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Mattel Masters Of The Universe Masterverse New Eternia Triklops Figure
00:00 he's got his eye on you all three of them here's look the brand-new Mattel
00:04 massive universe master verse massive universe new Eternia triclops
00:10 the techno Mansour's latest mechanical masterpiece worked perfectly dubbed the
00:28 multivisor the triclops gazed into the paradimensional and discovered a new
00:32 Eternia where the power of greyskull was up for grabs I suspect those seeing eyes
00:37 might spell trouble for the rest of the masters first thing we'll do as I've
00:41 already started to do this we're gonna grab the tape measure and see how tall
00:43 the new Eternia triclops is like with most of the figures that have on average
00:47 been about seven inches triclops really being no different he's seven inches in
00:51 height or the figures about 18 centimeters tall not the first triclops
00:55 to the rodeo we did get one courtesy of the revelation line the colors at least
00:59 of the tan are a little bit lighter although they're still pretty orange the
01:02 new Eternia one I would have hoped that they could have made it a lot lighter
01:05 than what they actually did but at least it's not as orange of a tint that we did
01:09 get from revelations the armor pleasant to see that it's not using the same
01:13 molding in fact if you look at the two armors they're completely different
01:17 maybe yes the arms are shared between the two the loincloths and the and the
01:21 lower boots certainly are not glad to see that they did do a lot of retooling
01:25 and simply just didn't carry over some similar molds from one figure to the
01:28 other other figures we can also bring in from the new Eternia line here's what
01:32 the figure looks like with the recently looked at trap jaw I did also want to
01:35 bring in trap jaw because of something a couple of viewers had pointed out to me
01:39 if you happen to have well I would hope that you would still have all these
01:42 accessories the one that had the pincing mouth if you take the lower end off like
01:47 this you can actually take a trap jaws head off completely and replace the jaw
01:51 it's just a case of just attaching it there on pins on either side and then
01:55 you take the part that comes in clear with the claw attachment and fit that in
01:58 place in favor of a much more nightmarish look to his trap jaw so
02:02 instead of actually having more like the classic looking figure with a color
02:06 scheme kind of more in a pinkish purple you get a much more menacing looking
02:10 trap jaw instead just go ahead and put that back onto the figures head sculpt
02:13 here put it right over here I don't know if I will end up displaying trap jaw now
02:18 with the new jaw I still kind of like the idea of keeping the colors kind of
02:21 more closer to the vintage figures speaking of figures a couple that did
02:24 fall over in the process here's what the figure looks like with the new eternia
02:27 faker yes they'll haven't fixed the problem with the smudge on top of his
02:30 head here's what the figure looks like not with new eternia but revelation
02:33 merman because we don't have a new return your version of merman just yet
02:36 and like we had done before here's what the figure as well looks like with the
02:39 master universe origins triclops a mystery bag oh yeah we get one of those
02:43 you may have already saw me pulling that out at the beginning of this review it
02:46 contained in that bag by the way where all the things off to the side here the
02:50 thing that wasn't in there actually was one of his swords this green hilted
02:53 green guarded sword actually does have some really nice metallic finish to it I
02:57 unfortunately though I have a little bit of paint I don't know if it's actually
03:01 flaked off but you can see I got a little bit of a black maybe it's some
03:05 additional paint smudged on the end of the blade the actual plastic that they
03:08 use is fairly soft and because he now already has gripping hands on both his
03:12 forms you can wield not only this sword but also as well the sword that comes
03:16 included the bag there's some also additional storage on the back here that
03:19 you can take at least one sword for right now at least and store that on the
03:22 back of the figures body kind of again more the classic looking sword that came
03:25 included with triclops what he does have though also on this side is an
03:29 additional sword that's completely a molded different different well first
03:33 of all the guard is completely different maybe the hilt is somewhat similar you
03:36 can see like this has a little bit more of a squared off guard versus the
03:40 crescent moon guard that comes included the original sword this one also again
03:43 is made of fairly soft plastic luckily unlike this one doesn't seem to have any
03:46 smudging or paint problems now yeah I know what you're thinking I know what
03:50 you're thinking he sure can hold both swords but man it would be nice if he
03:53 could actually store both on the back of the figures body
03:55 Mattel didn't think that the figure does come also include this bandolier sash
04:00 now the sash does give now the benefit of an additional holster on the back
04:03 this just fits over top of his existing body it's a pretty soft plastic also as
04:07 well and it has some additional eyes on the front now I don't know if the eyes
04:11 work the same way as many faces remember he carried around a little locker case
04:14 that stored all the extra faces that he wasn't currently using made the joke
04:18 that he was going door-to-door selling people's faces I wonder if something is
04:21 similar here with triclops not that you can actually remove any one of these but
04:25 I wonder if these are all additional eyes that he just pulls off and then
04:27 replaces with his existing visor you have to imagine if I had a visor on the
04:31 front here none of these by the way remove they're just only merely painted
04:34 in place but you can take this sash just bring his arm up just a little bit just
04:38 enough to clear his arm and just fit that over top of his body like that I
04:42 don't think it really adds anything I mean obviously that does add something
04:45 to it but liking more the classic look to triclops I might just stick with the
04:49 idea of not having them displayed with it the benefit though of having it though
04:52 is that you can take the sword that we've already done before from before
04:55 just kind of tuck that underneath the sash you know what you kind of end up
04:58 and kind of end up getting it underneath his armor so slide one down that way and
05:02 then you can take then the other sort and slide it this way one of my biggest
05:06 worries was I thought it was gonna end up warping the sword but you can see it
05:09 stays perfectly straight and now he has storage place for at least to store
05:13 both swords I mean it's good from the back standpoint from from the front
05:16 though I don't really like the idea that he has this additional sash maybe if it
05:20 was in a different color than the bandolier wouldn't bother me as much
05:22 maybe if it was gold or maybe if it was a darker green something other than just
05:26 white because I think white just makes it look a little awkward and out of
05:29 place remove the swords for at least right now we're gonna put those off to
05:33 the side we'll remove the sashes now we'll just lift up his arm we'll just
05:36 remove this also as well I'll just put it off to the side the figure also
05:40 inside that bag by the way did come in clue with a couple of closed fists you
05:43 know again they're the exact same fist is what we got with both mechanac and in
05:47 the review of man-at-arms we also had a look at these well you didn't see those
05:50 reviews okay maybe don't check it out but don't check them out just yet stay
05:53 watch the rest of this review and then when you're done you can go back watch
05:56 the review of mechanac and man-at-arms I think they're both cool anyways you do
06:01 get a couple of closed fists I mean again these just pop out from his
06:04 existing hands that he has now the interesting thing that he also comes
06:07 included with is an additional visor I thought initially it may have been an
06:11 odd to the 2000 X series triclops but again like it's missing some of the
06:15 silver detailing on the top of it it's a little bit different from the one that
06:18 he has right now there is also a reference on the back of the packaging
06:21 for a multi visor something a triclops is able to use into the look into the
06:26 paradimensional I wonder if it's this I don't suspect it's probably the sash but
06:31 this is just a case like if you look at the figure right now the eyes are a
06:34 little bit different so like on this one you've got the larger I kind of more
06:37 akin to the original vintage toy just spin this around you've also got this
06:41 one that has the angry expression again let me just bring back in the original
06:44 triclops you guys can see started with this I right started with flip it around
06:49 flip it around flip it around we start sort of with like this I and then we get
06:52 something very similar to the red eye so again was just spin that around and then
06:57 you also get one as I keep continuing to turn his head we also have this one
07:00 which does have sort of like the lower eyebrow it's just not the same color as
07:05 the origins triclops so you get this one I think it's a little bit more closer to
07:09 the original vintage triclops but then again like if you look at this one you
07:12 can see like that the placement of the eyes or the sizing of the eyes so yeah
07:16 it still has sort of the furrowed eyebrow kind of looks like an owl's eye
07:20 it's a little bit smaller in size and again like this one if we kind of line
07:25 everything up you got a square eye and you got a triangular eye so they change
07:29 up the shape a little bit other than maybe just being the traditional shape
07:32 for eyes something that they also change is if you can see like the actual visor
07:35 has this scaling all across it I'm not a big fan of the scaling myself I wish
07:41 that we could have actually got one that had a smoother surface I wish in a way
07:44 we could have Frankenstein these two pieces together maybe taking the eyes
07:47 from this visor and maybe taking some of more the decorative details from this
07:52 visor because I like both of them but I like them for different reasons if you
07:56 didn't want to change these by the way this does rotate so you can rotate it
07:59 between the various eyes when you do rotate it it does lock in place so as
08:03 you are turning it you can feel it hits to the point of his nose and then it
08:07 clicks just like that but if you did want to change it it's just a case of
08:11 taking the visor and sliding off completely you can see that that's his
08:14 that would be his eyes underneath really some cool additional sculpting they
08:18 could have just easily left that off but the fact that they actually throw in
08:21 like a little Easter egg in there so if you do want to take it off you can see
08:24 there's something at least underneath it and then for this you just slide it over
08:27 top pop it in place I wonder if anyone has ever made a wedding ring of
08:32 triclops his eyes not that I want to be giving any ideas to anybody but again
08:36 like you have now the the eyes which again like a slightly smaller circular
08:39 eye you've got now a square eye following all again the basic shapes and
08:43 now you also got a triangle I like this I just don't know if I like the shape of
08:48 the eyes I kind of wish that they were a little bit bigger from the head sculpt
08:52 from the rest of it at least is a very different head sculpt from the one that
08:55 we got from Revelation so again I'm just gonna bring back in revelations
08:57 try cops you guys can see different face sculpt so they're not using anything new
09:01 there or they are using something new there and then again on the back of the
09:04 hair the hair is also something that's sculpted differently as well so Mattel
09:07 really did look like they had to use brand new tooling for this figure and
09:10 I'm really glad that they did the body itself is just an overlay of a plastic
09:15 armor it actually if you look at the back of the figure it snaps in place by
09:19 these two pegs you just attach these if you were to remove it you basically
09:22 would just have a new Eternia body underneath it I like the coloring of
09:25 the green and I do like that it matches the color of the visor whether you
09:28 decide to use this visor or the other one it's a nice additional gold that
09:31 they've added in there as well the loin cloth does have a little bit of a
09:34 jarring color breakup there so while you would normally be treated to like a
09:38 swamp green you get kind of more of a metallic silverish green instead I guess
09:42 they did do that so that was a little bit more of a breakup the original
09:45 triclops what I believe had well if looking at of course the origins as our
09:48 source point would have had an orange belt maybe they could have also done
09:51 something similar there as well so that the colors weren't so close in green
09:54 loincloth of course down below is a softer plastic and again down below
09:58 there you've got your traditional new Eternia boots which we have seen before
10:02 I mean if to look at the new Eternia boots they're actually a little bit
10:05 bigger than the revelation boots so they're using a different sculpt there
10:08 as well for the figures articulation similar to the other two that we've
10:12 already had a look at both mechanic and Mandarin arms all share the same similar
10:16 pose ability heads gonna be on a bold right I didn't know it's like the head
10:19 on mine at least is loose if you happen to have this figure for yourself let me
10:22 know if you've had similar issues but I'm sure I probably could tighten that
10:24 up just a little bit add a little bit of floor polish on the ball joint it's also
10:28 note as well that the coloring for his face is a different color that they use
10:31 for the rest of the plastic so it's not it's definitely a lot more orange ish
10:35 brown here in this face I wish that they had painted to match the colors a little
10:38 bit more closer the upper torso is gonna be once again on that ball joint the
10:42 lower half of his waist is also on a waist swivel you can bring those arms
10:46 out at 90 degrees there's a pennant pin and hinge joint inside there you can
10:49 take the arms and rotate them all the way around even though really like the
10:52 top of his torso armor spreads out as wise it does easily you can still clear
10:56 the arms rotate them all the way around speaking of rotating you can also rotate
10:59 the joints in the hinges in the elbow in the elbows in the ball bicep speaking of
11:04 elbows a double hinge on the elbow and hands rotate if I can get in there the
11:08 hands rotate all the way around that's what the legs the legs split out there
11:11 on ball joints there's a swivel cut three quarters the way up the thigh so
11:14 that swivels their double hinge on the again I don't know why on this leg it's
11:18 always the tighter of the two this leg is a little bit looser so the swivel
11:22 here with the boot it basically attaches to the calf ankle pivot back and forth
11:25 here ankle rocker there as well so again all the same level of articulation
11:29 between the figures went for the longest time I'm sure many people probably are
11:33 doing this as well when it comes to their mo to collection I had pretty much
11:36 this guy's my stand-in seven inch triclops and he was fine there was
11:39 nothing really wrong with the figure at all but I think like this one is a nice
11:42 upgrade similar to the same way that trap jaw trap jaw the newer one from New
11:47 Eternia was a better figure I feel than the revelation line and sort of takes
11:51 the same elements giving a different more armor that's I feel a little more
11:54 accurate to the origins line or even the vintage triclops and also as well I like
11:58 the visor a little bit more on this one than maybe on this one as well the
12:02 benefit of also this guy is the fact he does have two different can you wear it
12:05 as a ring I guess you could wear really as a ring this guy has two variations of
12:09 again his visor I still like this one but I don't really think I like the
12:13 scaling it's too lizard like for my liking but again like it gives you at
12:17 least the benefit of swapping those out if you really wanted to it's a nice
12:19 looking triclops and you know again I probably will just end up putting this
12:22 guy back away in storage and just having this guy being my primary my go-to when
12:26 it comes to displaying this guy on the shelf not really liking this sash I've
12:30 decided just to leave it off knowing final looks but moving forward when
12:32 displaying this guy on the shelf sure yes I lose some additional storage space
12:36 to store the sword but I might just end up having one sword holstered on the
12:40 back of his body and then just displaying the figure probably with more
12:43 of the crescent moon sword because I think of that more as the classic sword
12:46 for triclops when it comes also as additional visor I do like that Mattel
12:50 included two different visors one is again less scaly just happens to be the
12:55 one I've got the figure displayed with right now if again only it could been
12:58 the other way around where the tech detail could have been on the more
13:01 classic look to try clops his visor and then the one that has the smaller eyes
13:04 the one that has the basic shape eyes triangle square and circle could have
13:08 maybe been on this scaly visor just not a big fan of that one but again like
13:12 with all those additional accessories whatever I don't end up using on the
13:14 figure when it comes to displaying this guy will just ultimately go in the bag
13:17 with all the other things that I have with all these other new Eternia figures
13:21 like zodiac for example zodiac came included all these modernized parts
13:24 ultimately I just took those off they still are in a bag and I've got zodiac
13:28 on this on the shelf kind of again looking more like his classic self
13:31 between the two triclops now that's good course of course the question throw out
13:35 to you the viewing audience of the two triclops that we've gotten the
13:38 revelation and now the new Eternia which one do you think is a better-looking
13:42 figure let me know down below in the comment section if by the way you guys
13:45 are interested we like to get new Eternia triclops for yourself evil and
13:48 sees everything by the way is a little tagline below the characters bio but if
13:53 you guys are interested this guy should be available right now in retail stores
13:55 or if you have had no luck like any other Canadian collector I have had zero
14:00 luck finding any of these things new in the wild I end up having to order this
14:04 one online and I'm glad that I did if you guys did enjoy this video I want to
14:07 throw it a like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and
14:10 certainly do want to stick around for more we will be looking at some more
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14:26 guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
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