• last year
Tawonga man Timothy Prime has rare win on speeding offence after his girlfriend found a snake in her pants
00:00 [Police radio chatter]
00:11 Straight out.
00:12 [Police radio chatter]
00:15 There's a snake in my girlfriend's house.
00:17 [Police radio chatter]
00:20 A snake?
00:21 There's a snake in the house.
00:22 Alright.
00:23 I don't know if you can find me there or not, but yeah, I better go and help her.
00:26 Alright. Mate, you're doing 87 in a 60.
00:28 I know, I mean, she's in panic.
00:29 Yeah, that's licence, not speed. Got your licence with you?
00:31 Yep.
00:32 Grab it.
00:33 Okay.
00:35 [Police radio chatter]
00:37 I know.
00:38 [Police radio chatter]
00:45 Do you have anything to drink?
00:47 What kind of snake is it?
00:48 I don't know. I can barely understand it. She's in hysteria.
00:51 Ah. Petrified of snakes, is she?
00:54 Well, the cat's been bitten, I don't know, so.
00:57 Ah.
00:58 Apparently she's going to the vet, so I don't know about the snake, mate, so.
01:02 Ah.
01:06 This is what it is, so.
01:07 What's your reason for speeding today?
01:08 Uh, trying to get home to help my girlfriend, so.
01:11 She's panicked, so.
01:13 You will be receiving an ambulance today, because...
01:15 Yep.
01:16 Are you in a hurry to get going now, still, or are you...
01:19 Not anymore.
01:20 Wait for it.
01:21 Alright, we'll ride it up, mate.
01:22 Alright.
01:23 Drop back in the car.
01:24 Alright.
01:26 Alright, so...
01:28 We've caught you going 87, right?
01:31 Yep.
01:32 We always knock off two, so 85 and a 60 zone.
01:34 Yep.
01:35 Okay? It is $509.
01:38 Yep.
01:39 There's no demerit points to this, because it is a loss of licence.
01:42 Yep.
01:43 Alright, so within 28 days, from this date here, alright, so you've got to pay it within 28 days,
01:48 and from that date there, 14th of the 2nd, you lose your licence for three calendar months.
01:52 Yep.
01:53 Alright?
01:54 I'm not contesting it.
01:56 It's really up to you to contest it.
01:58 Um...
02:00 It's, yeah, that's your choice.
02:03 Yep.
02:04 But payment methods are on the back.
02:05 Alright?
02:06 Yep.
02:07 Alrighty.
