Surah Al-Masad - 1-5 [111] - ٱلْمَسَد

  • 2 months ago
Al-Masad of the Quran. It has 5 āyāt or verses and recounts the punishments that Abū Lahab and his wife will suffer in Hell. May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained.
المسد للقرآن. وهو مكون من 5 آيات أو آيات ويروي العقوبات التي سيعانيها أبو لهب وزوجته في الجحيم. فسدت يد أبي لهب، وفسد هو. ولن ينفعه ماله ولا ما اكتسب.