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▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌新古毛补选结果显示,巫统能成功说服马来选民将票投给倪可敏的“子弟兵”,证明了巫统非团结政府的“负资产”?

完整影片 https://bit.ly/3yoBIK4

#新古毛补选 #巫统 #希盟 #八点最热报
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00One thing for sure is that I think UMNO is back.
00:02Why I say UMNO is back,
00:05because there are worries about the Malay voters in KKB.
00:09I think a lot of analysis overlook about UMNO's position right now.
00:13We cannot disregard UMNO's role,
00:15because they have been reaching out in a small way to the Malay voters,
00:20like a futsal, football, they organise.
00:22It is very small, but again, to say that Malay voters
00:27voted for a DAP candidate, which is a Chinese candidate,
00:32and Pang is closely related to Nga Korming,
00:36which is very sensitive to the Malay.
00:39I think this has something to do with UMNO.
00:41So I guess my first view of KKB result is that UMNO is back.
00:58It is not easy to support C-Meng.
01:00So I have to say that UMNO is a strong candidate,
01:04which proves that it still has a 3-point lead.
