2 Kings 19 - 1 Minute Bible Study

  • il y a 6 mois
Enjoy this 1 minute Bible study of 2 Kings 19. If you want a longer study with a free video, and PDF, check out our 5 minute Bible study series on the 2BeLikeChrist YouTube channel.

The nation of Judah was under attack from the Assyrian Empire. After the king of Assyria threatened King Hezekiah and Jerusalem, Hezekiah went to Isaiah the prophet for council. Isaiah prophesied that God would save the city and humble the king of Assyria for mocking the “Holy One of Israel.” God sent an angel into the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 men of the Assyrian army. Their humbled king returned to Nineveh, where he was assassinated by his sons while worshiping in a pagan temple.
