
  • 6 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌首相会不会将4月12日额外宣布为开斋节特假?大家的“5天连休”计划可能“碰钉”咯!

主持 | @celes 美伶

#开斋节 #CUEPACS #安华 #工作精神
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00 This year's opening festival is expected to be on April 10th and 11th, which is also the 12th of Friday.
00:05 Will the government make it a special holiday so that everyone can enjoy one more day of holiday?
00:09 Think about it, let's listen to how the Prime Minister responds.
00:12 We have to be motivated to work.
00:16 We have to be motivated to work.
00:18 Be motivated to work, don't just think about holidays every day.
00:21 On Thursday night in Anhua, at the Changming opening banquet held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development,
00:26 some journalists asked if there was a question about whether April 12th was listed as a special holiday.
00:31 They gave a very concise response.
00:34 Some people may be confused after listening.
00:37 Because it seems that there will be no additional holiday.
00:40 If you are also good at calculating, give yourself a five-day long vacation.
00:45 In addition to the public holiday of April 10th, Wednesday and April 11th, Wednesday and Thursday,
00:48 you can ask for a day off, which is April 12th.
00:52 Plus, you can enjoy a five-day holiday on Saturday.
00:55 Don't fantasize about the public holiday of the day.
00:58 The Prime Minister's response, the National Civil Service and Civil Service Workers' Association QPEX also agreed.
01:03 QPEX Secretary General Adul Rahman said during a free and exciting Damascus visit,
01:06 Considering that civil servants have already enjoyed many public holidays before this,
01:10 there is no need to provide additional holidays for civil servants during the opening festival.
01:15 If you really need a holiday, he suggested that civil servants apply for a year's leave.
01:19 He added that it was not practical to implement a home office on April 12th.
01:23 Because in fact, everyone is still busy with the festival,
01:26 which causes many jobs to be unable to be completed.
01:28 Do you agree with the special holiday of April 12th?
01:31 Do you think one more holiday is one more joy?
01:34 Or as Anhua said,
01:35 "Working properly does not affect work efficiency."
01:38 Welcome to leave a message below.
01:40 If you like this video,
01:41 please share it to let more people know.
01:43 Remember to follow Reddit and Facebook to follow more domestic and foreign news.
01:46 (electronic music)
01:49 you
