Yankees Bullpen Usage Rate Concerns for the Season Ahead

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Nasty Nester has got to go.
00:02 Like this road to, I think it's only going to get worse
00:05 from here because they got to go up
00:06 against Merrill Kelly today.
00:08 And you know, Cole was kind of the stop gap.
00:11 You knew every fifth game.
00:13 We've got a chance to win no matter what,
00:15 whether we hit a way, we don't have that
00:17 with the Yankees right now at all.
00:19 I don't know who that guy is.
00:21 It isn't Cortez, that's for sure.
00:23 - No, and here's the problem too,
00:25 for a bullpen that was so good last year
00:27 because you did get at least every fifth day,
00:29 the guy who's going to go seven or eight innings,
00:31 you know, or at least get into eighth.
00:33 You don't have that.
00:34 And here's the danger.
00:35 And this is just something to put in the back of your mind,
00:37 guys, as the season goes along.
00:39 When the Yankees bullpen usage rate
00:41 is the highest in major league baseball
00:42 by the time we get to Memorial Day,
00:44 because they're quickly going at four and a third
00:46 or even five innings and their bullpen's got to go
00:48 four innings every night, guess what?
00:50 Once August turns around, those dudes' arms
00:52 are going to start to go south.
00:54 When games matter, they're not going to have any juice
00:55 left in the tank.
00:56 So it's just something to put in the back of your mind
00:58 to watch how this season unfolds in the bullpen usage rate
01:01 that the Yankees are going to have to use
01:03 to keep winning ball games.
01:05 Because again, without their offense
01:08 generating six or seven runs, guess what?
01:11 They're not going to have the luxury
01:12 of leaving that starter in for an extra two or three outs
01:15 that are critical outs.
01:16 You're going to have to go to high leverage situations,
01:17 high leverage relievers, and those guys' arms
01:19 are going to get burned out pretty quickly.
01:20 So that's why, again, I'm not sitting here,
01:23 you know, like some of my colleagues and Yankee fans
01:26 talking about the resurrection of the Yankees
01:28 and everything.
01:28 Let's pump the brakes here.
01:30 You played five games.
01:31 You happened to win them all.
01:32 Remember, you trailed in four of them after six innings.
01:34 So settle down here a little bit before we start popping
01:37 champagne bottles in April.
