The Hollywood Sequel

  • 5 months ago
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:08 I met a man with bright blue eyes.
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:13 I had to flee the country to a place I knew nobody.
00:18 [MUSIC]
00:24 But now I'm back with his twins to find out who he is and
00:28 reclaim my life in Los Angeles.
00:30 [MUSIC]
00:34 Coming back to Los Angeles after five years brought back all the memories
00:38 Hannah has been running away from.
00:40 [MUSIC]
00:46 Let's go.
00:47 [LAUGH]
00:49 Mommy, where are we going?
00:51 We're going to Aunt Linda's house.
00:53 Yay, I love it.
00:54 She's really excited to see you both.
00:56 Wow, I'm also so excited.
00:59 Yeah?
01:00 Yeah.
01:01 Let's go.
01:02 [MUSIC]
01:03 Everything seems to have worked out perfectly for Hannah.
01:06 [MUSIC]
01:07 It has been over five years since she left LA to go work in Paris as a fashion assistant.
01:12 [MUSIC]
01:19 She is finally able to return home with an amazing job offer at her favorite LA designer.
01:25 [MUSIC]
01:27 Also, luckily, her Aunt Linda volunteered to help her with her kids.
01:31 [MUSIC]
01:37 Now she's here, feeling the refreshing breeze of LA where she belongs.
01:42 She's more determined than ever.
01:44 [MUSIC]
01:47 My previous life in Hollywood almost destroyed me.
01:51 But now that I am back, I am ready for my Hollywood sequel.
01:56 [MUSIC]
01:57 Whoa, Brian.
01:59 [MUSIC]
02:01 Are you okay?
02:02 Yeah, I hurt my knee.
02:04 Oh, it's fine.
02:05 Brian.
02:06 [MUSIC]
02:08 Are you okay?
02:09 Yeah, I'm good.
02:10 Yeah?
02:11 I fell, but Amy helped.
02:12 Yeah?
02:13 Let's go, guys.
02:14 Yeah.
02:15 Let's go.
02:16 Hannah loved her kids more than she thought she could love anything.
02:19 [MUSIC]
02:20 Her destiny was certain from the moment that she found out she was pregnant.
02:25 [MUSIC]
02:28 It was fate that had pushed her to meet the mystery man that night.
02:32 [MUSIC]
02:37 For the past five years, Hannah has been living in this Paris apartment with her two kids,
02:42 born out of that encounter with a stranger she knew nothing of.
02:45 [MUSIC]
02:49 Whoa, you got to level 15?
02:52 Yes.
02:53 I can't do that.
02:54 Can you help?
02:55 Sure.
02:56 Mom?
02:57 Mom?
02:58 Mom!
03:00 Are you okay?
03:02 Yeah, of course.
03:03 [MUSIC]
03:08 I just can't believe we're here.
03:10 [MUSIC]
03:12 I'm a bit nervous.
03:13 It's okay, Mom.
03:15 Brian offered comfort to his mother, which made Hannah realize that she needed to collect herself.
03:21 Sweetheart, I'm the one who's supposed to be telling you that.
03:24 [MUSIC]
03:29 The memories of that night come flooding back as she passes by the same club she went to that night.
03:34 [MUSIC]
03:42 The night her stepsister, Stephanie, tried to get her drunk and ruin her life.
03:46 [MUSIC]
03:51 Follow me.
03:52 [MUSIC]
03:54 After rescuing me from my stepsister in the club, he took me down some alleyways.
03:58 We hid from here as she was yelling for us from right around the corner.
04:02 But he told me to keep quiet.
04:04 I could feel his heart beating in his chest.
04:06 So was mine.
04:08 It was electric.
04:09 What did I get myself into?
04:11 I had no idea who he was, but he carried himself like he was the most important person in the world.
04:17 [MUSIC]
04:19 You're safe now.
04:20 I didn't know what got into me.
04:22 I'd never felt this way before as I let myself go that night.
04:25 [MUSIC]
04:27 Are you sure?
04:28 Sure as hell.
04:29 [MUSIC]
04:37 As she awoke and attempted to piece together her surroundings,
04:40 in no time at all, she realized the unsettling truth.
04:45 The man she had met at the club the previous night was now in the shower,
04:49 washing away any trace of her presence from his body.
04:52 [MUSIC]
04:55 I spent the night with a complete stranger.
04:58 But before I deal with that, I have to handle my stepsister.
05:02 I can't recall all of the details from last night, but her getting me drunk was a deliberate setup.
05:08 And now I need to uncover the reasons behind it.
05:11 Why would she put me through this?
05:14 When Hannah noticed the shower had stopped, she turned her attention to the bathroom.
05:19 The idea of confronting the person she had been with, a complete stranger, overwhelmed her.
05:26 And in this discomfort, she made a snap decision to quietly slip away and leave the situation behind.
05:33 [MUSIC]
05:57 Driving through the streets of LA, Hannah notices a billboard with an ad featuring her stepsister Stephanie
06:04 for her next big Hollywood movie.
06:07 Hannah's expressions suddenly change from happy and content to angry and uncomfortable.
06:14 Of course Stephanie found a way to welcome me back.
06:18 It's still so wild to think that she's a celebrity.
06:24 In the days when she knew her, she exhibited absolutely no interest in acting.
06:29 Yet here she stands today, the world's most renowned movie star.
06:36 Yet the question that still lingers is how did she achieve such stardom?
06:41 Familiar with Stephanie, one can't help but wonder if her rise to fame involved some shadowy and clandestine maneuvers.
06:49 [MUSIC]
06:53 That fateful morning when Hannah left the hotel suite, it was still bearing the aftermath of the night's events.
06:59 After Hannah left, Stephanie, elegantly clad in a black dress, approaches the same room.
07:06 [MUSIC]
07:23 Stephanie surveyed the room.
07:25 [MUSIC]
07:31 Her lips curled into a malicious grin.
07:34 She takes out her phone and dials her mother.
07:36 [MUSIC]
07:38 Mother.
07:39 Thank goodness for find my friends.
07:41 Hannah doesn't know that we've been tracking her location this whole time.
07:45 Her gaze falls upon the rumpled bed, her eyes glittering with sinister delight.
07:50 She speaks.
07:51 And by the looks of it, it's pretty obvious that two people slept in this bed tonight.
07:56 [MUSIC]
07:58 I know, you and I were trying to get her drunk last night and get her arrested for public intoxication, but this...
08:06 This is way better.
08:08 [MUSIC]
08:09 I knew that Hannah wasn't as innocent as she claims to be.
08:13 And now, all I need is a little proof.
08:16 As she prepared to snap photos of the room with her cell phone, she realized the shower was running.
08:22 Weird. I saw Hannah leaving the room this morning.
08:26 Who could that be?
08:28 Stephanie began to panic.
08:30 The mystery man Hannah had spent the night with was still in the room.
08:34 Through a crack in the bathroom door, Stephanie saw the man's face.
08:39 William Anderson? L.A.'s hottest bachelor?
08:43 That's the man that Hannah slept with last night?
08:46 Spotting Hannah's abandoned masquerade mask from the night before, she got an idea that would change her life forever.
08:53 Hello, William Anderson.
08:56 Mom, look at that tall building.
09:01 So tall.
09:03 Hannah tries to contemplate as she looks out at the tall building.
09:08 She feels as if this place is so familiar, yet so strange.
09:12 Mommy, do you know anyone here?
09:15 No, actually.
09:17 Besides Aunt Linda, I don't know anyone else here.
09:21 You see, even though L.A. is my home, a lot of bad things happened to me here.
09:26 Then why are we moving back? I want you to be happy.
09:30 I know. I know you do, sweetheart.
09:34 But things are going to be different this time.
09:38 I'm not the same naive little girl I was before.
09:41 We're going to be happy here. I know it.
09:44 As Hannah turned away from the skyscraper, she failed to notice the extravagant, limited-edition Rolls-Royce
09:50 that had just pulled in front of the building.
09:53 Over the past five years, Hannah's stepsister, Stephanie, has undergone a striking transformation.
10:02 Her attire is adorned with opulence, and her aura oozes out of wealth and fame.
10:14 Stephanie, with experience in the entertainment industry, has developed a knack of charming her way through a room
10:21 and getting what she desires, especially when it comes to dealing with men.
10:43 Stephanie, what are you doing here? You know better than to show up at my office like this.
10:47 Stephanie approaches William, her flirtatious smile contrasting with his stern demeanor.
10:53 I know, but it's my birthday today, and I thought maybe you could come over tonight.
10:58 I have back-to-back meetings all day. As I've told you before, I have business to do.
11:03 You work too hard. You have to make time for pleasure.
11:12 William's inner thoughts flash on his face as he gets irked by Stephanie's persistence.
11:17 When will she take a hint?
11:20 William contemplates the fact that he has already given her a career.
11:24 She's a movie star because of him.
11:28 The only reason why he's nice to her is because he owes her his life after everything that happened years ago,
11:34 the night of the masquerade party.
11:39 Please come over tonight. We can have some dessert, if you know what I mean.
11:45 Stephanie, don't make me rip you myself. It's pathetic.
11:49 Stephanie's eyes betray a sad indejection after five years of relentless pursuit.
11:54 Alright, I understand.
11:56 Good.
11:57 I'm the most famous actress in the world.
12:03 I could have any man in LA, except for the one I really want.
12:08 Stephanie has been pursuing William for five years, but failed miserably.
12:13 She can't accept the fact that someone like Hannah gets his attention when he couldn't care less about her.
12:19 Clearly, in her own thoughts, life is so not fair.
12:23 Anything else?
12:26 No, it's alright. I'm not going to disturb you with your work any longer.
12:32 After all, it's my birthday, so I'm super busy. I have so many plans today.
12:38 I might even have a date after my party later.
12:41 Sounds good. Bye.
12:43 He didn't even wish me a happy birthday.
12:50 I have to find a way to make him love me. My career depends on it.
12:57 In another part of town, with the sun shining warmly,
13:00 Hannah arrives at her Aunt Linda's house with the two young twins, Brian and Amy.
13:06 Hi!
13:09 Oh, look at you all grown up. You have came back to town as a beautiful woman. I'm so happy you're home.
13:18 Oh, my goodness. You two are just perfect.
13:24 Aunt Linda's heart leaps for joy as she pulls the little ones into her arms.
13:28 Their laughter echoing through the air.
13:33 A family's bond rekindled in a gentle embrace of familiarity and affection.
13:39 Emma prepares her children for bed, in the comfort of her aunt's home.
13:44 I want you guys to know that I am very, very proud of you guys.
13:50 Mommy has some important errands to run tonight, but your great-aunt Linda is here to take good care of you.
13:56 I love both of you so, so much.
14:01 Hannah takes a deep breath, gathering her resolve for what lies ahead.
14:09 [Footsteps]
14:14 [Music]
14:24 Honey, honey, come here. Come.
14:28 [Footsteps]
14:33 Everything is going to be okay. You're just going to go there and get your mother's things, and then come right back. You understand?
14:42 Yeah, you're right. I got this.
14:48 Of course you do. But please, I beg of you, do not get in an argument with your stepfamily.
14:58 They're only going to bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
15:03 I'm not the same impulsive girl I was five years ago. Trust me, I know better than to get involved with them.
15:09 Drive safely. And remember, I love you.
15:19 You too.
15:27 And so, Hannah embarks on a journey to confront her past, armed with love and a newfound strength.
15:34 Fifteen minutes later, Hannah arrived at her stepfamily's extravagant mansion.
15:42 But the home that had once held memories had now become a focal point for the media and famous individuals.
15:49 What is going on? Since when did my old family home become a prime destination for paparazzis and celebrities?
15:58 Entering her own childhood home, Hannah couldn't help but feel out of place amidst the glamorous attendees.
16:15 There you are. You're late.
16:19 Oh.
16:20 Go grab a tray and pass out the champagne.
16:22 Oh, I'm not here to work as a waiter. I'm here to speak with my…
16:25 Typical millennials. Never want to work.
16:27 I'm sorry, sir. I think you're confused.
16:30 First you're late and then you talk back to me. You know who I am? You're not worth my time. You know what? You're fired.
16:37 Welcome back to Hollywood.
16:44 In the solitude of her childhood home, Hannah reflects on her past and the pain of being ostracized by her family.
16:51 Though it wasn't always like this.
16:55 Hannah and her dad did spend some quality time together long after her mother died in 2008.
17:02 But after she got pregnant, her father kicked her out.
17:07 He cut her off and she was penniless.
17:12 It took some time for her to digest this, but she took charge of the situation and started working odd jobs, even if it was tending tables at a restaurant.
17:23 And now that she's back here, she realized that this was never her home.
17:28 As Hannah stood there, her gaze fixated on the framed pictures kept on the corner.
17:35 One by one she examined each photograph, each one a remnant of her fragmented past.
17:41 Hannah scanned the place, searching for places of nostalgia from her earlier days in the house.
17:47 She realized that her attempt to find closure was futile.
17:51 The house, once a source of solace, no longer provided the comfort it once did.
17:56 Thus, she resolved to leave this place and find Stephanie for a final confrontation.
18:03 No mom, Lilliam isn't coming. I asked him but he said he has to work. He's so busy.
18:10 Stephanie, once a mere acquaintance, has transformed into one of the world's most famous actresses with an aura of success that seems too swift to be true.
18:28 How did she climb the ranks so quickly? What is she hiding?
18:33 Hey Stephanie, you look gorgeous!
18:41 Oh, thank you, thank you.
18:44 What is she doing here? And tonight of all nights?
18:51 I swear she wants to ruin my life.
18:55 Hannah, taking to heart the counsel provided by her aunt, managed to keep her emotions in check as she swiftly made her way toward Stephanie.
19:02 On the other side, Stephanie appeared equally resolute and showed no willingness to yield or show submission in the situation.
19:11 Their meeting promised to be a tense and determined exchange.
19:15 Where are my mother's things?
19:23 You guys go on and have fun. I have some family matters to attend to.
19:27 I'll catch up with you later.
19:29 Follow me.
19:31 How dare you come back? I thought I made it perfectly clear that no one wants you here.
19:38 My mother left me some frites. I just want them back.
19:41 As soon as you give them to me, I will leave right away.
19:44 You want your mother's things?
19:46 Fine.
19:48 Follow me. We're going to have a little chat.
19:50 Hannah braces herself, unknowingly stepping into a storm of secrets and resentments.
19:54 [Music]
20:03 Guys, can you excuse us for a moment?
20:06 Sure.
20:08 I'm sorry.
20:10 I'm sorry.
20:12 I'm sorry.
20:14 I'm sorry.
20:16 I'm sorry.
20:18 I'm sorry.
20:20 I'm sorry.
20:22 I'm sorry.
20:24 I'm sorry.
20:26 I'm sorry.
20:28 I'm sorry.
20:31 Can you excuse us for a moment?
20:32 You really know how to pick your time, don't you?
20:38 I mean, don't you know that today is my birthday?
20:41 Look at how many famous people are here to celebrate me.
20:44 And then you show up, dressed like that.
20:48 I mean, you'd have people thinking that my stepsister is a waitress.
20:52 It's like you have no regard for my reputation. You're so embarrassing.
20:56 Stephanie, trust me.
20:59 Five years ago, when I left LA, I left P.U. and everything behind.
21:03 I don't want to ruin your life.
21:05 All I want is my mother's things, and I promise when you give them to me, she'll never strip from me again.
21:11 You've always been so predictable.
21:15 You're here because you're jealous of my success.
21:18 I mean, you can't accept the fact that I made something of my life.
21:22 Don't always play the victim. It's pathetic.
21:26 The tension between the stepsisters escalates as their conflicting emotions and resentments come to the forefront.
21:32 Pathetic? What's pathetic is the fact that, despite me knowing your devious ways, I thought that maybe I could see you in a better light.
21:40 It's so clear that you were the one who orchestrated the downfall of my career.
21:47 I have no doubt that you were behind what happened that night at the masquerade ball.
21:53 You took photos of me leaving that hotel room and showed my father.
21:56 It was all because of your manipulations that I had to leave LA, my career, my dreams behind.
22:03 You and your actions are pathetic.
22:07 You're making up stories, Hannah.
22:11 Besides, you can't prove any of that.
22:14 You're just bitter because your life fell apart.
22:16 Bitter? You are the reason my life fell apart.
22:20 You couldn't stand that I had my father's love, and you did everything in your power to destroy me.
22:25 Well, congratulations. You succeeded.
22:30 I am here because I am owed something, and I am not leaving until you give it to me.
22:34 Are you that oblivious? Do you honestly think that I have time to go around and hunt for some old hand-me-downs, which I don't even know where I stashed them?
22:42 It's my birthday bash. I mean, I have Oscar winners on my guest list for crying out loud.
22:49 Yeah, yeah. I'm sure your guests are all very esteemed, but who knows, maybe they use the same devious ways you did to get to where they are.
22:56 Now who's sounding jealous?
22:58 Hannah's expression changes as she takes a step closer to Stephanie, her eyes reflecting little calmness now.
23:05 Listen, Stephanie. I am not trying to make a scene in front of your high-class guests.
23:12 Now all I'm asking is for you to give me my mother's things, and I will leave without hesitation.
23:18 I have to find a way to get rid of her.
23:21 Can you just come back in a couple of days to get your things?
23:24 What is wrong with you? I'm not here to play games. Unlike you, I don't have any hidden agendas.
23:29 And, trust me, I do not want to set foot in this place ever again.
23:34 He's here.
23:37 [Dramatic music]
23:52 Who are you talking about?
23:54 None of your business.
23:56 Stephanie, now feeling threatened, takes a defensive stance.
23:59 You know what, listen. You're right. I've been lying to you this whole time. I know exactly where your mother's things are.
24:06 And if you don't leave, right now, I promise you, I will burn them.
24:11 How dare you! Those are the only things I've left of her.
24:15 I don't understand why you have this much hate for me. We're supposed to be sisters, for God's sake.
24:19 Stephanie, fueled by jealousy and resentment, decides to reveal a baneful secret.
24:24 [Chuckles] We're not family.
24:28 I guess it's about time you find out your father's dirty little secret.
24:34 One night, he got drunk and he told my mom that you're not even his biological daughter.
24:39 That's right.
24:41 I guess your sweet mother wasn't as innocent as she pretended to be.
24:45 Hannah's world shatters as Stephanie's cruel words sink in.
24:49 Stop it. Stop it. You're insane.
24:52 What's wrong? I thought you of all people appreciated hearing the truth.
24:57 Should I go on? Can I share more?
24:59 Other than that, he also told my mother that...
25:03 Leave her alone.
25:05 It can't be.
25:11 Those eyes. I'd know those blue eyes anywhere.
25:16 Don't let your excitement die! The full audio series is on the Pocket FM app. Tap the link in the description to install now.