Metallic Rouge S01E08 | Nowhere House

  • 3 months ago
As Jean arrives at his home, he runs into Rouge, Ash, and Noid, who are investigating Roy Yunghart's death. Jean leads them into a hidden basement housing recordings of Roy's memories where they learn that Rouge was actually created by Roy's assistant, Jean's "mother" Eva Cristella. She also developed a program called "Code Eve", which neutralizes Asimov's Laws, and embedded it in Rouge and the Immortal Nine. Jean then reveals that it was Roy's will that Rouge be sent after the Immortal Nine to prevent them from freeing Neans, which could result in mass chaos. As Rouge ponders this dilemma, she is confronted by the blue-haired girl, who introduces herself as Cyan, Rouge's younger sister, and challenges her but leaves after Rouge refuses to fight. Meanwhile, Alter forces, led by Silvia and Graufon, attack the Ministry of Truth to retrieve the cores of the slain Immortal Nine members. Jean's group arrives to help but Noid is accidentally killed by human forces. Rouge faces Jill and Graufon, disagreeing with their methods, and is soon joined by Eden, who introduces himself as "Jet Black Noir". However, as Rouge and Noir recommence the battle, Aerkos arrives while Cyan watches from nearby.