Bishop of St Davids speaks at Pembroke Street Pastors AGM

  • 6 months ago
Senedd Member Samuel Kurtz, Mayor Aden Brinn and the Bishop of St Davids were among the guests at the well-attended Street Pastors AGM at Pembroke Town Hall.
Thanking the Street Pastors for their “very important ministry,” Rt Rev’d Dorrien Davies said: “I rejoice that you are there; I lament that you have to be there.
00:00 I'm passing David and myself to thank the street pastors for the tremendous work that you're doing here in Pembroke Town.
00:10 It's a very important ministry, especially to younger people who sometimes lose themselves when they go out to enjoy themselves.
00:21 I rejoice that you are there. I lament that you have to be there.
00:27 But the fact is, you are there and you make a huge difference.
00:32 And I'm sure that you perhaps are totally aware that at some time or another you may have saved somebody's life.
00:42 And of course, the possibility of saving somebody's soul.
00:48 I'm very kind of the words of Jesus, and this is particularly to do with those of you who have and are contributing as street pastors.
00:58 "Let your light so shine before people that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."
01:09 I have had experience with the street pastors in Comfort West when I was a councillor for the venture in Cathedral.
01:17 And it was, may I say, an eye opener.
01:22 And as a parent of young men as they were then, who were just like everybody else,
01:32 didn't help them at all when I reminded them and said, "Don't forget whose sons you are."
01:39 [laughter]
01:42 Went straight over their heads.
01:46 But it was and is a great comfort to know that if they were in need or if something had gone wrong,
01:58 you good people would have been there.
02:01 And more than that, would have given them the dignity that sometimes in the situation they find themselves, they lose.
02:10 And so I am so grateful to you. And as Bishop of this diocese, I commend you.
02:18 I will continue to pray for you.
02:21 Please note that I will be praying for you on a regular basis in Pisa, Spain.
02:26 And I look forward to the opportunity, and I hope that that opportunity will come very soon,
02:32 when I'd like to come and join you and help you.
02:38 And I will help you as well in a momentary way.
02:41 I'll send you a check to support your work.
02:46 Thank you very much.
