Daripada 3️⃣ bazar Ramadan ni, agaknya Nadhir ada dekat bazar manalah petang ni..
Salam Ramadan Nadhir & fans #LuckyFighters
#majalahremaja #remaja #remajamalaysia
#nadhirnasar #heroremaja #raya2024 #heroremaja2020
Salam Ramadan Nadhir & fans #LuckyFighters
#majalahremaja #remaja #remajamalaysia
#nadhirnasar #heroremaja #raya2024 #heroremaja2020
00:00 Fasting is easy to resist thirst and hunger
00:05 But the most important is fasting of the heart
00:08 This year's Ramadan, I'm very excited for...
00:13 It's very cliche to be in the Ramadan market
00:16 This year I heard a lot of few cities like TDI
00:21 You know, a lot of people will be doing business this year
00:24 And I'm very very excited
00:25 I want to meet you at the Ramadan market
00:27 Where should I go?
00:28 Okay, where should I go?
00:30 I'm serious, I'm not lying
00:31 I'm serious
00:32 Ramadan market
00:34 Datuk Arun Park
00:35 TDI Ramadan market
00:39 And also Shalam Ramadan market
00:42 Who wants to give you a gift?
00:47 Kuih Raya?
00:48 What Kuih Raya?
00:48 Kuih Raya?
00:49 I like...
00:51 I can't keep all of my Kuih Raya
00:52 Not dry Kuih Raya
00:53 The Kuih Raya that I like is...
00:56 Ondeh-ondeh
00:57 Kuih Lopeh
01:01 Badak Berendam
01:02 All of those are Kuih Raya that you have to make and eat
01:04 Okay, the Kuih Raya that I keep is London's Almond
01:07 London's Almond
01:08 Hi, Assalamualaikum
01:09 I'm Nady Nasar
01:10 And I want to say happy fasting
01:12 And Salam Ramadan to all of you
01:14 The viewers and the readers
01:16 Please, don't be too obsessed with your thirst
01:19 When you go to the Ramadan market
01:22 Because sometimes during our fasting time
01:25 Our thirst increases
01:26 We want to buy everything
01:28 Oh yes
01:29 [Music]