百格评论 | 行动党要守土新古毛 王建民:补选这场仗不好打

  • 5 months ago


00:00 The new Mao Zedong election is coming up next Saturday.
00:05 Although the ruling party has already taken root in the election area,
00:08 Wang Jianmin, a former National Assembly member,
00:10 said during an interview with Baige that
00:12 this battle is not easy.
00:14 Even if the ruling party wins,
00:16 the majority vote is not expected to exceed 1,000 votes.
00:19 Among them are three major challenges.
00:23 First, it is obvious that non-Malays
00:30 are not happy with the government's performance,
00:33 including the ruling party.
00:39 I don't know how many percent of the vote
00:43 is against the current government.
00:48 It is likely 5 to 10 percent.
00:51 But I think the more serious problem is
00:59 that the non-Malays' turnout is likely to drop.
01:04 Third, we can see that
01:07 the Malays are not happy with the current government's performance.
01:12 So it is likely that
01:14 70 to 80 percent of the votes are against the current government.
01:19 So it is likely that
01:21 the ruling party will win.
01:25 On the other hand,
01:26 will the recent religious riots affect the vote rate
01:30 and even the winning of the ruling party?
01:33 Wang Jianmin does not deny the possibility.
01:36 If the ruling party places a candidate in the race,
01:43 it can attack the current government.
01:46 If we talk about race,
01:49 we can see which party or leader is in the race.
01:53 It is the youth leadership in the WTO
01:56 who are in the race.
01:58 It is not PAS, BESATU or GRKAN.
02:01 So this issue may also affect
02:05 the non-Malay voters
02:09 or the opposition.
02:11 I do not deny that this may happen.
02:15 Wang Jianmin also said
02:17 the ruling party cannot be as free as before
02:19 as a member of the federal government.
02:22 So it is important to choose the right candidate
02:24 and the topic of the election.
02:26 The race of the non-Malay voters is not important.
02:29 If it were me,
02:30 I would provide a candidate
02:32 who already knows the local people's issues.
02:36 I would provide a candidate who already knows the local people's issues.
02:38 That is the first.
02:40 When you take him to walk around,
02:42 he is not a stranger.
02:44 Second, he should have political experience.
02:47 He can face not only the people's issues
02:52 but also the national issues.
02:54 He can also respond to them.
02:56 Third, he should have a track record.
03:00 He may be from the background of the NGO.
03:03 He may be from the background of politics.
03:06 And this track record
03:08 should have the ability to solve the people's issues.
03:13 At the same time, he can also
03:15 use the state policy
03:18 to express his ideas and directions.
03:23 If he can fit these characteristics and criteria,
03:29 I think the action party
03:31 will have more chances to retain the position.
03:36 What is the campaign message
03:38 of the action party, Ximen and the government?
03:42 We want to build a stable government
03:44 to improve our standards
03:46 and solve the people's issues.
03:48 We want to develop the local areas
03:50 from agriculture to agriculture.
03:54 This was the theme of the national government.
03:56 Now, after we form the government,
03:59 we need to find new ways
04:01 and fresh ideas
04:03 to provide new ways
04:05 to face the hardships.
04:09 (music)
