• l’année dernière


00:00 Peppa Pig, this is my little brother George, this is mummy pig and this is daddy pig.
00:09 Peppa Pig.
00:13 Desert Island.
00:16 Peppa and George are at Danny Dog's house. Captain Dog is telling stories of when he was a sailor.
00:24 I sailed all around the world and then I came home again. But now I'm back for good. I'll never get on a boat again.
00:36 Daddy, do you miss the sea?
00:39 Well, sometimes.
00:42 It is granddad dog, grandpa pig and grumpy rabbit.
00:47 Hello.
00:49 Can Captain Dog come out to play?
00:53 We're going on a fishing trip.
00:55 On a boat.
00:57 On the sea.
00:59 Ok, let's go.
01:01 But daddy, you said you'd never get on a boat again.
01:05 Oh yes, so I did.
01:08 Ok, bye bye.
01:10 Bye.
01:12 Well, there they go, off on a boat, without me.
01:18 What are you going to do now, daddy?
01:22 I'm going to get some seaweed off the house.
01:24 You don't get seaweed on houses.
01:27 No, of course not.
01:30 We'll take my boat.
01:34 Are you sure your boat's safe, grumpy rabbit?
01:38 Of course it's safe. I built it myself.
01:43 We don't need that bit. Off we go.
01:48 [Cri de la mer]
01:51 I love going fishing.
01:53 Me too.
01:55 And what do you need for a fishing trip?
01:58 Fishing rods?
02:00 No, the picnic basket.
02:03 It's very good of you to steer the boat, grumpy rabbit.
02:09 But I'm not steering the boat. I thought somebody else was.
02:14 Oh dear, no one is steering the boat.
02:19 We're lost at sea.
02:21 And look, grumpy rabbit's boat is sinking.
02:25 Don't panic! I've been in worse situations than this.
02:30 Really?
02:32 No, this is the worst.
02:35 We're saved!
02:43 But we're stuck on a desert island.
02:47 We're stuck on the sea and the sky for company.
02:50 And we haven't got any food.
02:53 I've got a chocolate bar.
02:56 Good. We should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later.
03:02 Oh dear, grumpy rabbit has eaten all the food.
03:07 What a terrible place to be stuck.
03:10 Is anyone else missing, cheese?
03:13 We've only been here five minutes, grumpy rabbit.
03:16 Je vais mettre un marque dans le sable pour chaque fois que je pense à du fromage.
03:21 Nous devons appeler pour aide.
03:27 Appeler pour aide? Quelle excellente idée!
03:32 Grumpy rabbit est très bon à crier.
03:38 Qu'est-ce que c'était?
03:41 C'était le cri de l'eau.
03:45 Quelqu'un est en trouble.
03:47 Que pouvons-nous faire?
03:49 Nous les sauverons!
03:51 Nous pouvons utiliser le bateau de grand-père l'Oiseau.
03:55 Attendez une minute. J'ai dit que je ne reviendrai jamais sur un bateau.
04:00 Mais papa, ils ont besoin de sauver.
04:03 Tu as raison. Juste une fois. Je vais faire un vol encore.
04:08 Manteau de vie!
04:10 Oui, Capitaine l'Oiseau!
04:13 Vol en cours!
04:15 Tout notre nourriture est partie. Il n'y a rien à manger.
04:21 Il doit y avoir quelque chose à manger.
04:24 Ahoy!
04:28 Hurray! Nous sommes sauvés!
04:31 Capitaine l'Oiseau a sauvé les grands-pères.
04:37 Vol en cours! Tout le monde sort de la bouteille. Au revoir tout le monde.
04:43 A plus tard.
04:45 Papa, où vas-tu?
04:47 Moi? Je pensais juste que je voyais le monde.
04:52 Mais papa, tu n'es plus un sailleur.
04:55 Non, bien sûr que non.
04:58 Laissez le saillage à nous, Capitaine l'Oiseau.
05:03 Oui, et quand ils se déchirent de nouveau, vous pouvez les sauver.
05:08 [Rires]
05:13 [Musique]
05:16 Et de bonnes nouvelles! Le nouveau livre Peppa Pig est maintenant disponible pour acheter chez les bonnes vendeurs.
05:23 (Voix de l'animatronique) "Titlus"