• last year
If you're looking for a way to celebrate Earth Day, how about spending the night under the stars for the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on the night of April 21-22?


00:00After a three-month hiatus, shooting stars will return to the night sky.
00:10Catch the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on the night of April 21st to April 22nd.
00:15This shower falls on the same day as Earth Day.
00:19Celebrate the day under the starry skies as the peak of the shower will produce about 20 meteors per hour.
00:25The Lyrid's radiant point is above the constellation Lyra in the northeastern sky.
00:30You don't have to look in this direction to see the shower.
00:33However, you do have to avoid looking at a near full moon, which will compete with the Lyrids for the night sky.
00:39Heading to a dark area away from city lights will also increase your chances of seeing shooting stars.
00:45Lastly, be wary of clouds in the forecast.
00:48You can check the latest cloud forecast by visiting AccuWeather.com or by downloading the AccuWeather app.
00:53Reporting for AccuWeather, I'm Ariella Scalise.
