the police]
42:40 [The man is being held by the police]
42:42 [The man is being held by the police]
42:44 [The man is being held by the police]
42:46 [The man is being held by the police]
42:48 [The man is being held by the police]
42:50 [The man is being held by the police]
42:52 [The man is being held by the police]
42:54 [The man is being held by the police]
42:56 [The man is being held by the police]
42:58 [The man is being held by the police]
43:00 [The man is being held by the police]
43:02 [The man is being held by the police]
43:04 [The man is being held by the police]
43:06 [The man is being held by the police]
43:08 [The man is being held by the police]
43:10 [The man is being held by the police]
43:12 [The man is being held by the police]
43:14 [The man is being held by the police]
43:16 [The man is being held by the police]
43:18 [The man is being held by the police]
43:20 [The man is being held by the police]
43:22 [The man is being held by the police]
43:24 [The man is being held by the police]
43:26 [The man is being held by the police]
43:28 [The man is being held by the police]
43:30 [The man is being held by the police]
43:32 [The man is being held by the police]
43:34 [The man is being held by the police]
43:36 [The man is being held by the police]
43:38 [The man is being held by the police]
43:40 [The man is being held by the police]
43:42 [The man is being held by the police]
43:44 [The man is being held by the police]
43:46 [The man is being held by the police]
43:48 [The man is being held by the police]
43:50 [The man is being held by the police]
43:52 [The man is being held by the police]
43:54 [The man is being held by the police]
43:56 [The man is being held by the police]
43:58 [The man is being held by the police]
44:00 [The man is being held by the police]
44:02 [The man is being held by the police]
44:04 [The man is being held by the police]
44:06 [The man is being held by the police]
44:08 [The man is being held by the police]
44:10 [The man is being held by the police]
44:12 [The man is being held by the police]
44:14 [The man is being held by the police]
44:16 [The man is being held by the police]
44:18 [The man is being held by the police]
44:20 [The man is being held by the police]
44:22 [The man is being held by the police]
44:24 [The man is being held by the police]
44:26 [The man is being held by the police]
44:28 [The man is being held by the police]
44:30 [The man is being held by the police]
44:32 [The man is being held by the police]
44:34 [The man is being held by the police]
44:36 [The man is being held by the police]
44:38 [The man is being held by the police]
44:40 [Musique]
