• last year
00:00 We don't spare our relatives, we don't spare our own family, we don't spare our own selves.
00:05 Why will we spare the animal?
00:06 Why will you want to show even basic mercy to the animal,
00:11 if extending mercy reduces the productivity of that animal resource?
00:17 We are greedy people.
00:18 I'll do everything to get more milk,
00:21 which means I have to keep her constantly pregnant,
00:24 which means I have to artificially inseminate her.
00:27 Even at the time of slaughter, you will slaughter the animal in the worst possible way,
00:33 provided that worst possible way is financially beneficial to you.
00:37 Is that not so?
00:38 You just have to Google or search for videos and you will get it.
00:42 Giving an animal painless death requires an additional two minutes.
00:46 Why will I spend even those additional two minutes, even in the moment of slaughter?
00:52 So, it's obvious what we are doing to the animal and they don't have a voice,
00:55 So they won't never come out on their own to narrate their story.
