What THEY Don't Want YOU to know about UFO's

  • 5 months ago
Are you tired of waiting for the world's major governments (that's China, Russia, and the US) to finally tell you what they actually learned about extraterrestrial UFO's (now renamed "UAP's" by the US military) after studying the best image data available of them for about seventy years so far? Do you suspect that nothing useful will ever be revealed by the various political inquiries taking place and whistle blower testimonies? Are you convinced that NASA, a supposedly "open" civilian space program, is also quietly participating in the cover up?

The good news is that you can now skip all of those irritating delaying tactics and get the disclosure you seek right now! This video presents the details of a new book on the subject that will literally blow the lid off of all of the government secrecy surrounding the subject. For example, you will learn that the spacecraft propulsion technology exists to allow human astronauts to land on Mars in less than an hour and complete the manned (and womanned) exploration of our solar system in only a year's time. This technology will also allow a spacecraft to greatly exceed light velocity to shrink interstellar transit times to a matter of only days to weeks!

Why isn't this remarkable extraterrestrial derived technology being released now to help provide us with virtually unlimited clean energy to put a halt to Climate Change and improve every aspect of human civilization? You will find the reasons for this denial of information in the volume, but, basically, it's been decided by a very elite few that humanity cannot handle the changes that full disclosure would create. Also, THEY have other plans for the technology which involve the creation of super weapons never dreamed of before.

This book uses a quickly read question and answer format and is intended to produce a quantum leap in the reader's knowledge of the subject which will be far in advance of what the current crop of "ufologists" currently think they know! To put it bluntly, you will learn more from this single volume than you would from a thousand others on the subject!
