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Mattel Masters Of The Universe Masterverse Revolution Battle Armor He-Man
00:00 He-Man has a plan but Andra's got an armor. Here's your look at the brand new
00:04 Mattel Mass Universe Masterverse Mass Universe Revolution Battle Armor He-Man.
00:11 While without a sword of power, He-Man receives help from Andra who creates the
00:29 impressive battle armor for extra protection during combat.
00:33 Prince Adam now has a play feature. Just before of course we get a closer look at the
00:37 battle armor He-Man, the tape measure is telling us that He-Man stands exactly
00:41 seven inches in height or the figure, don't knock him over, or the figure is
00:44 about 18 centimeters tall. For your consideration here's a couple of other
00:48 He-Mans you can look at. Now if comparing him against the original Revelation
00:52 He-Man, well it looks like they are using similar style of bodies. I much prefer
00:56 the tan that they actually gave the new He-Man. He doesn't look as spray tanned
01:00 as the original one we looked at before. That same line also gifted us a pretty
01:04 disappointing looking faker. Not really the faker I would ever have really in my
01:08 collection. Here's also as well what the figure looks like with the 40th
01:10 anniversary He-Man and on to this other side here of course we can bring in
01:14 Skeletek who also is part of this same series. Here's also what he looks like from
01:18 the same figures in this line. Not only Mech-a-Neck but also Triclops as well.
01:22 One of the many things I really liked about Revolution aside from having
01:25 Hordak was that He-Man actually was battle armor though briefly in the
01:29 series. Andro basically gives him a little package to protect him considering
01:32 he didn't have the power sword and when He-Man opens up the package it basically
01:36 envelops his torso like the battle armor suits. He even has at one point his
01:40 little H on the front of a suit that gets damaged and He-Man rotates it. It's
01:44 a very cool way to reference the original vintage toy. Now you do actually
01:47 get a battle armor piece that swaps out with the one that we're looking at right
01:50 now. It's part of the white mystery bag. Although everything over here is part of
01:54 that mystery bag it's not really much of a mystery anymore. Something though that
01:58 wasn't much of a mystery was that the figure came in clear with his battle axe.
02:01 I love the way they've painted this in the silver and it really complements the
02:04 darker gray that they used for the majority of this. My guess is they
02:07 probably molded this all in this dark gray which on its own would have just
02:10 been fine but the fact then they went in there and painted all the additional
02:13 silver really adds a nice sheen to it. Now he can store this although there's
02:18 no place on the back of the figures body whether you're using the battle armor
02:21 look or you want to use the original bandolier armor but at least he has a
02:25 storage with holding it in his hands. The hand plastic is pretty soft so it's
02:29 very easy in fact to get the battle armor battle axe in there and He-Man can
02:33 carry it around that way. Now obviously as well the figure does come in clear
02:36 with a couple of closed fists although if he's wanting to wield axes the closed
02:39 fists aren't to be doing much good. I mean you could probably just swap out
02:43 one of them and have the other one with the gripping hand so of course he can
02:45 still carry around the axe and these just pop off from existing forearms. So
02:49 if you wanted to, I mean not that I really would in my collection but just
02:52 to show you guys what it looks like, just take his hand wiggle it back and forth.
02:55 It's a little harder to do on this side just because he's got the gauntlet brace
02:59 this shield that he has on his forearm kind of causes problems when it comes to
03:03 trying to get your finger in there to retrieve out the hand. Then take
03:07 the hand that you want to use making sure of course the thumbs go in and you
03:10 can just pop this in place. Actually just before doing that I also wanted to show
03:12 you if you didn't like the look of having that I kind of wish in a way they
03:16 could have come included with another shackle bracelet that way you could have
03:20 also had that on this side of He-Man's body. I'm just not a big fan honestly of
03:23 the guard now that's just my own personal preference. Anyways we're just
03:26 gonna pop in the new hand again if you wanted to change them out to closed fist
03:31 hey why not you can do that I'm not gonna start to tell you guys how you
03:34 have to have your collection there you go just pop that in place now he man has
03:37 a closed fist as mentioned he man also does come with a battle version of the
03:41 He-Man H shield and that's of course something I could swap out just to show
03:46 you by the way let's go ahead and take the axe out of his hand just move his
03:49 arm out of the way so as he is right now the battle armor armor does actually
03:53 have a pretty clean looking H on the front if you want to have it look like
03:56 he's actually gotten hit by one of the axes you can just swap this out so this
04:00 piece comes basically out in order to get this out you have to take the front
04:03 half the button I'll show you I'll show you in a second I do what I like really
04:07 about this is the battle piece that does actually have this carved in they didn't
04:12 just cheap out by painting just the slash in by actually carving that into
04:16 the plastic it gives it a more realistic look to it and again that just swaps out
04:20 with his existing armor well again you just got that yeah we'll do we'll do
04:23 that in a second the other thing that he man also comes in clear with if you
04:26 didn't want to display the figure as battle armor comes with more his
04:29 traditional He-Man armor piece this basically just attaches on the back the
04:34 figures body these just plug in place I'll do this also in a second as well
04:38 they just plug in place like that if you thought for a second that maybe that's
04:42 the same armor that came include the original revelation He-Man it appears to
04:45 be bigger I mean if you look at the actual straps the straps are a little
04:48 bit wider here than they were on the original release if you didn't want to
04:52 use this for the battle armor He-Man I'm sure you probably could just use this
04:55 then with the revelation He-Man instead of actually strapping on the back they
04:58 would just plug in place and I think that would much I think it works a lot
05:01 better doing it with plugging on the back I mean obviously if you're kind of
05:04 more to the original vintage toy having these being more straps on the back
05:08 makes a little bit more sense I prefer honestly the pegs I think it's just a
05:12 lot easier to change out the armor speaking of changing out the armor
05:15 though just before we do that I want to show you guys what the head sculpt and
05:17 the rest of the body looks like with the armor intact I like the head sculpt for
05:21 He-Man I will say it's a lot better than we what we got with the revelation there
05:24 is also as well a battle armor new eternia version of He-Man just haven't
05:28 had a chance to pick that one up and it's also bearded He-Man I don't know
05:30 if I really like that look myself I think it's a better looking He-Man head
05:34 than the original revelation once again just bring back in the revelation He-Man
05:38 I think the coloring of his hair is definitely a little bit more nicer of a
05:40 blonde the only thing I will say though it still hasn't landed a perfect
05:44 likeness to He-Man there's just always something that seems off no matter what
05:48 head sculpt we got in these figures they never quite deliver a perfect looking
05:51 He-Man I couldn't help but also notice as well when it comes to his blonde that
05:55 the blonde doesn't look like it's been painted well enough you probably can
05:58 already see the fact there's some darker plastic underneath bleeding through it
06:01 really needed a second coat of paint it's definitely one of the better
06:05 looking He-Mans and for right now at least it's gonna be my stand-in He-Man
06:08 when it comes to displaying this guy on the shelf but again if you want to
06:10 change out the armor the armor is actually pretty easy to change just will
06:14 lift the arm first I just lost the hand I'm gonna have to go back you know what
06:16 maybe it was just maybe it was just a sign oh I just lost the guard as well
06:20 let's just pick up the guard it's just right over here I have to come back and
06:25 retrieve that a little bit later maybe it was a sign maybe it was I had already
06:27 commented earlier that I didn't like the guard maybe the guards like well fine if
06:31 you don't like me I'm just gonna leave I'll go pick that up a little bit later
06:34 but to change out the the actual suit it's just a case of taking the tabs here
06:38 on the top just unsnap them I thought initially you just have to pry the front
06:43 half from the back half but honestly it's just easier just to flip these up
06:46 first bring the arms out flip these out also as well these are actually of the
06:50 of the two types of snaps these ones are a little harder to get in there just
06:54 because if you especially if you don't have fingernails and then once you have
06:56 those pride you just take the whole front of his armor and just take that
06:59 right off and then you take of course the back piece off also as well while he
07:04 man has his arms up you can also then get in there you just take your back
07:08 finger which obviously just take your finger and push from the back and you're
07:11 just gonna push free the H shield and that just comes off completely then you
07:15 can take your battle armor version of it and that just if you look at the top
07:19 there's a little see these little lips of plastic here just put those up first
07:23 and then you just tuck everything else back in and that's basically how you
07:27 just replace the shield and then there isn't a third one unlike the original
07:31 toy so you wouldn't be able to have another variation where it has maybe two
07:34 slashes instead but you get one for a clean H at least and you get one that
07:37 has again the slash across the front of it and then just a rinse and repeat just
07:41 take the back of that fits on the back the figures body then take this and you
07:46 can just do this one of two ways just fit this down I find it's the easiest to
07:50 get these around the side straps first you want to make sure you the course you
07:54 just get those all plugged in and then once those are in place just snap the
07:57 ones on the top straight down and now you got he man with the battle damage
08:00 look looks good I also really like the coloring of the silver that they used it
08:06 isn't just straight it just a straight silver there seems to be like a slight
08:10 bluish tint in there as well obviously if you guys did want to change this to
08:13 the bandolier armor just again untap these on the sides on the top and tap
08:18 these from the sides also helps if you have fingernails and we're just gonna
08:21 again remove those then you can take yourself the regular he-man armor you
08:25 want to untap these on the back fit this over he-man's body want to make sure
08:29 it's got facing the right way obviously and these straps are always you want to
08:34 make sure you get them obviously underneath his arms and then so much
08:38 easier so much easier instead of having to strap these through with those tiny
08:42 little lips of plastic you know they always get loose this is a much tighter
08:45 more permanent means of attaching the armor and again those just plug in place
08:49 like that I mean obviously on the back it doesn't look as much like an original
08:52 vintage he-man but certainly from the front classic looking he-man the only
08:56 thing that is missing unfortunately there's nearly no place they have put a
09:00 little lip right here but it's not enough to provide the place to store the
09:04 battleaxe so you know you can't slide that actually in there even though it
09:07 sticks out just a little bit you might be able to take a power sword I'm gonna
09:10 have to come back and grab a power sword from one of the other he-man's see if
09:13 that can actually slide in there but other than that it's again if you want a
09:17 more vintage looking he-man so tempted really actually get a second version of
09:20 the battle armor so I could actually have two displayed on the shelf because
09:24 again like if you look at this one and you look at the original I can't help
09:27 but look at that and just think there's the tan the tanning on his skin is just
09:31 way too orange this is a nicer he-man by far by the way also too if you're
09:36 looking at the bodies the bodies are exactly the same the torsos the arms the
09:39 forearms even though like the lower legs loincloth and even the boots are all
09:43 exactly the same so Mattel what they've only really done is retooled a brand new
09:46 head and give him completely different armor they've obviously tweaked some of
09:49 the coloring as well added some really nice gold there whereas the other one
09:53 would have had just straight yellow it's definitely a nice better looking he-man
09:56 and the one I'm gonna have on my shelf permanently until we get another better
10:00 he-man afterwards now for the figures articulation it's gonna be the same as
10:03 the revelation so the heads can be on ball joint rotates all the way around it
10:07 looks down it looks up and it also moves back and forth as well you know again
10:11 like looking at this just from my own personal preference even though I just I
10:14 lost it's down there I haven't lost it's just it's just down there I don't really
10:18 like the forearm guard I just kind of like the idea of having he-man I mean I
10:22 wish I had a second one of these so I could put on this side of the figures
10:24 body just it looks a little more like he-man without it as for the arms the
10:28 arms of you've probably already seen a couple of times in this review come out
10:31 90 degrees you can take the arms and rotate them all the way around and again
10:34 same on this side as well split with the bicep double hinge on the elbow hands
10:39 also do again rotate all the way around this hand I don't know why it's just
10:42 really tight upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint lower torso is just on a
10:46 straight swivel like split out once again there's the ball joints working
10:49 behind the scenes you take the legs and move forward move them back three quarters
10:53 away up the thigh would you believe it does have a swivel cut double hinge on
10:56 the knee just really tight on the on mine at least swivel at the boots ankle
11:00 pivot up and down and ankle rocker side to side yeah it's a nice-looking he-man
11:05 didn't mean to say that so loudly yeah what did you really like about this he-man
11:10 is it does again take really essentially the original body from
11:13 Revelation he-man and just makes it a lot nicer the coloring of his body the
11:17 coloring of the plastic is so much better than the tan color that they
11:20 approach with the original Revelation and even though like there's some
11:24 bleeding very clearly apparent here when it comes to the hair you can see it's
11:28 like some darker colors unless they deliberately did that if that's the case
11:31 I don't know why it just it does kind of look more like there's darker plastic
11:35 bleeding through the blonde now whether you decide to have the figure displayed
11:38 in his battle armor the way he originally comes out of the packaging or
11:41 you decide at least to swap things around I do at least like the fact that
11:44 Mattel included two different ways of displaying the figure knowing from a
11:47 collector's standpoint from a business standpoint as well it's all about the
11:51 money Mattel is smart to include that because
11:54 collectors like myself I'm sure probably will get a second battle armor he-man to
11:58 display him in his two different looks if you may have had one question
12:01 hopefully it's now been answered here in final looks does the figure with the OG
12:04 armor still have enough space to store a power sword the answer is yes even
12:08 though it's a different armor and even though he doesn't come included with one
12:11 there's still enough space on the back of his armor to store a power sword that
12:15 you can use from another Revelation figure I've got the figure also
12:18 displayed here with this for arm guard depending on really how you prefer your
12:21 have your he-man the original vintage one from the 80s would have already had
12:25 a molded arm guard built into the plastic arm it just wasn't painted the
12:30 origins he-man though on the other hand actually had bracelets on both sides of
12:33 the figures body I still don't like the arm guard just because it's painted
12:37 because again like when I had the original vintage toy it would have just
12:40 been again molded into the arm you almost wouldn't even recognize that it
12:43 was there but that's one of the reasons why that Mattel did include the forearm
12:47 guard I'm just not a big fan of it myself are you a big fan of the battle
12:50 armor he-man let me know down below in the comments section I certainly hope we
12:54 already know we are getting a battle armor Skeletor that's gonna be part of
12:58 the new Eternia line it's already been announced online I can't wait to get my
13:01 hands on that one that looks like a pretty sick-looking Skeletor but have
13:05 you already gotten your hands on battle armor he-man let me know down below in
13:08 the comments section and if you display the figure do you have them displayed
13:11 with the battle armor or with the og armor I'm already now attempted to get
13:15 myself a second one of these so I can display it in the two different looks in
13:19 the meantime though this guy is available right now either in stores
13:22 yeah good luck good luck finding one here in Canadian stores or you can also
13:26 find this guy online if you guys did enjoy this video why don't throw it a
13:29 like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you certainly do
13:32 want to stick around for more if you haven't already done so make sure you
13:35 hit that subscribe button down below and you're turning on the Bell
13:38 notification popping up also hey by the way at the very end of this video two
13:42 playlists in adjacent corners one for Massey universe one for Massey universe
13:46 origins two completely different playlists even though really the
13:49 thumbnails on the images kind of looks somewhat the same definitely gonna be a
13:53 lot more videos guys coming your way as always thanks for watching see you guys
13:57 next time
13:59 you
14:02 you
14:04 (whooshing)
