• last year
Bawaslu Tegaskan Residen Jokowi Tak Langgar Netralitas Saat Pemilu
00:00 [Music]
00:03 Chairperson of the RRI Rahmat Bagja, in the parliamentary election
00:08 in the Constitutional Court on March 28,
00:13 said President Joko Widodo did not violate neutrality
00:17 during the 2024 election.
00:19 That was stated as an answer to the petitioners,
00:23 namely the national team Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar,
00:27 Nas Amin team and the national team TPN Ganjar Mahfud,
00:32 who suspected the intervention of the authorities, including the president,
00:36 in defeating Prabowo Gibran.
00:39 Rahmat admitted that the RRI representative received a report
00:43 of President Joko Widodo's allegations of violating the basis of the election neutrality,
00:47 namely when visiting the Serang Banten office and distributing social assistance to the Bansos.
00:53 However, the report was not continued.
00:57 In connection with President Joko Widodo,
01:02 it is suspected of violating the neutrality basis when visiting the Serang Banten office
01:06 with a banner depicting the 02 page,
01:09 with the continuation of the meeting status or the report of the research results
01:13 on the report number 001 2024 on January 18, 2024,
01:17 was not continued because the report did not contain elements of the election violation.
01:22 Rahmat added that the president's report to the Bansos
01:27 that all the provinces of Banten have issued research results on the report
01:32 and the results were not continued because it did not meet the elements of the election violation.
01:38 From Jakarta, Sucinur Hariza, Pradana Putra, Tampi,
01:42 Berita Antara News Agency reported.
01:46 What is this?
01:47 What is this?
01:49 The report is not continued.
01:51 The report is not continued.
