• last year
Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan tanggapannya usai Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) RI merampungkan rekapitulasi suara tingkat nasional Pemilu 2024.
00:00 President Jokowi Dodo gave his statement on the vote recapitulation in the 2024 General Election,
00:07 which was convened by the General Election Commission on Wednesday, March 20.
00:12 Jokowi, after a visit to Pontianak, West Kalimantan on March 21, said that the completed vote recapitulation should be thanked.
00:21 He also expressed appreciation to the KPU as a voter sponsor and related parties,
00:27 especially considering all the processes went well and on time.
00:31 We should be grateful for the counting process, the vote recapitulation and the counting of votes.
00:43 Last night, it was completed and carried out by the KPU.
00:49 I really appreciate the process.
00:57 Previously, the General Election Commission set the number of votes counted by all the voters.
01:03 In the presidential election, the candidates No. 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakyabumingraga
01:09 received the most votes, with 96,214,291 votes.
01:14 Meanwhile, the candidates No. 1, Anies Paswedan and Mohamad Iskandar
01:19 received 40,971,906 votes.
01:23 And the candidates No. 3, Kanjar Pranowo and Mahfud Md
01:27 received 27,040,878 votes.
01:31 [Local News Agency of Indonesia]
01:41 [Local News Agency of Indonesia]
