LISTEN: Juan Watterson SHK accuses Julie Edge MHK of 'challenging his authority' during Keys sitting

  • 6 months ago
LISTEN: Juan Watterson SHK accuses Julie Edge MHK of 'challenging his authority' during House of Keys sitting on Tuesday morning
00:00 inane, and the use of the word inane is quite significant. I think we'll move on
00:07 from that and focus on the question which is about the inaccuracies in the
00:10 Health Services Consultative Committee please Mr. Thomas. On the 31st of
00:14 October the word used about the inaccuracies in this report was
00:23 egregiously incorrect. Does the Minister really mean that the conduct of the
00:27 HSSC lay members... Mr. Thomas I'm going to stop you there because we're going to get
00:30 into matters of conduct and I've told you that that is not something that I'm
00:33 willing to accept today. I'm not going to have anyone's conduct challenged and I
00:38 emailed members yesterday to remind them of this and I'm going to be quite firm
00:42 about it. Now final supplementary, I know you've had your opportunity for three
00:46 questions Mr. Thomas, final supplementary Ms. Edge. Thank you Mr. Speaker I'm glad
00:50 to see that you're putting the rules down today, you don't always but...
00:56 Honourable Member, Honourable Member, Honourable Member, resume your seat, resume your seat Honourable Member.
01:01 I'm afraid you don't because you're going to challenge the chair you're not
01:04 going to be entitled to ask questions. I do always apply the rules, I apply them
01:09 equally and fairly to all members and I'm not having the chair's authority
01:13 challenged. That was a direct challenge to the chair's authority.
01:17 So we will move on, we will move on. No I am not giving you the chance after that
01:21 to ask your question. We will move on to question nine and I call on Mr. Thomas to
01:27 ask his question. Thank you very much Mr. Speaker.
