• 6 months ago
Ready to dive into the world of natural mysteries that'll give you goosebumps? We're talking about everything from the secrets lurking in Antarctica's icy depths to those mysterious holes that seem to pop up out of nowhere. Trust me, these are the kind of enigmas that'll have you scratching your head and sleeping with one eye open. So grab your snacks, settle in, and join us as we unravel the secrets of the Earth that'll leave you on the edge of your seat! Don't say we didn't warn you – these mysteries might just haunt your dreams! Animation is created by Bright Side.
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00:00So, what comes to your mind when you hear the word Antarctica?
00:05Most likely, cold, snow, ice, and penguins.
00:08Yet, this is one of the least explored regions in the world that hides many strange and unique
00:15Check them out!
00:16You don't have to go to Antarctica to see this weird thing.
00:19All you need to do is open Google Earth and move to one of the southernmost islands of
00:24Antarctica, King George Island.
00:26Recently, internet users have noticed a large and pretty strange cave entrance there.
00:32Where does this wide dark passage lead?
00:35People started making suggestions.
00:37It's the entrance to a secret base or some laboratory.
00:41This is the part of the spaceship that crashed there thousands of years ago.
00:45This is the door to the ancient city of Antarctica.
00:48Perhaps there's a giant rock mountain with an ancient cave beneath all this snow and
00:54Well, there's some ideas.
00:56Researchers have calculated the approximate dimensions of this cave.
01:00It might be about 74 feet high and 250 feet wide.
01:04You could hide a Boeing passenger jet in there!
01:07Nature probably created this entrance.
01:10This is a logical explanation, but there are two strange factors.
01:14First, take a look at the foot of the mountain.
01:16It seems that there are steps there.
01:18They're dark in color, as if they're made of stone.
01:22But if you look closely, you can notice something similar to human footprints.
01:27Has anyone entered this cave?
01:29Or maybe someone is still living there now?
01:32The second oddity is the disappearance of the mysterious finding.
01:36For the first time, people noticed it in a Google Maps snap in 2007.
01:41Then the entrance disappeared.
01:44Then it reappeared a few years later.
01:46After that, it vanished.
01:48And in 2022, people saw it again.
01:52Perhaps old snow melts, a new layer falls, and then the wind blows it away and the cycle
01:59But the alleged steps leading deep into the cave make one doubt the natural origin of
02:04this tunnel.
02:05You can easily find the coordinates on the Internet and visit the cave via Google Earth.
02:10You might see something there and tell the world!
02:13There's another strange thing people discovered with the help of Google Earth.
02:17In 2020, one user found a strange object that looked like a giant ship 100 miles off the
02:23coast of Antarctica.
02:25It was covered with ice and snow and lying on its side.
02:29It looked like a cruise ship.
02:31You could notice the windows, the deck, and the bridge.
02:34But not all people agreed with this.
02:36Some claimed it was a spaceship.
02:38Others said it was some kind of secret building.
02:42The user who first noticed the ship stated that its size was about 400 feet, which is
02:48the perfect length for a passenger vessel.
02:51But what is this ship doing in such a remote place in the middle of a glacier?
02:56How did it get here?
02:57Who was its captain?
02:58No one has found the answers to these questions yet.
03:02In 2016, people using Google Earth discovered a photo of an unknown sea monster floating
03:08off the coast of Antarctica.
03:11This creature resembled a giant squid with a length of about 200 feet.
03:15This is slightly shorter than three train cars.
03:18Just imagine this kraken swimming in Antarctica's dark, icy waters and dragging to the bottom
03:24everything it meets on its way.
03:27Maybe it's the Great and Terrible Chulu, or one of its offspring.
03:32You will quickly notice this blood-red waterfall among Antarctica's endless, dazzling white
03:38Don't worry, it's not blood.
03:40For many centuries, the waterfall has been painting snow in a bright red color.
03:45The stream flows straight out of a white iceberg.
03:48Let's look inside and find out what's happening there.
03:52Millions of years ago, there was a small, crystal-clear pond.
03:56But then a glacier formed around it.
03:58A thick layer of ice and snow blocks sunlight, heat, and oxygen access.
04:03For millennia, the reservoir remained in this cold vacuum.
04:08At one point, the water made a hole in the icy wall and broke out.
04:12When this salty water comes into contact with oxygen, it immediately turns scarlet or rusty.
04:19Antarctica is the only place where you can find such a unique natural phenomenon.
04:24One of the driest places on Earth is located in Antarctica.
04:28It's one of the most lifeless deserts in the world – the McMurdo Dry Valleys.
04:33In this desert, you won't see the scorching sun, hot sand, and cacti.
04:38A desert means a place with a lack of precipitation and life.
04:42The McMurdo Dry Valleys meet these parameters.
04:45But this place is also unique for Antarctica since you won't find glaciers there.
04:50Despite the frost, ice can't form in the desert because it hasn't rained for millions
04:54of years there.
04:55It also never snows.
04:57A strong wind coming from the mountains reaches speeds up to 200 mph.
05:03It would be difficult for you to stay on your feet there.
05:05The wind is filled with moisture.
05:07It heats up and evaporates all the liquid and snow in the desert because of its high
05:13Only dry air reaches the ground.
05:15But you can find several lakes there.
05:18They don't freeze, only thanks to the high concentration of salt.
05:22The water is so salty that large life forms can't develop there.
05:26But scientists have found microscopic organisms near the lakes.
05:31A comfortable abode with a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean Sea will serve as a perfect
05:36rain shelter.
05:38This is what a real estate advertisement might've looked like for Neanderthals 100,000 years
05:43Welcome to the weird and wonderful caves you could live in.
05:46Or not.
05:47Of course, back then, neither real estate and advertising had been invented yet.
05:52Never mind the fact that Neanderthals couldn't build houses and often lived in caves.
05:57One of those caves looks an awful lot like a residential building.
06:02It's situated inside a high limestone cape called the Rock of Gibraltar.
06:07If the Neanderthals had had an economy, the caves inside this rock would have cost a bundle.
06:13Navigators discovered it in 1907.
06:16They just spotted a big hole inside the fortified rock.
06:19For many years, scientists have studied this place and found some traces of Neanderthals.
06:25They discovered ancient tools in the cave and bones of old animals.
06:29But the coolest thing was they found four caves inside the rock.
06:34It was like a residential complex.
06:37Neanderthals lived alongside neighbors and helped each other hunt and fish.
06:41They created feather decorations and painted abstract drawings on the walls.
06:45Imagine our ancient predecessors hanging out in these caves 100,000 years ago.
06:51Now scientists hang out there and study the primeval past of Neanderthals in detail.
06:57At the end of 2021, archaeologists uncovered a gap inside one of the caves leading to an
07:03unknown tunnel.
07:04They crawled through this hole and opened a new space under the cave roof.
07:09This place has been closed off from the outside world for over 40,000 years.
07:14And it seems it was one of the most prestigious apartments in the entire mountain complex.
07:19It has high ceilings with ancient stalactites.
07:22The ruined stone curtains divided the apartment into several rooms.
07:26Scientists also found the remains of ancient animals and scratches on the walls.
07:31It seems that Neanderthals had never lived here.
07:34But they used to visit this place.
07:37Archaeologists found the shell of a sea snail called dogwhelk.
07:40One of the Neanderthals brought it here for some reason.
07:43But the primary owners of this place were hyenas.
07:47These caves show that Neanderthals were closer to humans than to monkeys.
07:52They had a way of life and even some customs.
07:55There's still a lot of work ahead, and scientists hope to find new rooms inside this rock.
08:00Meanwhile, in 2003, archaeologists discovered another early dwelling on the Isle of Flores
08:06in Indonesia.
08:08Among the green jungle, they found a cave with ancient tools.
08:12At first, everyone thought the human ancestors lived here.
08:15But then, scientists discovered an unusual skeleton of an adult.
08:19A thorough analysis showed the skeleton belonged to a 30-year-old woman, 3.5 feet tall, just
08:26above the waist of an average adult.
08:29The woman's weight was equal to the weight of an adult shepherd.
08:32The skeleton didn't belong to Neanderthals or Australopithecines.
08:36It was a new unknown species, which scientists called Homo floresiensis, or simply the Hobbit.
08:43Also, there were remains of unusual ancient animals in the cave.
08:47It was an elephant the size of a cow, some large storks, and giant rats.
08:53Archaeologists have found out that Hobbits were not the owners of this place.
08:57The main inhabitants were the rats the size of a cat.
09:00Maybe they were fighting the Hobbits?
09:03Some analysis shows that Homo floresiensis wasn't our direct ancestor.
09:07They were in a separate branch of evolution.
09:10The Hobbit skeleton looks more like that of a monkey than of modern humans.
09:14In 2009, in the dense jungle of Vietnam, archaeologists discovered Son Doan, the largest cave in
09:21the world.
09:22If you go inside the cave and shout, you'll hear your echo a long time.
09:28In some places, the height of this cave reaches half the height of the Empire State Building.
09:33And the total area is larger than one central block of New York.
09:37Son Doan is one of the three caves in the Vietnamese jungle.
09:41Many intricate mazes connect these caves.
09:44Inside, you can find unique plants and trees that live separately from the outside world.
09:49It's a real underground jungle.
09:51In some places, you can find collapsed ceilings that let the sunlight in.
09:56Besides unusual trees and plants, ancient stalactites hang there.
10:00Some limestone deposits are more than 450 million years old.
10:04They were here even before dinosaurs appeared.
10:07There are also many rivers in the cave.
10:10Rainwater coming down from holes in the ceiling has formed them.
10:13Fast streams resemble slides in a water park.
10:16They lead to unknown underground labyrinths.
10:19Scientists have studied only a small part of all these caves.
10:23The next unusual cave is in New Zealand.
10:26Hundreds of thousands of fireflies live inside.
10:29Each of them glows with a blue light.
10:31Together, they light up the cave.
10:33It may seem to you that you're on another planet, but you can't stay there for a long
10:38Special air-measuring devices are everywhere.
10:42Scientists monitor the level of carbon dioxide necessary for the normal existence of fireflies.
10:47These insects are sensitive to the environment.
10:50If there are many people in the cave, or they stay there too long, the park staff will ask
10:55them to leave the place.
10:56It's like you're literally stealing oxygen from the fireflies.
11:00We've seen some pretty amazing caves so far, but how about a scary one?
11:05We're going to the desert of Yemen's Almara province.
11:09What we're looking for is not a cave.
11:11It's just a black hole in the ground, right in the middle of the desert.
11:14It's big, the size of a basketball court.
11:17It's not its size that can scare you, but what's inside?
11:22Scientists are still not sure what it is.
11:24From the depths of this black abyss, a disgusting smell of rotten eggs constantly comes out.
11:30And sometimes you can hear some strange, frightening sounds.
11:36The blackness of the giant hole in Yemen absorbs all the sun's rays, so you won't see what's
11:41there even with a powerful flashlight.
11:44People flew over this place by helicopter.
11:47They filmed using drones and the most powerful lenses, but they didn't catch anything except
11:53It looks like a big ink spot in the middle of golden sand.
11:57The locals are afraid to approach this place.
11:59They believe the cave leads to another dimension where evil creatures live.
12:04At the moment, the giant hole in Yemen is one of the most poorly studied and mysterious
12:09phenomenon of nature.
12:11How did it appear?
12:12How old is it?
12:14Where does it lead?
12:15Scientists are trying to find the answers to these questions.
12:18You've just reached your perfect spot on a deserted beach.
12:21It's so quiet here that you start to doze off.
12:24But as you open your eyes, you are shocked.
12:28Wait a minute.
12:29Is that an actual house that's just been washed up on the shore?
12:34It may sound like the beginning of a sci-fi novel, but not if you live near this beach
12:38in El Salvador.
12:39There is a mysteriously abandoned house there that looks as if it's just been washed ashore.
12:45How did this villa end up there?
12:47How long has it been here without anyone noticing it?
12:51This mysterious construction is 46 miles south of El Salvador's capital, San Salvador.
12:58Experts say the building used to be a hotel called Puerto Ventura.
13:02At the time it was built, its main attraction was the fact that it was really close to the
13:08Unfortunately, the engineering behind it wasn't well planned out.
13:12All because locals didn't need any official permission to start the construction.
13:16The hotel was too close to the water and dangerously exposed to the elements.
13:23The Roman-style villa is now a mere 50 feet from the edge of the sea when the tide is
13:28It can only be accessed in the morning, because later, the tides fill the first floor with
13:34What's now left of the hotel looks like the ruins of a two-story house.
13:39The front part is very impressive, with Roman-type pillars.
13:43It also has wide windows on the second floor.
13:48You can still see parts of the iron structures and remains of what used to be the gateway
13:53to the second floor.
13:55There are some bleachers at the top of the building.
13:57They're sometimes used by tourists.
13:59More and more people are now browsing the area, taking photos, even though the building
14:04is obviously not safe for climbing.
14:07There's little information on how long it's been sitting in its current location, but
14:11some locals say it's been there for at least 20 years.
14:15It had remained a local secret for years before it was discovered by a TikTok user in 2021.
14:22But that doesn't answer the question, how did the hotel end up in another location altogether?
14:28This is where things become a little fuzzy.
14:31While some locals say that the building was abandoned decades ago, others claim it was
14:35deserted after Hurricane Mitch hit the area back in 1998.
14:41Hurricane Mitch was one of the most dangerous weather phenomena to ever hit Central America.
14:46During the storm, the winds traveled at 178 miles per hour, and the hurricane itself lasted
14:52for about 15 hours.
14:54It was also the cause of a huge amount of rainfall, which resulted in floods and many
14:59dangerous landslides.
15:02Being built so close to the shoreline, the former hotel had little chance of surviving
15:06the extreme weather conditions, so it must have been literally displaced.
15:12After sitting under the sun, you might start dreaming of some snowballs getting washed
15:17ashore, you know, to even out the temperature.
15:20I'm not kidding, this strange natural phenomenon did happen back in 2016.
15:26It resulted in about 11 miles of the coast of the Gulf of Ab in West Siberia getting
15:31covered with huge snowballs.
15:34Because of the low temperatures, small pieces of ice started to form in the water.
15:39Afterward, the wind and waves rolled them into giant snowballs.
15:43Some of them were the size of a tennis ball, but others were up to 3 feet wide.
15:48A 2004 Harley-Davidson night train motorcycle popped up ashore on a British Columbia beach
15:54back in 2012.
15:56It was neatly packed inside a shipping container.
15:59It took some time to do it, but the owner was eventually traced down.
16:04His name was Ikuyo Yokoyama, and he lost his motorcycle after a tsunami struck Japan
16:10on March 11, 2011.
16:13To get to its final destination, the Harley-Davidson traveled more than 4,000 miles.
16:18To celebrate its long journey, Yokoyama donated the bike to the Harley-Davidson Museum in
16:24It's been on display there ever since, in case you want to visit.
16:29This strange phenomenon made it look as if someone spilled dish soap all over the beach.
16:34But it does happen pretty often in Queensland.
16:37Sea foam covers the shore there a couple of times each year.
16:40It mostly happens after a storm, when ocean waves move dissolved organic matter around.
16:46It's basically like a giant ice cream maker.
16:49After Cyclone Debbie back in March of 2017, some beaches actually needed to be closed
16:55because of huge amounts of white foam.
16:57The wind even brought some of that foam to the nearby towns, making locals believe it
17:02was snowing.
17:04Would you be surprised to see a 6x6 foot rusty metal die washed ashore on your local beach?
17:10Because back in 2017, people in Coeur d'Alene and Idaho sure were.
17:15It turned out to be an old storage tank.
17:17Someone decided to spice it up a bit by adding some white spots to make it look like a die.
17:23That's it for today.
17:24So hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your
17:29Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
