Sleef Poppin in the Hood! | Official Album Trailer | VentureMan Gaming Classic

  • 6 months ago
Hello and welcome to another VentureMan Classic video on the VentureMan Gaming channel!

For those who don't know, the videos labeled as "VentureMan Classic" are from many years ago, and were on now deleted channels of mine.

This VentureMan Classic short is based upon the intro skit of Episode 36 Finale Part 2 of our Dragon Ball Xenoverse series "Death of Dolphin Demigra!"

This short is based on the opening skit for the before mentioned episode, where we announced Sleef's new Scandinavian death metal album, Sleef Poppin in the Hood!, coming to stores on 12/12/3065, courtesy of Five-Star Records! BUY IT OR SLEEF WILL CRUSH YOUR BONES!!!


#VentureManGaming​ #CosmicChrisTV​ #DragonBallXenoverse #VentureMan​
