Men take shirts off for punch-up amid busy traffic in lawless London

  • 3 months ago
Two men were filmed taking their shirts off and fighting each other in the middle of traffic on a busy high street in ‘lawless’ London.

Shocked eye-witnesses told how the thugs punched and yelled at each other, before bystanders intervened and tried to separate them.

One man stayed in the road – causing passing cars and buses to honk at him – before he was eventually dragged away from the scene by his friends.

The violent incident, which took place on Streatham High Road in south London, was captured on camera by local resident Kenneth Cooke.

The 70-year-old was at home when he heard shouting from outside.

“It was mid-afternoon, and I heard a lot of yelling going on outside,” Mr Cooke explained.

“So, I looked out my window and two guys with their shirts off were punching each other in the middle of the road.

“Lots of people were trying to break them up.”

Mr Cooke said the pair had been separated by the time he started filming – but he did capture some of the aftermath.

“They were yelling and lots of buses and cars were honking.

“Eventually, one of them was dragged away by his friends – and the other guy tried to kick a motorcycle over three times before the rider pulled out what looked like a blade.

“Everyone then scattered and he rode off.”

Londoners have reacted with dismay to the incident, commenting their thoughts below the video which was posted on community website NextDoor.

Dave Hamilton wrote: “Broken, violent Britain – no surprises here. Spineless politicians, weak sentencing, absent policing.”

Elaine Chambers added: “We are slowly becoming a lawless state where people have no regard for others.”

And Majella McCaffrey said: “The world’s gone mad. Especially since lockdown, people’s anger has gone through the roof.”

Others questioned the reason the men had undressed, with Roy Evans commenting: “It’s shocking enough that they’re brawling.

“But what’s their need to strip off?”

Meanwhile, Féa Erzi tried to see the positive side of things, writing: “Well, at least no knives were involved.”