• last year
Leeds woman Sophia Harris, who was trapped in the cycle of renting, said sky-high fees made it feel "impossible" to save for a house deposit.

She described the challenging obstacles faced by renters, like huge rental costs, expensive deposits for homes, and the hidden costs like lawyer’s fees.

It comes as National World launches 'Project Peter Pan', a campaign highlighting the plight of hard-working young renters across the country who feel unable to buy their own homes as a result of various pressures, including the cost of living crisis.


00:00 My name is Sophia Harris and I am a nutrition coach, food relationship coach
00:05 and I live in East Leeds. I think the cost of living as we know is absolutely
00:12 ridiculous and just keeps continuing to rise it seems and then rental costs,
00:18 household bills, I feel that for people to be able to rent and live and pay for
00:24 everything that they need to do it would then make saving extremely difficult if
00:29 not impossible for a lot of people. It was because I was just aware that the
00:37 rent was basically paying somebody else's mortgage and I'd have been rather
00:41 obviously paying my own so yeah it was a concern. I think making property more
00:49 affordable, some way of reducing the cost of rent and reducing deposits, I know
00:57 there are various schemes but it seems to be that actually when you read the
01:00 small print on them a lot of them are too good to be true and there's certain
01:05 clauses and things that you're tied into and so I think looking at more affordable
01:11 mortgages and reducing deposits that are needed for people to be able to get on
01:16 the property ladder and fees as well like fees to buy properties are ridiculous.
