Personas vulnerables abandonadas en Cuba

  • 5 months ago
Personas vulnerables abandonadas en Cuba
Bárbara de la Caridad Pérez, residente en Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, denuncia que siendo una mujer enferma que vive con su padre anciano y su hijo no vidente, no recibe ningún tipo de ayuda por parte del gobierno. Denuncias campesinas.


00:00 I am Ibelicia Costa, a member of Cuba Democrática and I am here to expose...
00:06 Madam, tell me your name.
00:08 Barbara de la Caridad Perez Ferra.
00:10 Barbara Caridad, show me your situation.
00:12 From the house.
00:14 From the house and the situation, we are going to put it there.
00:16 And you told me that you are blind, losing your sight for a long time.
00:21 They operated on me 7 or 8 years ago.
00:24 8 years.
00:25 They operated on me.
00:26 This eye, I have not closed it.
00:28 I don't see with the eye.
00:30 You told me that you have a blind son.
00:32 Yes.
00:33 And what other situation do you have with your father?
00:35 My father is always blind.
00:37 My father is over 80 years old.
00:39 Look at him.
00:40 He is walking on the street.
00:42 A little light does not enter here.
00:43 No social assistance?
00:44 Nothing.
00:45 Nothing.
00:46 Look, here is a cold.
00:48 Yes, look at this, it is broken.
00:50 And the house gets wet, you also told me.
00:52 No, they gave us a little fiber.
00:54 They gave you a little fiber.
00:55 Yes, they put a little fiber.
00:56 So, Titi, there is no TV here.
00:58 Well, you are watching.
00:59 There is no TV.
01:00 And the fundamental thing you told me, there is no social assistance from anyone, the delegate, no one.
01:04 No, no, no.
01:05 No one has come here.
01:06 I have not done anything, my life, nothing.
01:07 Oh, boy.
01:08 Some vulnerable people like you with problems of sight, of the third age, all those things.
01:14 Look, I did everything, look.
01:15 Yes.
01:16 So, here, let's say, I'm asking for a lemon.
01:21 Lemon, that's right.
01:22 In your situation.
01:23 I'm asking for a lemon.
01:24 They are vulnerable people.
01:25 What do you do with that situation you have?
01:27 And the current, my daughter, and the situation of the current.
01:29 You have to cook with firewood, for sure.
01:31 With firewood, go back there.
01:32 With firewood.
01:33 I cook with firewood.
01:34 With firewood.
01:35 Because I don't have a little equipment, I don't have anything.
01:36 Nothing, they haven't given you anything.
01:37 Nothing, but with what am I going to buy?
01:39 With what money?
01:40 And they are going to buy you, who have no dollars, they don't earn anything.
01:43 No, no, no, we don't earn anything.
01:46 Likewise.
01:47 Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:49 To what falls from heaven.
01:50 From heaven.
01:51 You help, speaking psychologically, like.
01:53 So my son, listen, is blind.
01:56 He is blind too, you told me.
01:58 Blind, that look, he doesn't even see the phone number.
02:00 So he is with a friend, carrying a little merchandise, more or less.
02:05 Yes, yes.
02:06 Looking for something.
02:07 Yes, then, they have to bring him here.
02:11 To survive, because he is married to a woman, with a little girl of one year.
02:16 But she can't work.
02:18 If she could work, if I could take care of that girl, I would take care of her.
02:23 Exactly.
02:24 How am I going to take care of that girl when that girl is going to go back there and I don't see her.
02:27 And for the candle, tell me, if there are dangers here in the field, if an example.
02:31 To light the candle?
02:32 Yes, I want to tell you.
02:33 My father doesn't light it.
02:34 Ah, well, your father sees better.
02:36 My father does see better, more or less, you understand me.
02:39 So these days he planted a pumpkin back there.
02:42 Let's see the little fire there, there, show it.
02:46 Yes, let's see it.
02:48 Look, look at this.
02:52 Look how she has to walk, look.
02:55 To the tent.
02:56 To the tent, look, grabbing the walls.
02:58 Of course, son, if I don't see anything.
03:00 Look, look.
03:01 There.
03:02 There where they cook.
03:03 With two stones.
03:04 Vulnerable people, with the age they are, tell me.
03:06 And without any economic help of any kind.
03:09 Of nothing, here of nothing.
03:10 That's why we reporters have to exist to show the reality of social cases.
03:14 Of nothing.
03:16 Look, of nothing.
03:17 This is not easy, my son.
03:18 Of nothing.
03:19 And there is no medical help either.
03:20 Of nothing.
03:21 And another thing, what do you do with the bread mess and the situation that bread has?
03:25 A little bread only for my father.
03:26 For my father.
03:27 I only keep it for tomorrow.
03:28 Because he is the oldest person here.
03:29 Yes, I only keep it for tomorrow.
03:31 Look, today, as the bread came twice a day, today he has not eaten anything.
03:35 He has not had breakfast.
03:36 He has not had breakfast, my son.
03:37 And milk, not to mention that price, which is almost 200 pesos a liter.
03:40 This is not easy.
03:44 This is a report from Jovelencia Costa for ADN Cuba.
03:47 ADN Cuba.
03:48 ADN Cuba.
03:49 ADN Cuba.
03:50 ADN Cuba.
03:50 (music fades)
