The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 176-178

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride

Episode 176
Episode 177
Episode 178
00:00Episode 176 What Else Would Emma Do?
00:06Staff from Kaleidoscope swiftly sent Cheryl to the hospital.
00:10Afterwards, Lisa grabbed onto Emma's arm and asked,
00:14Why did you come?
00:16You obviously knew this was Charlotte's trap.
00:19She didn't want you to go on Talkmaster.
00:23Why would you do something so silly?
00:26Emma looked at her and hugged her tightly, gently patting her back.
00:31You're the one who's being silly.
00:34Do you need to go through so much for me?
00:37Do I need you to protect me?
00:40You were threatened and you didn't even tell me.
00:44If something happened to you and your grandfather, how do you think I would feel?
00:50But look what's happening now, Lisa responded.
00:54Emma freed her from the embrace and patted her arm comfortingly.
00:59You don't need to worry about anything.
01:02Let Luke take you to the hospital.
01:04While you're there, enjoy seeing Cheryl at her absolute worst.
01:10But did you think I would let Charlotte get what she wants?
01:15Emma's words contained a double meaning.
01:18I'm protected by Eric and you're protected by me.
01:22So I will help you find your grandfather.
01:25I promise he won't get hurt at all.
01:29Let's go, Luke said, leading Lisa out.
01:33Lisa was still worried.
01:35But today's incident has blown up so much.
01:39The fact that Emma's actually hit someone, shouldn't we do a bit of PR?
01:44Will her image be affected?
01:47Take care of yourself first.
01:50Luke helped her into the car and took her to the pharmacy to buy some anti-inflammatory
01:55medicine and an ice pack.
01:57Emma is smarter than you think.
01:59She definitely won't be at a loss.
02:02Right now, you should look after yourself.
02:05That's the best way you can help her.
02:08Don't have her worrying about you.
02:10She needs to focus on going up against Charlotte.
02:14Lisa gripped onto the ice pack.
02:16She looked completely exhausted.
02:18She was still concerned about Emma and her grandfather.
02:23Seeing her in a daze, Luke took the ice pack from her hands, held the side of her head
02:28and pressed the ice pack against her cheek.
02:31She jolted in pain, but he continued to press it against her as he spoke.
02:38Don't move.
02:39This will help with the swelling.
02:41She was thinking about the scene that had played out earlier and how Luke had called
02:46her his fiancé.
02:48It made her feel warm inside, although she knew he was merely following Emma and Eric's
02:55She reminded herself to remain clear-headed.
02:58She was older than Luke and neglected her looks, particularly her figure.
03:04Someone like Luke couldn't possibly be attracted to her.
03:08The thing about you being my fiancé, she began.
03:13Thank you for that.
03:14I know it was fake, so don't feel too bothered by it.
03:18If you have a girlfriend, I can go explain it to her for you.
03:23Luke looked at the injury on her face and pressed harder.
03:27I don't have a girlfriend.
03:30But there's no way you'd be interested in a chubby girl like me, Lisa thought to herself.
03:35However, I've just been rescued from danger.
03:38Why am I even thinking about this right now?
03:42Emma and my grandfather are still in trouble.
03:45Meanwhile, at H World Entertainment, Lucas strolled into Charlotte's office with a complicated
03:52look on his face.
03:54After placing some documents on her desk, he shoved his hands in his pockets and said,
04:00Emma didn't disappoint.
04:02She did turn up at Brooklyn City Center.
04:05The Talkmaster interview is at 8 this evening.
04:08It doesn't look like she'll make it.
04:11It's perfect, Charlotte replied in a satisfied tone.
04:15As expected, her plan had worked.
04:18However, she ruined things for Cheryl, Lucas added in a disappointed tone.
04:24She tilted her head with a perplexed look.
04:27What do you mean by that?
04:30Can you guess who Lisa is?
04:33Luke asked as he leaned on her desk.
04:36Just tell me.
04:37He's the fiancé of the assistant to Kaleidoscope CEO.
04:42Emma contacted Kaleidoscope in front of everyone, and Luke arrived within 30 minutes.
04:48In order to stick up for his fiancé, he forced Cheryl to leave the industry, and everyone's
04:54already found out about it.
04:56In this particular battle, it looks like Emma has effectively cut off your right arm.
05:02Hearing these words, Charlotte immediately went online to search for related articles.
05:08However, due to Kaleidoscope's careful public relations management, she was better off just
05:15asking around.
05:17By the following day, they would definitely release an article explaining the entire situation.
05:24They'd always been good at protecting their own people.
05:29This can't be right.
05:31If Lisa really is Luke's fiancé, then why didn't she mention him when she first got
05:36threatened, she said.
05:39But if she isn't, then why would Kaleidoscope bother to stick up for a simple assistant?
05:46It's a bit unbelievable.
05:49This incident will take some time to handle.
05:51It's not easy to train another international model.
05:55Are we going to just let Cheryl get ruined, asked Lucas.
06:00Charlotte stood up from her seat.
06:02She was starting to feel a little scared.
06:06Cheryl isn't our main priority right now.
06:09Our main priority is Lisa's grandfather.
06:13This was the thing she was most worried about.
06:17Kaleidoscope was a sleeping lion that Charlotte didn't dare to provoke.
06:22After careful thought, she said,
06:25Regarding this incident, we should feign innocence.
06:29I feel that Lisa and Luke's relationship is a bit strange.
06:33Why didn't they do anything earlier?
06:35Although I don't know how Emma is related to Kaleidoscope, we shouldn't get too flustered
06:41by it.
06:42I feel that our main priority should be to deal with Emma.
06:46If we allow her to get closer to Kaleidoscope, it'll be too late, Lucas tried to convince
06:53She glanced at him, feeling on edge.
06:56This was all because of a momentary bad decision that she had signed Emma with H-World, causing
07:03this mess and resulting in Cheryl's demise.
07:08Why don't we let Lisa's grandfather go first?
07:11She suggested.
07:13After all, he has no idea we've been holding him hostage this entire time.
07:18No, Lucas stopped her.
07:21We still have use for him.
07:24This old man has heart disease.
07:27Charlotte had noticed that he took medicine regularly.
07:30If you let him go, you might not be able to find something else to control Emma.
07:36If that's the case, will you still let him go?
07:40She was silent for a moment before replying.
07:43Of course not.
07:45Serious business always requires a bit of sacrifice.
07:49We're lucky that we managed to prevent her from going on Talkmaster, otherwise, judging
07:55by her temper, there's no way she would let everything that happened today go, he responded.
08:01Charlotte was suddenly angry.
08:04That's because we haven't been harsh enough toward her.
08:08Lucas, we need to plan our next step.
08:11However, while the two were discussing their next move, Lucas's assistant began knocking
08:17on the office door.
08:19Yes, Garcia, Mr. Perez, something has happened.
08:23Come in, said Charlotte.
08:26The young assistant didn't say anything more.
08:28He simply turned on the TV in the office and switched the channel to Talkmaster's live
08:35At that moment, they watched as Emma took careful steps toward the host and sat down
08:41in the studio.
08:43Charlotte glanced at the time and looked back at Emma.
08:46She was in disbelief.
08:49What is this?
08:50How did she manage to get to the interview?
08:53Hurry, get someone to take this show off the air and replace it.
08:56Drag Emma out of there.
08:59How is this possible?
09:01Didn't she go to the Brooklyn City Center?
09:03Does she know how to teleport?
09:06Charlotte thought.
09:07This is the official program.
09:10We can't do anything about it, Lucas replied calmly.
09:14After what we did to her assistant today, I wonder how she's planning on getting revenge
09:19on you and H-World.
09:22She wouldn't dare.
09:24Charlotte stubbornly stuck her chin forward.
09:27But in her heart, she wondered, what else would Emma dare to do?
09:38Episode 177, Are You Married?
09:44Seeing Charlotte like this, Lucas immediately made a phone call to his contacts in the industry
09:50and realized that he and Charlotte had both made a lethal mistake.
09:55We had the wrong time.
09:58What do you mean?
09:59Charlotte didn't quite understand his words.
10:03The only reason why Emma appeared at the Brooklyn City Center so easily was because there was
10:09no conflict with the times.
10:11Talkmaster changed their broadcast schedule a few weeks back and pushed it forward by
10:16one hour.
10:18We completely missed this.
10:21Everyone was used to Talkmaster broadcasting at eight in the evening.
10:25Therefore, although they had announced a shift in their schedule, Charlotte hadn't taken
10:31any notice of it.
10:33She'd assumed there would be no changes.
10:36Emma's too smart for her own good, Lucas said.
10:41What should we do now?
10:42Do we just sit here and watch her go on the program?
10:46Frustrated, Charlotte slammed her fists on the desk in front of her.
10:50She'd wasted so much energy and effort, even going so far as to threaten and kidnap.
10:58Yet in the end, Emma had actually gotten the better of her.
11:02In reality, when Emma had found out about Lisa being threatened, she was already on
11:08her way to the studio.
11:10As soon as she realized that Cheryl's show was at seven and her interview was at nine,
11:16she immediately decided to go to Brooklyn City Center.
11:20She found it strange that Charlotte would give her a leeway of two hours to appear in
11:25both places.
11:28Is this supposed to be Charlotte's way of stopping me?
11:31She asked.
11:33After putting in so much effort, is this really her way of preventing me from going on Talkmaster?
11:41Richard couldn't help but laugh.
11:43From what I know of Charlotte, she definitely calculated incorrectly this time.
11:49What do you mean?
11:50Emma asked.
11:51I reckon she didn't know that Talkmaster changed their broadcast time.
11:57Upon leaving Brooklyn City Center, Emma was planning to get into Richard's van to drive
12:02over to the TV studio.
12:05However, as she entered the parking lot, she spotted Eric's car.
12:10She gave Richard a quick explanation, pulled open Eric's car door, and sat in the front
12:15passenger seat.
12:18Didn't I tell you not to come?
12:20Eric turned to look at her.
12:22He lifted her hands and examined her palms.
12:26Didn't you bring bodyguards?
12:28Why did you need to use your own hands?
12:32Don't they hurt?
12:34Emma thought that he would be worried about Lisa or curious about Cheryl's outcome or
12:39Luke's performance.
12:41Instead, the first thing he asked was whether her hands hurt.
12:47It hurt at the time, but now they're just a little numb, she confessed.
12:52After all, she'd given five slaps using her full strength.
12:57It would have been impossible not to feel anything.
13:01Eric gently rubbed her palms and gazed at her with a helpless, doting expression.
13:07I never thought you would personally make a move.
13:11Do you really think I had such a great temper?
13:15She smiled at him.
13:17That's because you know I'm supporting you, he teased fondly.
13:22I'm sure that's where you got your courage.
13:26His expression was a huge contrast to how he appeared at work.
13:32You still haven't learned your lesson, he continued more seriously.
13:37You have a sure-fire plan, yet you refuse to use it.
13:42Do you have to make me worry?
13:45He gently let go of her hands and switched his focus to driving.
13:49He needed to get her to the interview.
13:53Sometimes, one needs to experience pain to remember how others have suffered on their
13:59behalf, she answered.
14:01This time, Lisa had been the one who suffered.
14:05She had tolerated the humiliation and endured the threats from Charlotte.
14:11Yet she never considered betraying Emma even once.
14:15Therefore, Emma's pain was nothing.
14:19Even if she were to break her arm, she would still find it worthwhile.
14:24Eric understood her well.
14:26He knew she was the type of person that would risk her life for her loved ones.
14:32The only difference this time was that Emma, who was once alone, now had him by her side.
14:39Also, Charlotte still has Lisa's grandfather locked away.
14:44Aren't you on the way to ask for his return?
14:47He asked.
14:48Emma was a little surprised as she leaned on his shoulder.
14:53There are times when dealing with these monsters that I feel like I'm slowly losing myself.
14:59However, I have no regrets about the way I dealt with Cheryl and Charlotte today.
15:06I want Charlotte to know that it's fine for her to mess with me, but if she messes with
15:11the people I care about, I won't allow her to live in peace.
15:17As Eric drove, he looked at the road ahead and spoke calmly and firmly.
15:23No matter what happens next, whatever you have to do, you're still the same person to me.
15:31Her heart melted, but she didn't know how to express her love toward him.
15:36All she could do was bite down gently on his shoulder.
15:41Eric did not cry out in pain.
15:43The corners of his lips simply curved upwards.
15:46He understood how she felt.
15:50Sometimes a person could love another so much that they didn't even know how to express it.
15:56In the end, it was due precisely to Charlotte's mistake that the scene playing out live in
16:02front of everyone was happening.
16:06Emma was sitting in Talkmaster's studio, ready to do the interview.
16:11After careful preparations, she appeared in front of the viewers in a light purple A-line dress.
16:18She had light makeup on, and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders, displaying her
16:23most natural features to the New York audience.
16:27As she smiled, two dimples appeared on her cheeks.
16:31The two hosts in the studio had question boards prepared, which Emma would have to answer.
16:37The studio staff also put a lot of effort to decorate the studio with posters of her
16:43magazine shoots and commercials.
16:46They were extremely organized.
16:49As the clock hit exactly nine, the show officially began.
16:54As it was a live broadcast, the hosts and guests had to be careful what they said.
17:01Because of this, many celebrities had slipped up and accidentally revealed secrets.
17:07Many scandals had been exposed on the show.
17:11As usual, Emma was completely calm.
17:15It was hard to imagine that only an hour ago, she'd been at the Brooklyn city center,
17:21throwing slaps across Cheryl and her manager's faces.
17:26After their initial greetings, the hosts started with some warm-up questions.
17:31Emma, we seem to remember that three months ago, you were a bride-to-be.
17:37Then one day, you announced your comeback and threw yourself into a series of battles
17:42with Global Pictures.
17:45Under what circumstances did you make such a definitive decision to start all over again?
17:51Emma smiled after hearing the question.
17:54Can I really answer this?
17:57Be careful.
17:58Our program is all about telling the truth.
18:01You get caught in a lie, and all your answers could turn into memes.
18:06The host warned her, grinning slightly.
18:09She held up a prop shaped like a hand as the sound effect of a laughing audience played
18:14in the background.
18:16Emma was stunned for a moment before answering.
18:19It's nothing special.
18:21I simply experienced how it felt to be betrayed, and I matured from the experience.
18:28I am someone who lets go of something when I say I will.
18:33Now that we're done with the warm-up, it's time to move on to the bigger questions.
18:39Are you married?
18:47Episode 178.
18:50Who are you married to?
18:53After asking this question, even the host seemed surprised.
18:58Emma's answer could become a huge revelation.
19:01It seemed like they were forcing her into taking extreme measures.
19:06However, in the end, it all depended on the guest's wisdom and emotional intelligence.
19:14Inside the studio sat over a hundred fans, waiting for Emma's response.
19:19In front of their TVs at home, the audience also watched curiously.
19:25Even Eric, who was listening to the live broadcast in his car, couldn't help but smile.
19:32He had previously asked her how she would answer if faced with this question.
19:38At the time, Emma had simply smiled secretively.
19:42However, she could no longer avoid it.
19:46He felt a sense of anticipation.
19:48He was sweating nervously on her behalf, but he also had faith in her.
19:55Why do other guests get such gentle questions?
19:58When it comes to me, I get asked about my ex and then about whether I'm married.
20:05Emma looked a little helpless, but everyone knew that she wasn't actually bothered by
20:10the questions.
20:11She was simply livening up the atmosphere.
20:15Don't try to hide or drag out your answer.
20:18Quick, tell us!
20:20The host wasn't going to let her off the hook.
20:23In fact, from the moment Emma had stepped foot on the stage, the two hosts felt relieved.
20:30They knew that she was an extremely mature interviewee.
20:34She knew her place, how to boost the atmosphere, and how to interact with both the audience
20:40and the hosts.
20:42Most importantly, she was extremely friendly, like a girl-next-door type.
20:47Yes, I'm married, she answered quickly.
20:52Emma's eyes widened in shock.
20:54No one had expected her to admit it so bluntly.
20:58Eric's heart skipped a beat as he listened.
21:01He then smiled helplessly and lovingly.
21:05He had to bow down to his cheeky wife's answer.
21:08He knew that, under normal circumstances, artists with something to hide would think
21:14of a way to dodge the question, rather than admit it directly, like Emma had.
21:20And those who did admit to something directly were often lying.
21:25Additionally, the tone Emma used sounded so casual that it was as if she was responding
21:31to someone asking if she ate dinner.
21:35She answered so normally that everyone felt it couldn't possibly be the truth, even
21:41though what she said was, indeed, true.
21:46The host pretended to be surprised as she chuckled and continued to ask.
21:52In that case, who were you married to?
21:56The most powerful man in the entertainment industry.
22:00Emma once again told the truth, but the host chuckled and brushed her off.
22:05Then, wouldn't that mean you're married to me?
22:08The male host teased.
22:10The studio erupted into laughter.
22:14It turned out that Emma not only knew how to be a model, but she also knew how to create
22:19a situation where it was difficult to differentiate between truth and lies.
22:26When someone sounded too exaggerated, even if it was the truth, no one would believe
22:32A moment later, one of the hosts noticed the ring on Emma's finger.
22:37Oh, you even have a ring!
22:40It's almost like you're telling the truth!
22:42Lift up your hand and let us admire it.
22:45Emma was unfazed.
22:47She lifted her hand to show everyone the ring.
22:50This was, in fact, her wedding ring.
22:55Sitting in the car, Eric couldn't help but stroke the ring on his left hand.
23:00Through it, the couple's hearts were connected.
23:04Watching from the sidelines, Richard's heart was racing in fear as he broke out into a
23:09cold sweat.
23:11How can she be so brave, he thought.
23:14Most shocking of all is that she's telling the truth, yet everyone thinks she's joking.
23:21We just asked a relatively chill question, and Emma has answered so calmly.
23:26The host declared, turning to her.
23:29But now we're going to ask a question that may offend some people.
23:34You better think carefully before you answer.
23:37The host suddenly retracted their smiles and grew a lot more serious.
23:42Although Talkmaster's questions were intense, they respected their guests and kindly warned
23:48them in advance.
23:50Actually, we've heard some negative rumors about you.
23:54For example, after signing your contract with H-World, we heard that the agency hasn't
24:00been treating you very well.
24:02In fact, they've given jobs that you already secured to other people.
24:07Is that true?
24:08Could you please clarify this for us?
24:12With the mention of H-World, Charlotte and Lucas grew very nervous.
24:18With Emma's high emotional intelligence, dealing with questions like this was child's play.
24:25However, through the TV screen, Charlotte noticed that her gentle gaze now had a layer
24:31of coldness.
24:33In fact, she was even sneering.
24:36Emma knew that the time for her to get Lisa's grandfather back had arrived.
24:41Neither Richard nor Charlotte had any idea how she was going to ask for his return.
24:48To be honest, I don't even know if she can do it.
24:51How is it possible, Richard thought.
24:54How can she make Charlotte obediently return Lisa's grandfather from her seat in the studio?
25:01Well, the fact that I'm sitting here, doesn't that already answer your question?
25:07Emma smiled.
25:09Charlotte Garcia is an extremely understanding person and a great boss.
25:14We aren't against each other like the rumors say we are.
25:18Healthy competition is normal within an agency, and she's the CEO.
25:23I can understand that she needs to look at the bigger picture.
25:27Actually, I wanted to share something extremely heartwarming.
25:32She turned to face the camera.
25:34Over the past couple of days, my assistant Lisa has been unable to contact her grandfather.
25:41She was so anxious that she searched everywhere for him and even contacted the police.
25:47She emphasized the final word.
25:50The police have already filed a report and were ready to start an investigation, when
25:56suddenly we found out from Ms. Garcia that she wanted to surprise Lisa and had brought
26:02her grandfather over to New York.
26:04It was almost a huge misunderstanding.
26:08As you can all see, Ms. Garcia is extremely thoughtful and generous.
26:14However, in order to not cause her any more inconvenience, I will get my assistant to
26:20go pick up her grandfather after the interview.
26:24We're extremely thankful for Ms. Garcia's surprise and will forever remember her kindness.
26:31Emma spoke in a serious manner as she expressed her gratitude toward Charlotte.
26:37However, her words contained a hidden meaning which only a few understood.
26:43Hearing Emma's response, Charlotte was tempted to smash her TV on the ground.
26:49She was threatening her with the police, similar to how she threatened Lisa to betray Emma.
26:56She was giving her an eye for an eye.
26:59The fact that she'd mentioned Lisa's grandfather was with Charlotte meant that everyone would
27:05be watching her.
27:07If anything were to happen to the old man, then she would be held responsible.
27:13Therefore, she no longer dared to do anything to him.
27:18Lastly, Emma had stated that Lisa would be going to collect her grandfather.
27:23If Charlotte didn't hand him over, then the public would be suspicious of her.
27:29Her response triggered a reaction in the entertainment industry.
27:33Sensitive reporters would definitely be all over this story.
27:38Damn this model.
27:40Damn this smart woman, Charlotte thought.
27:43She'd never expected Emma to actually do something to retaliate against her.
27:49Her only choice was to hand over Lisa's grandfather.
27:54Apart from those that despised Emma, there were many who were impressed by her.
28:00Richard couldn't believe that she was smart enough to solve the issue with Lisa's grandfather
28:05in such a manner.
28:07She didn't even need to search for him.
28:10She had made it so that Charlotte would hand him over obediently, without letting a single
28:16hair fall out of place.
28:19Charlotte had been forced to suffer a double loss.
28:22If anything were to happen to Lisa's grandfather, then it would prove there was something wrong
28:28with Charlotte.
