V2.0 - EN - 05/04/2009
PSA from yenda+germainpinpin
Watch it and share it in HD, with Vimeo:
More informations about the subject on Google News.
Made from an actual advertisement for Club Internet, in 1998.
Original TV Spot credits
Year of production: 1998
Client : Club-Internet
DIrector : Nic Mathieu
Agency : Publicis Technology (France)
(Source : CulturePub.fr)
PS. If you find any mistakes in our English translation, we will take note of it, in order to improve our message. Please leave us a comment!
PSA from yenda+germainpinpin
Watch it and share it in HD, with Vimeo:
More informations about the subject on Google News.
Made from an actual advertisement for Club Internet, in 1998.
Original TV Spot credits
Year of production: 1998
Client : Club-Internet
DIrector : Nic Mathieu
Agency : Publicis Technology (France)
(Source : CulturePub.fr)
PS. If you find any mistakes in our English translation, we will take note of it, in order to improve our message. Please leave us a comment!